Would Murdock know if Wayde Stryker has had any relations with any of the people mentioned in the last criminal rundown?
OOC: Babes in the Woods
Wayde and Naga are rivals but generally cater to separate clientele. Wayde's more or less pro-Rebel, Naga's pro-Empire. They may come to loggerheads from time to time but their paths don't cross too much. Wayde had a plant or two in Naga's lower levels last Murdoch heard, and Naga probably has a spy in Wayde's organization.
So are we doing this Wraith Squadron style? Disguise as pirates/mercenaries - get hired - bring them down.
Seems the bestto me. We were told to shut his organization down, not just take out the heads. We need more information and a way to get in the door, and this seems to be the best way.
How about staging a fake attack on Naga's network, only to have a band of ruthless mercenaries save the day and thereby getting into the Hutt's good graces?
Thats exactly what happened with Warlord Zsinj. Or will happen. Will have happened.
Anyway I vote Aye.
Anyway I vote Aye.
To which? Anyway, Gatac has a point in his IC post. Anyway to build a reputation, quickly? Or maybe just apply for the job as a newly formed company looking for its first contract? That would explainable, if we do it right. We might want to stick to less polished equipment if we decide to do this. Does the informant or any of Shas's contacts have any idea of how desperate Naga is. That's going to be a factor in this.
Well, Shas is the best person for the reputation job, seeing as how he's only just out of the criminal underworld and he still has contacts there. Regardless of whether Naga is desperate or not, you're not going to hear about it, not with the intelligence channels you have. You'll hear about job openings, maybe some new mercenary hires, but Naga's not the Hutt to be screaming "Curse you Moff Dorn!" off the top of his spacescraper balcony at night.

Quote:Do we have time to set up and make a few runs for somebody else, build up a reputation? Could we get somebody to make a recomendation?
These questions are why Shas has the Connections Aspect, by the way. a1776, it's your call as to how you want to set up these guys' shady alter-egos.
EDIT: Furthermore, Kolit's response to Ty of "What do you need?" is more of my carte blanche to you with regards to equipment. I'm just going to throw out some Z-95s and crappy bulk freighters otherwise, and maybe you can work with that, but if you want something specific, or something that you just like the look of, then now's your chance. Maybe you like Starvipers, or maybe you want to use (God knows why) a Gthroc freighter or something.
I want a Supa.
Mandall wants something that flies and shoots.
Gatac wrote:Cat would like something that flies, shoots, has a hyperdrive, and is different from what Mandall is flying.Mandall wants something that flies and shoots.

There was a suggestion made (I think it was e's online post that got pulled) to set up a fake raid and then have us ride to the rescue. I think this is a good way to get in quickly, but I don't want to step on someone else's post.
Afterwards, we can present ourselves as a new group that just happened to be in the right place at the right time. Hopefully, this will lead to a job offer.
Afterwards, we can present ourselves as a new group that just happened to be in the right place at the right time. Hopefully, this will lead to a job offer.
It was my sugestion, but it was back during the first raid. It could work, though we'll need to modify the frieghter first. We'd want faux-Imp assests (TIEs and a carrier ship) that the Alliance won't mind losing, to play the part of the imps, and the Echo can act as a control station. Romote-controlled TIEs atack the convoy, kick some butt, then we drop in, blast some TIEs, make some pretty explosions, and the Echo and carrier skitter off into hyperspace. As well as getting us in the door, it drives a wedge between the Moff and Naga. Once we're in, we tell him about some of our former employers (All for-warned to back us up). It makes Naga more desperate, as he'll have lost more fighters and some of his transports will be damaged, so we'll be more likely to get a job.
As I said in my IC post, I vote for 3rd Party gear. Unaffiliated and dangerous has a fair bit of reputation to carry along with it. Battle damage - but not too much, and a leader who both knows the price of mercinaries, and has the change to walk away if he's lowballed by some Hutt underlord...
Right now the plan as I see it is to use Ty's Mission Impossible-style remote control TIE raid on an actual Hutt convoy, and then swoop in for the rescue as an arrogant deposed Hapan pirate prince(ss) and his/her motley crew of scallywags?
Statistically, Ganet, Eritram, or Shas are the best people to pull off the pirate leader schtick. Two real nobles, and one Twi'lek with a penchant for fast-talking.
I found two suitable Hapan ship types online - the Hetrinar bomber and the Miy'Til fighter.
Statistically, Ganet, Eritram, or Shas are the best people to pull off the pirate leader schtick. Two real nobles, and one Twi'lek with a penchant for fast-talking.
I found two suitable Hapan ship types online - the Hetrinar bomber and the Miy'Til fighter.
No Battledragon? 

No Battledragon. 
What are you going to use a Battledragon for, anyways?

What are you going to use a Battledragon for, anyways?
Hmmm. I've always liked that second fighter, and it looks smaller than an X-wing or A-wing, so we could maybe get two into the space it would take for a Headhunter. A couple of those would be nice, but we'd want an odd fighter of a different type. Just to be techinical, our group wouldn't be pirates, we'd be sort of anti-pirates; instead of raiding convoys, our buisiness plan is to defend them. Anyway, we can keep working on the details, but I sugest we go someplace and rustle up some TIE/Ins and a couple crates of slave circuitry, unless the Alliance has some of either handy, and disposable. Also, I agree that Eritram, Ganet, and Shas are the best possibilities for the leader. Priorities right now are, in some sort of order (but I'm not telling what kind :twisted: ): A ship and some fighters, covers (papers, IDs, histories, as well as disguises if necesary), a couple TIEs and some slave circuits, some people to vouch for our usefulness (faux-former employers). Let's get to work.