We should probably pad the notion that "We're Imperials, you guys suck, all hail the Emperor, the Hutt needs to lose some weight, etc."
OOC: Babes in the Woods
Yeah. Tell them to sit tight, shut up, and wait. But who to have do it?Eritram and Ganet are best suited for this, I think.
You know, why not try and pull a PR bump out of this? If we shoot the other group a tightbeam when they come in-system, and have them blow up some of the decoys and throw a few shots in the Sith Eater or Echo's direction before we make a jump out, we might be able to get some points with the Hutts as the Imps loose them. If we use the Eater and Echo to tow the Gallofree we look like we're making off with the loot, then once we clear the field, the other group drops out, and we scram, they engage the decoys, and simultaneously cover our tracks and get the cargo.
e of pi wrote:You know, why not try and pull a PR bump out of this? If we shoot the other group a tightbeam when they come in-system, and have them blow up some of the decoys and throw a few shots in the Sith Eater or Echo's direction before we make a jump out, we might be able to get some points with the Hutts as the Imps loose them. If we use the Eater and Echo to tow the Gallofree we look like we're making off with the loot, then once we clear the field, the other group drops out, and we scram, they engage the decoys, and simultaneously cover our tracks and get the cargo.
You say that like getting points with the Hutts is a good thing.
They couldn't hurt...
EDIT: Also, it has the benefit of making this look even less like a rebel operation by destroying the drones and making it slightly easier to explain how the Rebels show up to pick up Imperial loot.
EDIT: Also, it has the benefit of making this look even less like a rebel operation by destroying the drones and making it slightly easier to explain how the Rebels show up to pick up Imperial loot.
e of pi wrote:They couldn't hurt...
It's more the principle of the thing. We're the good guys, rememeber?
Aurelia will be all for anything that makes covering our tracks easier, but stuff that buddies us up, in any way, with the Hutts? Will definitely *not* be taken as lightly.
That is a good point, and I agree, but remember, we're not only screwing the Hutts and the Imps, the Rebels, who are in fact behind the whole thing, come out looking better than ever. And if, while searching the holds doing "repairs", we come across something that gives us reason to sieze the cargo, who'll have paid for it? We retain hands that look clean, but Aurelia gets a chance to throw some Hutts balance books into choas, free of charge.
Can Calsera hear the discussion, or just those on Jorm's ship? Not sure how tight the communications hole is.
You mean the sabaac question? Dunno. Not sure about the mechanics of playing over a commlink, either.
Sure, everyone's privy to the communications outlined in the last IC post.
And it sure is easy to cheat when playing sabaac over the radio....
And it sure is easy to cheat when playing sabaac over the radio....

Aihal's trying to sell his place, so presumably that's the reason for his lack of posting. I'll wait till after work today and if nothing changes we'll move ahead with loading the ships and blasting the transports.
E, your friend still interested? Sorry for taking a while finishing this up, but getting sick didn't help move it along.
E, your friend still interested? Sorry for taking a while finishing this up, but getting sick didn't help move it along.

Yep. He's been keeping up to date.
Welcome to the game, a1776!

Ooh, nasty.
In descending order of preference...
- Is there something we can put in the path of the X-Wing to stop it? I'm thinking maybe a suspended cargo crate we can shoot free from its crane...
- Failing that, is there something heavy we can take cover behind?
- Failing that, Mandall will use his situational awareness to figure out who can't jump out of the way him-/herself and help. If need be, he'll cut it close, because really, what're lightning reflexes good for if you can't dodge at the last possible moment?
In descending order of preference...
- Is there something we can put in the path of the X-Wing to stop it? I'm thinking maybe a suspended cargo crate we can shoot free from its crane...
- Failing that, is there something heavy we can take cover behind?
- Failing that, Mandall will use his situational awareness to figure out who can't jump out of the way him-/herself and help. If need be, he'll cut it close, because really, what're lightning reflexes good for if you can't dodge at the last possible moment?
We need a way to avoid being blown (not sucked, contrary to common belief) into space. Is the X-wing fueled enough that someone could get to it and climb in, while avoiding being crushed? If so, then could we grab on and then use that to hold us in place long enough to avoid dying? If not, could we crouch below the fueselage while it passes, then get to another ship that could? Or at least one with a life-support system?
And a nit-pick: if Shas's main reason to join is that his ship got the tar kicked out of it, then why does he have one now? Not to question the GM in any way that could be construed as insulting, of course.
And a nit-pick: if Shas's main reason to join is that his ship got the tar kicked out of it, then why does he have one now? Not to question the GM in any way that could be construed as insulting, of course.
Well, being blown out isn't the problem (Don't hold your breath!), getting back inside an atmo within the next few minutes is.
Space exposure is survivable - if you get rescued quick enough.
Space exposure is survivable - if you get rescued quick enough.
That's what I'm saying. If someone can start the X-wing, we can then use it to get back into atmo.
My bad about Shas - I had always been reading it as "he joined up and has since bought a new ship with the pay", not "he's working towards a new ship". No problem.
And your plan of boarding the X-Wing in mid-hangar-ejection is awesome, and thusly is a difficult but very possible task. Who's going for it?
Furthermore, yes, the Sword has emergency blast doors or repair droids or something like that, so it's not an extended problem, but it IS a very severe short-term problem.
And your plan of boarding the X-Wing in mid-hangar-ejection is awesome, and thusly is a difficult but very possible task. Who's going for it?
Furthermore, yes, the Sword has emergency blast doors or repair droids or something like that, so it's not an extended problem, but it IS a very severe short-term problem.

I'm doing it.
It's all in the reflexes, you know.
It's all in the reflexes, you know.
Are we wearing our rebel issue "I dont suffocate in vacuum" pilot suits?