All right, if someone wants to give their actions over to controlling the drones, I'll raise the "you hit a rock limit" to 3 or less for the enemy fighters. Since Ty's piloting a ship, he CAN do both, but his piloting will be at a penalty. Jorm would be the best for this, but he's using his actions to keep the bad guys in the dark. Their chances of breaking through the ECM are slightly better if Jorm is ALSO controlling the decoys, and if that happens they'll show up on radar and they're practically not going to get hit by any of them.
OOC: Babes in the Woods
Aren't the decoys kind of useless as long as the ECM is up?
They don't help you in your particular fight, no, but to outside sensors it looks like a proper Imperial strike force is taking out a convoy, rather than a handful of ships that are probably just pirates using Imp vessels.
Well, that was the point of using them as psuedoroids. However, what with the penalties...if Echo disengaged from the close combat with the frieghters and gets out of the hairball, Ty could take control of the drones and line them up into a bottleneck. What I was thinking of was this:
/Big Rock 1|
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/Big Rock 2|
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One of the TIEs gets their attension, then dives through the gap, going between the drones because he/she can see them on sensors and spot some sort of opening. Relying on visuals alone, the Cloakshapes miss seeing them until its too late, and take damage. Once the field is set up, it could be left alone and Ty could take the Echo back into combat. I'd say it would take a turn to set up, so if approved, the Echo will vector off to set this up.
/Big Rock 1|
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/Big Rock 2|
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One of the TIEs gets their attension, then dives through the gap, going between the drones because he/she can see them on sensors and spot some sort of opening. Relying on visuals alone, the Cloakshapes miss seeing them until its too late, and take damage. Once the field is set up, it could be left alone and Ty could take the Echo back into combat. I'd say it would take a turn to set up, so if approved, the Echo will vector off to set this up.
You really overestimate those enemy pilots. In the time it takes us to set up your little plan (which would cost us some equipment, by the way) we can take them out the oldfashioned "blasters blazing" way.
I'm with Daton; stay on the guns and lets remove them quickly and efficiently the old fashioned way.
Alright. Line up for another pass with the torpeados.
Can we get on with this? I have a bad feeling about the Echo being so close to the Gaklofrees when we know something bad's going to happen to thenm, but I don't think there's any IC way to resolve that, so Ty'll just have to grin and bear it. Can we get this over with? *Braces for impact*
Eye doctor appointments and SQL shopping carts slow progress. Updates will be posted when I have the time to write out several paragraphs of space combat.
e of pi wrote:I know it's exciting and such, but Real Life (TM) does take precedence over a fictional game set in a galaxy far, far away. Need I mention that badgering the GM will only result in hasty calls like:Can we get on with this? I have a bad feeling about the Echo being so close to the Gaklofrees when we know something bad's going to happen to thenm, but I don't think there's any IC way to resolve that, so Ty'll just have to grin and bear it. Can we get this over with? *Braces for impact*
"Hrm...don't have much time, so I'll just roll once to see if the entire party dies."
Be glad it's updated at with any frequency. Most PbP games move at glacial speeds.
Dieter wrote:I can verify this. I play in PbP games on two other sites, and the ones here go as fast as any I've seen.Be glad it's updated at with any frequency. Most PbP games move at glacial speeds.
Remember, patience is a virtue.
Quote:Be glad it's updated at with any frequency. Most PbP games move at glacial speeds.
Amen to that. I should know, I run a few of those

That said, thank you for the interest. It's good that you guys are into it!
It doesn't take long to write these couple-sentence responses, but a combat post is much longer and requires me to break out some dice, make sure everyone's stats are right, track wounds/hull/shields, etc.

No sweat. I'm a little hyper, so I just get ansy. I understand that you're busy.
The Z-95 rolled last on initiative. I'm not gonna bother with the List this time.

Sorry about going silent all of a sudden. Girlfriend visiting, and then going to Vegas for a few days. Back Wednesday.
Not quite sure what to do about the accidentally-crippled freighter, Cat will peel off and go after the remaining Cloakshape.
Were we supposed to capture the cargo, or simply destroy it?
Technically you were tasked to capture the cargo. 8th Wing would be arriving after you completed your ambush to help either cart off the cargo or board and recover the transports themselves.
Oh, and somebody pick high or low. :twisted: It regards what the possibly-doomed transport might be carrying.
Oh, and somebody pick high or low. :twisted: It regards what the possibly-doomed transport might be carrying.
High. Question: The Gallofrees are essentially an exterior shell filled with small pods, right? If one of the other craft clears a path by blasting some rocks, we might be able to set Echo down on the top surface of the Gallofree facing toward the rear and, by firing the engines, stop the transport's movement.