Quote: from Gatac on 3:13 pm on Dec. 7, 2004
A MIL Mi-24 runs 22 GP.
15GP is the limit.
We'll be waiting for responses from Punkey and Ivan before continuing that scene. The Novosibirsk players will get a new scene when a vehicle is chosen.
Bloody amatuer snipers...this guy's escalated things to the point that I am just not a happy camper. What with the shooting and the dogs...I was gonna be so nice to him but um...
...I gotta get his sharpshooter. If the MP5 has a silencer, using it, I'd prefer to not have the happy helper I don't yet know about killed, and it'll give away my position. Also, if possible, a disabling shot, rather than a kill. You know the kind...can't very well aim a sensitive sniper rifle with a bullet wound to the lower arm. The usual steadied, aimed, blowing bonuses shot that we've all come to know and love.
I want him to *know* I'm dismantling his team when they start reporting in over the radio. From my, limited, experience with police, they tend to break down when they don't have the biggest, best guns in the situation.
If that shot is too tricky for Brian to think it's possible, I'm just gonna have to kill him.
The only problem with using the MP5's silencer is that you're cutting it's max range in half, inversely doubling the range penalties.
You'd have an easier shot unsilenced, but as mentioned, potentially compromise your cover. The trade-off for a silenced shot is a much tougher, longer prepared sighting.
Dieter, since I will encounter the goons soon as well, I'm going to pretty much post my plan of attack here...
Essentially, I want to make it clear that I *could* have killed you, but didn't. Sniper with a arm that needs treatment, down but not dead K-9 trooper etc...
Trying to encourage a nice, sensible "Call your man off, I'll lower my pistol, and we'll talk" feeling. Figure Yuri will be much more willing to cooperate if his base of support is steadily crumbling.
Holy crap. Brian rolled a "1" on his attack roll. This sort of dicks over everyone, but something must be said about this unfortunate coincidence. The only saving grace is that rather than being a miss and possibly alerting Brian's target, he'll get another chance to plink him...albeit not-so-stealthily as initially planned.
*Punkey's Inspiration Check*
Moten couldn't possibly know Brian is scoping out the sniper on the roof. Additionally, if you start any shit with the Russian, the sniper on the roof is duty-bound to assist him. Basically, that means Moten would most likely be eating a bullet.
Sniper shots like this one go directly to Wound points, not Vitality. Please keep that in mind.
Seems like you have a sudden reversal in fortune, Natural "20" on your check.
You not only know that there's another sniper skulking about, but also that he's most likely covering the opposite side of the building, probably in a similar diagonal (NE this time) to the courtyard below.
I'll also through in the fact that the cops are still looking for you.
Quote: from fanchergw on 11:41 am on Dec. 8, 2004
Shouldn't the ball-punching, head-kicking exchange have happened by now? Yuri's starting to wonder why he hasn't flattened the guy yet...
Coming right up.
Punkey, given the fact your sniper is pretty much out of the equation, I'm assuming you're now going to fight back? You're already working on a blackeye, possible broken nose, and a cracked rib or two from that last kick.
Humm...the dice gods are fickle. I shall have to make another offering of microwave pizza.
It's time to make life hard for the cops. Considering my position is given away, going to try to work my way to a defensible position, preferably near or after our friend the remaining sniper has been taken care of. Using the usual full cadre of feats, notably Run, and generally doing the SAS assaulting a building plan.
Hoping that if I bog down the cops long enough, a solution that doesn't involve me actually killing them will come to the surface. Like, when it becomes evident that I could be killing them if I wanted to, but am doing my darndest not to.