Yes, and using both Echo and the Skipray you'd have a much better chance of getting it stablized.
OOC: Babes in the Woods
Then I recommend that the TIEs run interference on the asteroids while we set down and bring it to a halt. Until the TIEs get into position, the Echo sets down first, while the Sith Eater covers the Gallofree.
I think there's still a Cloakshape and a Z-95, so we should probably do something about them first, or at least assign one TIE to deal with them and one to clear asteroids.
Hmmmm. Yeah. Deal with them first, but Sith Eater and Echo should still go for it. We only have 10-15 seconds, remember?
Tight squeeze. Anywho, a few questions as we go into mopup. First, if we took out the antenna/transmitters on the Gallofrees, could we shut down the ECM gear and let the powere levels recharge? Second, do we have to board and take the gallofrees, or just wait for the backup we're expecting? Third, is there enough time left before the backup arives for the second Gallofree (the one that didn't almost crash) to repair its engines?
On another note, I showed this site to one of my schoolmates, and he was interested in joining. ADS, I think he was going to talk to you, but if he didn't I'll try and make sure he does.
On another note, I showed this site to one of my schoolmates, and he was interested in joining. ADS, I think he was going to talk to you, but if he didn't I'll try and make sure he does.
He PM'd me, he looks like he'll be bringing a Twi'lek fast-talking ex-smuggler type into the game. I asked him to post himself an introductory message in Anything Goes.
Time for boarding actions?
Dunno. Do we have to? I got the impression that the backup we're expecting was gonna do that. However, we might want to check out the one whose engines are merely off, which the crew are trying to repair, apparently, just to make sure they don't try anything.
8th Wing IS coming in to handle the transports once they've been secured. If you want to board them for 8th Wing's future convenience, Ganet and MDK'd be the best for the job. Unfortunately, they are each in the two ships keeping the crippled transport from "rocking out", so to speak. 
If you want to nuke their comm arrays, that might as well be a free action at this point. Just say the word.
The thing in question: Is the second Gallofree giving up or trying to get back underway? If you kill their comms, can you find out without actually boarding them?
Just confirm a course of action, we'll proceed and get this wrapped one way or another. :twisted:

If you want to nuke their comm arrays, that might as well be a free action at this point. Just say the word.
The thing in question: Is the second Gallofree giving up or trying to get back underway? If you kill their comms, can you find out without actually boarding them?
Just confirm a course of action, we'll proceed and get this wrapped one way or another. :twisted:
For the other Gallofree, perhaps a better choice would be to give it a serious barrage of ion cannon until they're entirely crippled. This would prevent them from communications or flying away.
Please tell me at least one of our ships has ion cannons!
Please tell me at least one of our ships has ion cannons!
Actually, both the biggies do. Echo and the Sith Eater have two cannon each, both locked forward. And I say we board the second Gallofree, just to be safe. We can't let anyone get away from us, though, as nobody brought any trooper armor. So either take 'em prisoner or take 'em out, but they can't be allowed to escape. Put the TIEs on rock duty, then transfer Jorm to pilot the Eater after blowing out the comms. Then have everybody but Ty and Jorm board the transport.
If we cripple the Gallofree's ability to communicate or flee, I see no reason to board at all. We have the 8th Wing coming to take care of that, so we needn't risk our personnel. If by chance someone tries to flee in a shuttle or escape pod or whatever, the TIEs are more than capable of interdicting any such attempt.
Hmmm. Disisions, disisions. I think we can either disable them utterly, then sit around and play a few hands of Sabaac, or request their surrender with the threat of blowing them apart, or board them. Is there any way to let the comm jamming down enough to let them talk to us without letting them talk to Pelagus?
Ultimately, it's Jorm's decision, as he's the Vandal Squad CO now.
Ummm, well let me do something first, it's what I was trying to do in the first place:
ADS, I'd like to roll a d8 for whether or not Ty might know something on the topic of selective distance-related communication blocking. If he's less than 75% sure, though, tell me.
ADS, I'd like to roll a d8 for whether or not Ty might know something on the topic of selective distance-related communication blocking. If he's less than 75% sure, though, tell me.

Yes, it's possible. The success depends on Jorm's roll. As he is fairly talented at the whole sensors and shipboard equipment thing, I'd say your chances are good.
Alright then. As a Nubian, Ty'd rather handle this without shooting, but keep the guns trained just in case.
I'll roll for Jorm to tweak the ECM, and if the Gallofree tries anything funny, you can just blast the comms then.
Well, that's that then. I assume now we just wait around for the other squad to show up, then head home?
If nobody's going to tell them that they hear their surrender, then yeah. I was leaving the dialogue open for taunts, acceptance of terms, negotiations, bribes, "inspection of cargo", spacewalks, etc.