Murdock's going to use his strength to hold tight while the atmo gets blown out the hangar bay. While doing so, he'll be sure to grab ahold of anyone nearby. After the hangar is completely spaced, he'll be zero-Ging it to anything resembling a secondary blast door switch. Also notifying what's left of the Dagger that they've probably got unvac-suited folks in peril.
How long is Ty's rig gonna hold out? Do we have five, six, ten minutes? Is it permanent enough to reopen the doors to the ship and let actual engineers fix the rest? Or do we have to handle this on our own? Also, what happened to Shas?
Craptastic, this post wasn't marked as new. Sorry about the accidental pause, guys!
Ty's hotwiring should hold out for a few minutes. You have enough time to open the inner doors and get any survivors back into the ship, get proper suits and more engineers.
Shas is fine, he's holding onto a strut or something. a1776, if you're around and still interested, post something just so I know?
Sorry I'm slow to the party. Also, a little confused by the exact situation. If she can, Cat will attempt to get to a vehicle and fly out looking to bring in possible survivors / bodies. If not, she'll try to find some other way to help.
Now that we've established the difficulty, let's get to work. Resources and manpower are our limitations, so we need to start thinking about how to turn 100-1000:1 into something a little less foreboding. Second, what does everybody know? Given the underlevel nature, does Ty know anything at all? And the corralary, which seems more likely, given the situation: Does Shas know anything? Also, any time limit here? Or is this a medium-term goal?
This mission can be as simple and as messy as flattening the slug's holdings with proton torpedoes (you beat me to it Gordon!), or it can be an intense undercover operation, or the latter followed by the former.
There's no real time limit. It's just your mission, and it's very open-ended about how you proceed. It's meant to be thematically very different, in that this time you have been personally wronged by this guy's organization (they tried to space you and all your mates). You don't have a specific set of coordinates to hyperspace to and then ambush some convoy, or even as specific as "get me two shuttles". This is a "sandbox" mission, to use video game-speak. It's also meant to introduce Shas's talents just as the last threads were meant to show off what Ty can do (and before that, the gunfight in the tunnel introduced MDK-911 as someone not to mess with), so yes, Shas, being your resident scoundrel, would be well-equipped to know about Hutt organizations.
This time, resources are less of a problem. It's manpower that you lack, but that's always been the case for the Rebellion.
That's not a bad idea. I have sugested this already IC, but I'll condense:
We get ahold of, and crew, one or two bulk cargo ships (number depends on crew requirements vs our roster), larger ones, like the Gallofrees. Everyone not crewing them is signed up as mercenary pilots. New Rebublis Intel gives us all suitable backgrounds and fills out the paparwork, then we go apply for jobs. While we're doing this, I think it might be helpful to have one of the other squadrons off the Alderaan or another ship like her keep to the "Imp Attack" routine. The longer they go on, the more desperate the Hutt will get, and the more desperate the Hutt becomes, the more disorganized his organization will get, and the easier it'll be for the slightest internal manipulation to cause it to dissasociate completely.
I've heard no dissent regarding E's and Gatac's plan, so we'll go with that. First, I've been putting off a killer post detailing the contents of your intelligence report, like in Calsera's IC post. Bear with me a bit longer to figure it all out.
While we're off taking on a Hutt, Ty's putting in an order for a trio of droid brains for the Echo fire-control system, paid for out of the family inheritance. Two would be okay, one in each turret, but one to reckon between the two and serve as a backup would be a plus.
Sorry guys, I was at dinner, and then got tied up watching Prison Break and 24, and I never finished my post. I had a better idea for it though, and unfortunately E, it affects your post. I'll copy your post here but then I'll go ahead and clear it from the IC thread.
Ty thinks for only a few seconds, then answers. "I say take the Tantor. It's got a larger hold, so it would be more atractive to Naga. Plus, we could modify it, stick a pair of snubfighters in one hold, paint the whole thing up, pound some dings into it, then apply for the space as a cargo ship with built-in escort. Of course, we'd want turbolasers whereever we can get them, and if the IVs have the same notch as the VIs, we could slide the Jumpmaster in there for even more firepower. We just can't do something like that on a 666. We need to plan for a longer haul, and a Action IV could provide a suitable HQ."