Woah. Let's slow down here. Some things to consider about the current shitstorm.
-I use a modified D20 system. You're a meat shield so long as you have hit points and make your fortitude saves. My wound system for higher-levelled (6+) characters is as follows:
Full to 3/4HP: No penalties
3/4 to 1/2HP: -2 to all checks (Injured)
1/2 to 1/4HP: -4 to all checks (Screwed)
1/4 to 5HP: -6 to all checks (Incapacitated)
<5HP: -8 to all checks (Dying)
Tanks are no longer indestructible. The law of averages says even if you're The Punisher, those penalties are going to catch up to you in the end.
Anyhoo. I digress. The situation is a major clusterfuck that I will hopefully clear up this evening.
Alright, I think I have sufficiently edited the aforementioned post to keep with the current chain of events while also segueing into the dialogue between Brian and Yuri.
In truth, the question regarding the radio was mostly retorical. Of course, part of me really wonders what a guy like Brian is going to do when he gets no answer. Of course, Mikhail might speak up for a change. Yuri was pretty much counting on him (as the other non-ordinary joe) to handle things inside the buiding, and he's been strangely inactive.
As for the system, roleplaying systems are notoriously unable to handle anything like realistic combat. D20 is just one particularly bad example thereof (in my opinion). Unfortunately, for a gritty genre like this, it seems to have particular difficulty. I tend to consider D20 to be more "pulpy" - like Savage Worlds, only moreso. I know there are alternate ways of handling damage in D20 (I actually own a copy of M&M, though I've never played it), and it's good to know that you're using one.
Just so everyone knows, I'm not hacked off or anything. Somewhat mystified, and having some trouble reconciling what's happening in-character with some of the OOC posts, but that kind of thing happens a certain amount in any online game. Primarily, I am trying to play a character that sounded like a "bad ass" as though he actually were one. Of course, it's possible that he is far less of one than I understood him to be. Remains to be seen, I suppose.
Dude, not to open up that particular barrel of monkeys, but that's why Artis tries to run people over. It's easier to switch over to common sense when you get by a speeding car than when there's rules for stuff like bullet wounds.
Quote: from fanchergw on 6:32 pm on Dec. 8, 2004
In truth, the question regarding the radio was mostly retorical. Of course, part of me really wonders what a guy like Brian is going to do when he gets no answer. Of course, Mikhail might speak up for a change. Yuri was pretty much counting on him (as the other non-ordinary joe) to handle things inside the buiding, and he's been strangely inactive.
As for the system, roleplaying systems are notoriously unable to handle anything like realistic combat. D20 is just one particularly bad example thereof (in my opinion). Unfortunately, for a gritty genre like this, it seems to have particular difficulty. I tend to consider D20 to be more "pulpy" - like Savage Worlds, only moreso. I know there are alternate ways of handling damage in D20 (I actually own a copy of M&M, though I've never played it), and it's good to know that you're using one.
Just so everyone knows, I'm not hacked off or anything. Somewhat mystified, and having some trouble reconciling what's happening in-character with some of the OOC posts, but that kind of thing happens a certain amount in any online game. Primarily, I am trying to play a character that sounded like a "bad ass" as though he actually were one. Of course, it's possible that he is far less of one than I understood him to be. Remains to be seen, I suppose.
Spycraft in particular is known for this...tends to be oriented more towards cinematic, rather than realistic combat. It's why most hand to hand characters are well...ninja-esq...rather than just ordinary pub-fight types.
As for what Brian will do...we'll see. It'll be an interesting bit of character development depending on which way it goes. Brian currently tries to keep himself clearly in the realm of "One of the Good Guys", but situations have driven better men than he over to the other side (see SAS: Various operations in Northern Ireland).
-Brian is NOT down. He would be in the "Injured" category of the wound table.
-Mikhail is roughly 20m from Brian's position.
-Yes, Brian failed his notice roll. That and the fact he's bleeding helped helped him get found.
The chap who decided to escalate gets a burst to the chest. Currently in a world of hurt, but if I am, so is he. Burning drama points etc. accordingly. I want him to very much regret what he just did, and for Yuri to know he very, very much means business.
Still had the gun in my hand and the like, so I figure a proper spin and fire move that makes Spycraft a game that warms my shriveled little heart, might be in order. Either that, or a turning long arm burst.
This battle was alot more frantic than the one at the villa.
Punkey, don't feel too bad. It's kind of a right of passage to have your first character waylayed by NPCs. And with the exceptions of Gatty and ADS everyone's lost a character; the former I feel has a streak of incredibly dumb luck, the latter years of experience playing my games. At least your guy is still breathing with only a few broken bits and a non-lethal GSW.
Gordon, I swear the pace of the battle was nearly psychotic. I couldn't believe the amount of posting that went on today. That gunfight would have normally have taken the better part of a week to finish. Let's just be thankful it's about over.
It's not the getting-my-ass-kicked thing, I was more or less counting on some covering fire to save my ass. It's just the crit on the first attack that makes me rail against the heavens and the stars above.
Oh, ask ADS about getting criticalled on the first round of combat. It rarely happens in games I run, but it's become a staple of our monthly D&D group. He usually gets knocked out and spends the rest of combat trying to recover. You at least put up a fight.