OOC: XIV - As in Louis XIV, minus the powered wig and frilly

punkey 2004-12-08 20:05:30
Vicious sack punch, then draw my gun next turn.

(unless I can draw my gun and shoot him instead. I'm just trying to open up an opportunity to shoot him.)

(Edited by Punkey at 12:08 pm on Dec. 8, 2004)
Dieter 2004-12-08 20:23:12
Ok, the Russian would have had you dead-to-rights if you first tried to go for your gun...hence the punch to the nutsack.

Damn, I knew it was coming but just not that quickly. The Russian basically was just trying to do a manuever to get you into a handcuffing posture, but instead seperates your shoulder to boot.

3WP. Yes, it was a critical.

The Russian is now behind you and you've got your pistol out. I'm going to rule that all this is happening at once as both of you just start frantically trying to get the upper hand.
CrazyIvan 2004-12-08 21:24:04
Brian's gonna do a sound check...if the Russians sound like they're all excited and edgy like "Oh shit, I just saw the dude we're looking for! Ivan, get your ass over here and draw your gun!", going to crouch and wait for them to come to him.

If they're trying to remain quiet and/or continuing their search, I figure a braced shot from the floor, again going to *disabling shots*. Brian doesn't want to kill anyone today, but this absurd little standoff needs to end quickly.

'cept maybe that Yuri punk who started all this with his "quiz and cancer stick" shenanigans.

(Edited by CrazyIvan at 3:25 pm on Dec. 8, 2004)
CrazyIvan 2004-12-08 21:33:45
Also, as soon as one become um...available...grabbing a radio.

something along the lines of "Just how many more of your men do you want in the hospital today Ivan? Call your boys off and we'll talk about this like civilized people."
Dieter 2004-12-08 21:38:11
Ivan, I should point out that while for the mostpart everyone you encounter is a seasoned veteran of the spygame, these cops are average-joes. They make less money a month than the zit-faced teenager working the drive-thru at Wendy's.
Dieter 2004-12-08 22:20:42
Jeebus. Don't fuck with the FBI, kids.

Gordon, I'm not sure how much longer you can work over poor Moten. He just seems to not want to submit. Although the law of averages says that he's bound to miss a FORT save sooner or later.
CrazyIvan 2004-12-08 22:25:52
Dieter, I know, that's what I'm banking on...the cops having a feeling of being outclassed and the like. Promotes a willingness to talk, I'm hoping.

Alright, going to channel Brian's counter-terrorism training. Advancing on the two uniforms, gun at ready but not pointed at them. Calming tones, motioning for the man to hand me his radio, making it clear that I'm not going to kill him. Man's not paid enough to die, I figure, and might be willing to do what he's told.
Gatac 2004-12-08 22:27:27
Willpower means shit when you're spending a week getting your bones reassembled.

Thou art not Superman; FBI agents take notice. :)

Gatac 2004-12-08 22:30:04
Your trigger finger still works, that's all that matters. :)

I have the feeling this all went "amuck amuck amuck..."
Dieter 2004-12-08 22:31:17
Punkey just better hope the ammo holds out long enough to kill him. ;)
Gatac 2004-12-08 22:35:16
Oh, come on, Yuri! Are you just gonna stand there and try to beat him up while he's shooting you? Bust a cap in his ass.

CrazyIvan 2004-12-08 22:35:35
Part of me wanting to impress upon Yuri my ability to pretty much make it awkward to explain to his boss why he got a good portion of the police force shot up, and why he should call them off...

From Brian's perspective, it means he calls them off before the big guys who don't fall under the "Goons" catagory show up. It has a handy, meta-game side effect of hopefully bringing the pounding of our fair federal agent to a halt.
CrazyIvan 2004-12-08 22:38:59

Quote: from Gatac on 4:35 pm on Dec. 8, 2004
Oh, come on, Yuri! Are you just gonna stand there and try to beat him up while he's shooting you? Bust a cap in his ass.


You're not helping. ;)

On the other hand, since it is two PC's, it is kinda like watching a monkey knife-fight.


(Edited by CrazyIvan at 4:39 pm on Dec. 8, 2004)
fanchergw 2004-12-08 22:48:20

I think we really need to keep in mind who knows what. Brian is in the middle of the building advancing on a couple of cops. He has no way of knowing what's going on outside.

