We'll see about that.
(Edit: Also, how close am I to the target? If I'm close enough, I'll just pull over to the side and walk there. Don't want the scene contaminated or anything like that.)
(Edited by Punkey at 6:01 pm on Nov. 30, 2004)
OOC: XIV - As in Louis XIV, minus the powered wig and frilly
I'm still playing. SnS is high on the list of gaming priorities.
Shopping List:
*Two big, fuck-off, hard-caliber, high-cap, silenced and suppressed handguns. (I left my MAG at home, AGAIN.) FN Five-seveNs, perhaps?
*At least six spare clips. Two hollowpoint, two Teflon-tipped, two Black Talon.
*A stealth rig for keeping the swords and guns out of sight, but still handy.
*Kevlar tac-vest. Lots of pockets.
*Ninja suit.
*Designer transition-lense glasses with starlight and x-ray lenses.
Shopping List:
*Two big, fuck-off, hard-caliber, high-cap, silenced and suppressed handguns. (I left my MAG at home, AGAIN.) FN Five-seveNs, perhaps?
*At least six spare clips. Two hollowpoint, two Teflon-tipped, two Black Talon.
*A stealth rig for keeping the swords and guns out of sight, but still handy.
*Kevlar tac-vest. Lots of pockets.
*Ninja suit.
*Designer transition-lense glasses with starlight and x-ray lenses.
Quote:You're about 3km from the nav-point. You could walk there, but I'm not sure if Robert would want to trudge through 6 inches of wet snow and street muck just to get there a little earlier.Quote: from Punkey on 7:36 pm on Nov. 30, 2004
(Edit: Also, how close am I to the target? If I'm close enough, I'll just pull over to the side and walk there. Don't want the scene contaminated or anything like that.)
It's your call.
BTW: IP, done and done!
As Brian approaches the apartment, he gets that ubiquitous feeling of someone's watching me. He's currently going over where he'd put himself if he were doing overwatch duty.
13 Ranks in Spot. Gah.
As Brian approaches the apartment, he gets that ubiquitous feeling of someone's watching me. He's currently going over where he'd put himself if he were doing overwatch duty.
13 Ranks in Spot. Gah.
Artis would like something noisy and Russian as far as armament goes. Like an AKSU. A backup handgun, say a .40 S&W, with silencer if possible. 2 mags for the handgun, and 4-6 mags for the primary. Kevlar vest, warm clothing, handcuffs. At least one stimulant shot, two would be better. 
Oh, and seeing how we're in Siberia and he's already used his only Kick Start, Artis would like a mechanic's toolkit.

Oh, and seeing how we're in Siberia and he's already used his only Kick Start, Artis would like a mechanic's toolkit.
The rules for Kickstart say "Once per session." I'll argue that in PbP terms, that means once per game plotline thread.
Heh. To think, Brian doesn't speak a word of Russian.
This should be interesting.
This should be interesting.

I'm assuming Yuri does speak English (?). He's testing the man (Brian) to see if he speaks Russian.
Well, I know what's I'd do if faced with a similar situation.
Look sheepish for a few seconds, then slowly say "Er...Da." ? 
How close is the jet to the truck at the moment? That is, can they see the the truck from the jet, or is it parked behind some trees?

How close is the jet to the truck at the moment? That is, can they see the the truck from the jet, or is it parked behind some trees?
Quote:I'd assume you'd park it nearby but not in the plane's flightpath.Quote: from Gatac on 2:17 am on Dec. 2, 2004
How close is the jet to the truck at the moment? That is, can they see the the truck from the jet, or is it parked behind some trees?
I figure Brian knows as much Russian as I know...
"Da" and "Nyet"
Luckily, the cigarette out, and the fact that it is the staple of cloak and dagger nonsense, tips these things off.
"Da" and "Nyet"
Luckily, the cigarette out, and the fact that it is the staple of cloak and dagger nonsense, tips these things off.
Hoo-boy. This is going to get interesting very quickly.
Two things:
-Brian's pretty sure his BS-ing to the Russian guy is about as transparent as the sniper scopes trained on him. However, sizing the Russkie up, Brian is also pretty sure he could take this guy down if need be. Both of the guy's hands are showing which means he'd have to take a moment to ready his own weapon.
-The distance between Brian and the apartment building entrance is neglegable(sp?) . He could get inside and under cover quite easily.
Fight or Flight?
Two things:
-Brian's pretty sure his BS-ing to the Russian guy is about as transparent as the sniper scopes trained on him. However, sizing the Russkie up, Brian is also pretty sure he could take this guy down if need be. Both of the guy's hands are showing which means he'd have to take a moment to ready his own weapon.
-The distance between Brian and the apartment building entrance is neglegable(sp?) . He could get inside and under cover quite easily.
Fight or Flight?
Could somebody please walk out of the jet so we can do the introduction? It's damn cold, you know.
I was going to post a segue for that scene if no one else did an introduction. Expect one soon.
It's a bad day to not read the boards.
Oh...Ivan, so sorry about the current situation. It escalated alot quicker than I thought it would.
Oh...Ivan, so sorry about the current situation. It escalated alot quicker than I thought it would.
Punkey, I think you're about to owe me some money.
Unlike most NPC's, I'm attempting to play Yuri as actually being reasonably competant. What a concept!

The guys in the building are just your average-garden-variety cops. Nothing special about them. This is just some hardboiled action going down.
And dogs...I forgot about the dogs. Remember, they don't let go.
And dogs...I forgot about the dogs. Remember, they don't let go.

Dog, Working:
CR 1, 6 VP, 15 WP; Size Medium; Init +2 (+2 Dex); Speed 40ft; Def 16 (+2 Dex, +4 Dodge); Attack: bite +3 (1d6+3); Special Qualities: Clever, Pack Hunter, Scent, Tracker; Fort +5, Ref +5, Will+1; Str 15, Dex 15, Con 15, Int 2, Wis 12, Cha 6; Skills: Listen +5, Spot +5, Swim +5, Wilderness Lore +1
Clever: May learn a number of tricks equal to half it's Wisdom score.
Pack Hunter: Gain Wolfpack Basics feat.
Scent:+8 bonus to all rolls for tracking.
Tracker: Gain Track feat.
Police Dog: knows Attack, Search (drugs), Search (people) and Subdue tricks.
Attack: May be ordered to attack a specific target.
Search: +8 bonus to Search checks for specified target.
Subdue: May inflict subdual damage at no penalty to attack.
Gatac (African Alliance, baby.)
CR 1, 6 VP, 15 WP; Size Medium; Init +2 (+2 Dex); Speed 40ft; Def 16 (+2 Dex, +4 Dodge); Attack: bite +3 (1d6+3); Special Qualities: Clever, Pack Hunter, Scent, Tracker; Fort +5, Ref +5, Will+1; Str 15, Dex 15, Con 15, Int 2, Wis 12, Cha 6; Skills: Listen +5, Spot +5, Swim +5, Wilderness Lore +1
Clever: May learn a number of tricks equal to half it's Wisdom score.
Pack Hunter: Gain Wolfpack Basics feat.
Scent:+8 bonus to all rolls for tracking.
Tracker: Gain Track feat.
Police Dog: knows Attack, Search (drugs), Search (people) and Subdue tricks.
Attack: May be ordered to attack a specific target.
Search: +8 bonus to Search checks for specified target.
Subdue: May inflict subdual damage at no penalty to attack.
Gatac (African Alliance, baby.)