Sorry to be slow posting today. Very busy here at work.
Damn, that's some fine shootin', Crazy. Your spinning spray seems to have chewed up Yuri's best friend pretty good.
Of course, he ain't gonna be happy about that...
OOC: XIV - As in Louis XIV, minus the powered wig and frilly
Full-auto starts getting really nasty when you're high level. For every four above the number needed to hit, you roll the damage die again.
Brian's initial 1d10 of damage escalated into 3d10. The door resisted, but it wasn't enough to stop it all.
Brian's initial 1d10 of damage escalated into 3d10. The door resisted, but it wasn't enough to stop it all.
Never doubt the MP5.
You know, I thought Yuri put a bullet into Moten. Seems to me he should have more to worry about than just the torn shoulder.
Quote:Actually, you did more damage to his shoulder.Quote: from fanchergw on 7:36 pm on Dec. 9, 2004
You know, I thought Yuri put a bullet into Moten. Seems to me he should have more to worry about than just the torn shoulder.

3WP > 5VP
Sometimes I wonder just what is "covert" about a bright red sports car in freaking Novosbirsk, but then... it really has ejector seats!
Quote:You know, I was wondering the same thing...Quote: from admiralducksauce on 6:54 am on Dec. 10, 2004
Sometimes I wonder just what is "covert" about a bright red sports car in freaking Novosibirsk...
A more fitting name would be Carmageddon Operations Battle & Recon Automobile. 

Team Artis, what's the plan?
Take the car, pick up some high-class russian entertainment, take 'em back to the Knight Rider truck...
Oh. I guess we should find Jess first. Do we have contact with Brian, let him know we're on site and ready to move out?
Oh. I guess we should find Jess first. Do we have contact with Brian, let him know we're on site and ready to move out?
Quote:Hmmm...he's currently not being shot at, so YES! Give him a call, I'm sure he's looking forward to tell you what a great time he's been having in Siberia.Quote: from admiralducksauce on 10:30 am on Dec. 10, 2004
Oh. I guess we should find Jess first. Do we have contact with Brian, let him know we're on site and ready to move out?
God, I've had a shitty day. On top of everything else that has gone wrong, I've spent the last 3 hours trying to get my prescription filled. And as it's a heart medication, it's not really optional.
Now that I'm settled in back at the hotel with a full bottle of meds, let's see if I can't do a little posting...
Now that I'm settled in back at the hotel with a full bottle of meds, let's see if I can't do a little posting...
Well, I suppose the weekend can only get better from here. It's a good thing we lulled back to our sporadic posting.
Is everyone staying with Yuri while he conducts his investigation? I mean, he's not exactly holding you at gunpoint, but he's probably your best lead as to where the hell Jess went.
I'll be around for most of the weekend, so we should be able to make some progress.
Is everyone staying with Yuri while he conducts his investigation? I mean, he's not exactly holding you at gunpoint, but he's probably your best lead as to where the hell Jess went.
I'll be around for most of the weekend, so we should be able to make some progress.
Moten's intuition is telling him Yuri's definitely not giving him and Brian all the info on the situation.
Ooh, deceit!
I should point out to the studio audience that travel via road in Siberia in the middle of Winter is laughable at best. You could conceivably do it, but you'd need a truck with a significant...wait, you guys actually do have that. It'll be a long-ass haul, but it's doable.
Distances in km from Novosibirsk:
At best, you'd be able to travel at 70kmh. If you pull the Bond Car via trailer, drop your speed to 50kmh. This is also not factoring in snowdrifts, jack-knifed tankers, and the always-present threat of the Trans-Siberian police.
Most sane people travel by the Trans-Siberian railroad. The same trip to Krasnoyarsk (factoring in stops and such) could be made in about 6-7hrs.
Distances in km from Novosibirsk:
At best, you'd be able to travel at 70kmh. If you pull the Bond Car via trailer, drop your speed to 50kmh. This is also not factoring in snowdrifts, jack-knifed tankers, and the always-present threat of the Trans-Siberian police.
Most sane people travel by the Trans-Siberian railroad. The same trip to Krasnoyarsk (factoring in stops and such) could be made in about 6-7hrs.
And leave behind the heavy artillery?
Hell no.
Hell no.

I'll let that "Russian IP address" thing slide, Dieter.

Quote:Shit. What horrible interweb faux pas did I just commit?Quote: from Punkey on 12:56 pm on Dec. 13, 2004
I'll let that "Russian IP address" thing slide, Dieter.
Can we get the cars loaded on the train? Either that, or get the Agency to ship the cars over?