Similarly, Yuri is in the middle of the fist-fight, and has gotten no reports from Mikhail or any of the men. Other than the one sniper who was shot, he knows shit about what was going on inside.

BTW, Dieter, what's this leg-lock shit while he's getting shot at. Are you rolling random damage locations. Anyone with any combat knowledge whatsoever would focus on taking the pistol out of the picture once Moten turned around enough to be able to use it.

Once Moten was turned around, and firing at him, Yuri would unquestionably fire back.

FYI, I'm at the office on a client's site. I cannot check messages or post every 2 minutes. I'm keeping up as best I can, but I also have to get work done and not look like I'm screwing off.
Dieter 2004-12-08 22:54:53

Quote: from fanchergw on 4:48 pm on Dec. 8, 2004

I think we really need to keep in mind who knows what. Brian is in the middle of the building advancing on a couple of cops. He has no way of knowing what's going on outside.

Similarly, Yuri is in the middle of the fist-fight, and has gotten no reports from Mikhail or any of the men. Other than the one sniper who was shot, he knows shit about what was going on inside.

BTW, Dieter, what's this leg-lock shit while he's getting shot at. Are you rolling random damage locations. Anyone with any combat knowledge whatsoever would focus on taking the pistol out of the picture once Moten turned around enough to be able to use it.

Once Moten was turned around, and firing at him, Yuri would unquestionably fire back.

FYI, I'm at the office on a client's site. I cannot check messages or post every 2 minutes. I'm keeping up as best I can, but I also have to get work done and not look like I'm screwing off.

Dude. I don't expect anyone to keep up (other than maybe Gatac) at the clip we're going, no worries! :)

This is quickly becoming a very, very bad Jerry Bruckheimer fight scene.

And bout the leg-lock shit, I'm with you on that. Expect an edit with your remarks included. That'll probably be sometime around 6pm EST.

Take a break and have a pudding pop until then. :)
CrazyIvan 2004-12-08 23:02:54

Specifically playing things out as if he doesn't know anything is going on outside. Brian wants to end this before he is overwhelmed by cops, or Yuri gets clever enough to call in someone with tactical armor and automatic weapons, once he figures out remotely what is happening.

If he knew Yuri was in a fist fight with a friendly, he wouldn't be radioing him. He'd have worked up to the sniper's position and put one between Yuri's eyes. The fact that it's both in my and FBI-boy's best interest to get Yuri to back off is the one thing that's gone right since we got here, and is purely happy coincidence.

(Edited by CrazyIvan at 5:04 pm on Dec. 8, 2004)
fanchergw 2004-12-08 23:15:38
One question: How is Yuri supposed to reply to a call on the radio while in the middle of a fistfight? Hands are kind of busy right now.

Of course, if this wasn't D20 and Moten didn't have 15 million Hit Points, he'd have dropped like a stone by now. Should the fistfight ever get resolved, I'm sure whoever is still alive / conscious will be happy to pick up the radio and respond.
CrazyIvan 2004-12-08 23:22:54

Quote: from fanchergw on 5:15 pm on Dec. 8, 2004
One question: How is Yuri supposed to reply to a call on the radio while in the middle of a fistfight? Hands are kind of busy right now.

Of course, if this wasn't D20 and Moten didn't have 15 million Hit Points, he'd have dropped like a stone by now. Should the fistfight ever get resolved, I'm sure whoever is still alive / conscious will be happy to pick up the radio and respond.

No idea...which is a key aspect of Brian not knowing there *is* a fistfight. Possibly, both combatants realize it's in their own best interest to drop the bullheaded unwillingness to actually talk things out at this point, Yuri because his men are about to start getting killed, and Moten because *he's* about to get curb stomped, and call a ceasefire? Hell, if you backed off right now, or if Dieter's edit gets the gun out of his hand, he's in no condition to do much either than breath heavily and find a comfortable place to sit down and not move a goddamn muscle.

It's also the perfect time for a quippy one liner, ala Firefly.

Captain Reynolds, while being tortured by an insane, sadistic Russian, with an alarm going of in the background (their compound is being attacked): "You know, if you all have company, I can come back later."

Panache is a good thing in this game.
(Edited by CrazyIvan at 5:25 pm on Dec. 8, 2004)

(Edited by CrazyIvan at 5:25 pm on Dec. 8, 2004)

(Edited by CrazyIvan at 5:27 pm on Dec. 8, 2004)