Quote:I think he's referring to the fact that it's almost impossible to look at an IP like 123.456.78.9 and have any idea what country the associated computer it links to is in. Of course, looking up the IP on a DNS service may help. Then again, things get dicier if the IP address is dynamically assigned.Quote: from Dieter on 11:09 am on Dec. 13, 2004
Quote:Shit. What horrible interweb faux pas did I just commit?Quote: from Punkey on 12:56 pm on Dec. 13, 2004
I'll let that "Russian IP address" thing slide, Dieter.
OOC: XIV - As in Louis XIV, minus the powered wig and frilly
That's it exactly, but not quite as impossible as it is to look at an IP address with a number higher than 255 in it. I blame Sandra Bullock and that awful movie The Net, as both of these sins were committed in it.
(Edited by Punkey at 12:20 pm on Dec. 13, 2004)
(Edited by Punkey at 12:20 pm on Dec. 13, 2004)
Ok...ok...you fucking internet nazis. The Nazis had flare, you know. 
I changed my last post. It now sounds better anyway.

I changed my last post. It now sounds better anyway.
Yay! The forum post that would not die!
(And the word you're looking for is flair, I believe,)
(And the word you're looking for is flair, I believe,)

Jeebus, is this beat up on GM day here at HoaS?
Fine. Be that way.
Fine. Be that way.
That was unexpected.
And pretty cool.
And pretty cool.

I suppose this teaches you not to be so cavalier in being internet dorks.
*looks at mushroom cloud settling on the horizon*
No worries. It's just been a real POS day here at work and me nuking the game was just some venting gone terribly wrong.
Blame Punkey.
Blame Punkey.

I deleted the storyline post, but I'm reposting here for posterity. Call it one of those Alternate Reality things that the execs over at Paramount Studios are so fond of these days.
One of Peter's "Experiments" begins to hum with a terrible sound of pain and instability. He looks at it for a brief moment as it finally whirs down to an inactive state.
Then it explodes. The force is the equivalent of 1000 Megaton bomb going off. The immediate area around the rig is vaporize in a cloud of fused atoms as every particle in the teams body accelerates to the speed of light.
The windows in Anatoli's apartment glow with eerie reddish tone as everyone in the room sees a shockwave travelling at many times the speed of sound hurtling their way. The windows burst covering everyone in shards of broken glass which is soon followed by the bomb's overpress which immediate reduces the concrete structure to rubble.
Moten, Brian, et al die days later in horrible agony due to radiation exposure.
(Edited by Dieter at 3:48 pm on Dec. 13, 2004)
One of Peter's "Experiments" begins to hum with a terrible sound of pain and instability. He looks at it for a brief moment as it finally whirs down to an inactive state.
Then it explodes. The force is the equivalent of 1000 Megaton bomb going off. The immediate area around the rig is vaporize in a cloud of fused atoms as every particle in the teams body accelerates to the speed of light.
The windows in Anatoli's apartment glow with eerie reddish tone as everyone in the room sees a shockwave travelling at many times the speed of sound hurtling their way. The windows burst covering everyone in shards of broken glass which is soon followed by the bomb's overpress which immediate reduces the concrete structure to rubble.
Moten, Brian, et al die days later in horrible agony due to radiation exposure.
(Edited by Dieter at 3:48 pm on Dec. 13, 2004)
I'd suggest a good round of Max Payne 2's Dead Man Walking.
I've got a whole city to destroy in GTA:SA. But thanks. I think there's a rampage in my future involving sitting on top of a tall building with a high-powered rifle.

My Drill Sargeant suggested the same fate for me when he saw my locker, with Shelley's "Ozymandias" and a variety of movie quotes instead of pin-ups. Well, he kept going on about sitting in a church tower...
...at which point I was sorely tempted to point out that this would be tactically unsound for a real sniper, but didn't feel like freaking him out further.
Anyway. I think it's imperative that we get out gear to Krasnoyarsk, but maybe we can send most of the team by train and have Peter + Art drive the Big Rig...they seem to get along.
...at which point I was sorely tempted to point out that this would be tactically unsound for a real sniper, but didn't feel like freaking him out further.
Anyway. I think it's imperative that we get out gear to Krasnoyarsk, but maybe we can send most of the team by train and have Peter + Art drive the Big Rig...they seem to get along.
My god. I don't think I've ever been reduced to component atoms before.
Oh, and Gatac, my handle over on another roleplaying forum is Ozymandias...
(Edited by fanchergw at 2:28 pm on Dec. 13, 2004)
Oh, and Gatac, my handle over on another roleplaying forum is Ozymandias...
(Edited by fanchergw at 2:28 pm on Dec. 13, 2004)
Quote:That's the easy way out. Rest assure, I'd never let any of your deaths be quick and/or painless.Quote: from fanchergw on 4:28 pm on Dec. 13, 2004
My god. I don't think I've ever been reduced to component atoms before.
Re: Transportation.
What's everyone think?
What's everyone think?
Waiting for Punkey to respond to Yuri's remark about finding the trapdoor....
What's the travel plan for Team Artis?
-Combo of all three?
I'd like to get your end of the story going, but I don't seem an agreement on the mode of transportation. Someone (looks at Gatac) make an executive decision.
-Combo of all three?
I'd like to get your end of the story going, but I don't seem an agreement on the mode of transportation. Someone (looks at Gatac) make an executive decision.
Well, we just got the truck, we can't leave it behind. I'm fairly sure that our two killer chicks can handle a train ride, and Peter and Artis'll have an armored semi. What could go wrong?

Quote:Indeed! We'll go with that.Quote: from admiralducksauce on 9:35 am on Dec. 15, 2004
Well, we just got the truck, we can't leave it behind. I'm fairly sure that our two killer chicks can handle a train ride, and Peter and Artis'll have an armored semi. What could go wrong?