2 Cloakshapes
Ganet & Ty
2 N-1s
2 Z-95s
The group of Z-95s already rolled a 1.
I've explained this before, but E's new. The way dogfights work is thusly:
1. You've gotta "line up" on a target before you can attack. Instead of getting needlessly complicated with 3d positioning and maps and crap, I just say that you can attack anyone with lower initiative than you at no penalty. Mandall, for example, may attack anyone he wants this round. If anyone but Mandall wants to engage a Cloakshape, though, their attacks are penalized.
2. The exception to this rule are turret gunners. They may attack, with no penalty, targets who their pilots have lined up on OR attackers who have lined up on THEM. If the Cloakshape attacks the
Echo, for example, MDK-911 can shoot at them with no penalty. They're coming in close for a strafing run.
3. To avoid being shot, pilots can "jink", or dodge. They double their Pilot dice, but any attacks from them or their gunners that round are penalized. This is new, but I've kind of done this previously whenever anyone was in a pickle (Ganet and Eritram's B-Wing came back from the raid on the Imperial carrier because of this maneuver).
Anyhoo, that's the nuts and bolts. To crack the transports' shields, you might try some of those launchers first; if you try and make a called shot it'll ensure that you don't accidentally toast the ship. Otherwise, keep on pounding the suckers. They've got little in the way of anti-aircraft weaponry.