OOC: Babes in the Woods

Admiral Duck Sauce 2006-03-14 23:47:27

2 Cloakshapes
Ganet & Ty
2 N-1s
2 Z-95s

The group of Z-95s already rolled a 1. :)

I've explained this before, but E's new. The way dogfights work is thusly:

1. You've gotta "line up" on a target before you can attack. Instead of getting needlessly complicated with 3d positioning and maps and crap, I just say that you can attack anyone with lower initiative than you at no penalty. Mandall, for example, may attack anyone he wants this round. If anyone but Mandall wants to engage a Cloakshape, though, their attacks are penalized.
2. The exception to this rule are turret gunners. They may attack, with no penalty, targets who their pilots have lined up on OR attackers who have lined up on THEM. If the Cloakshape attacks the Echo, for example, MDK-911 can shoot at them with no penalty. They're coming in close for a strafing run.
3. To avoid being shot, pilots can "jink", or dodge. They double their Pilot dice, but any attacks from them or their gunners that round are penalized. This is new, but I've kind of done this previously whenever anyone was in a pickle (Ganet and Eritram's B-Wing came back from the raid on the Imperial carrier because of this maneuver).

Anyhoo, that's the nuts and bolts. To crack the transports' shields, you might try some of those launchers first; if you try and make a called shot it'll ensure that you don't accidentally toast the ship. Otherwise, keep on pounding the suckers. They've got little in the way of anti-aircraft weaponry.
e of pi 2006-03-14 23:55:26
Two questions:
1. Why is Ty exempt from the "no one but Mandall can fire on the CloakShapes" and
2. Since both Jorm and Ty have weapons control, can Ty open up with lasers on a fighter while Jorm puts a torpeado into the nearest transport engine without penalty?
fanchergw 2006-03-15 00:43:28
Don't have much time for posting right now, but Calsera will go after either an N-1 or a Z-95, whichever she thinks is more dangerous.
Admiral Duck Sauce 2006-03-15 01:12:25
e of pi wrote:

Two questions:
1. Why is Ty exempt from the "no one but Mandall can fire on the CloakShapes" and
2. Since both Jorm and Ty have weapons control, can Ty open up with lasers on a fighter while Jorm puts a torpeado into the nearest transport engine without penalty?

1. I messed up. I was thinking about continuing the example with "If Ty wants to attack a Cloakshape, he'll be penalized", but decided against it. However, "Ty" was in my head while I was editing what I wrote.

2. Yes.
e of pi 2006-03-15 02:01:41
RE: 2
In that case, pending approval by Alhal, the Echo's going to make a low pass and take out the engines of the nearest freighter before going after the nearest fighter. Calsera can have another and I recomend that the Sith Eater does the same with whatever's left.

As to callsigns, I recomend Vandal Nuke for Eritram. It seems to fit. I'm still thinking about the others. Possibly Vandal Glitch for Ty?
Aihal the Silent 2006-03-15 02:20:09
e of pi wrote:

RE: 2
In that case, pending approval by Alhal, the Echo's going to make a low pass and take out the engines of the nearest freighter before going after the nearest fighter. Calsera can have another and I recomend that the Sith Eater does the same with whatever's left.

As to callsigns, I recomend Vandal Nuke for Eritram. It seems to fit. I'm still thinking about the others. Possibly Vandal Glitch for Ty?

My recommendation is to keep the Ion canons pointed at one of the freighters until they are dead in the water. If we finish off ours, then we help Sith Eater and her crew if they need it. Then we can go after fighters. Also, that's what our turrets are doing now anyway.

Depending on the density of the asteroid field, one of the larger ships may need to do some rock blasting to prevent the freighters from getting tagged. We'll see how things go. Right now...freighters for Ty, fighters for Turrets.

How about "Grievous Bodily Harm" for Eritram's callsign? :wink:
e of pi 2006-03-15 02:27:02
Too long, though I like it. Anything more than two or three sylables is pushing it.

EDIT: Addressing your game points, I think you have some good points, and I withdraw my sugestion in favor of your manuevers.
Gatac 2006-03-15 10:39:55
I'm heading for the Cloakshapes - those things (apparently) can take a lickin' and keep on ticking, and this sounds just like the kind of thing that could bite us in the ass later if we let them get into their groove.

DatonKallandor 2006-03-15 10:52:35
Called shot with the ordnance launchers on the transport - how'd that sound?

Also I like Vandal Nuke. A lot. I vote that as new callsign (since we never used the previous one for Eritram).

e of pi 2006-03-15 13:31:46
Tactics: The called shot w/launcher at their engines seems to be the prefered thing, with the turrets and fighters going after the other two Z-95s, the Cloakshapes and the N-1s.

Callsign: Glad to help.
e of pi 2006-03-15 15:39:36
Just a sec: are the drones launched? And how are they controlled?
fanchergw 2006-03-15 17:00:31
If the Gallofrees have external shield generators, perhaps putting the torpedos into those rather than the engines might be a better idea?
Admiral Duck Sauce 2006-03-15 17:46:48
Terribly sorry about the torpedoes. I've never seen that many 1s - except for when I rolled the Z-95s' attacks a moment later. :)

Anyways, try, try again, as they say.

Mandall & Cloakshapes
N-1 & 2 Z-95s
Sith Eater

The Gallofrees rolled a 1. I'll expound who and what they hit in the IC post after everyone lays out their tactics.

The Sith Eater has Shields 2/10, Hull 10/10, so it's still running all right. Nobody else has been struck.
e of pi 2006-03-15 18:23:57
Do the decoys have engines, or thrusters of some kind. I know Echo's out of position, but could we slam a decoy into somebody?
Admiral Duck Sauce 2006-03-15 18:37:03
They've got lil' maneuvering thrusters. If you're going to go to the trouble to aim and guide a decoy in, you might as well use a torpedo. Unless your aim is something other than straight up damage. They're not big; think 50-gallon drum filled with transponders and thrusters. It'd be nigh-impossible to smack a fighter with one, unless they were completely oblivious to the combat and were flying pretty slow.
e of pi 2006-03-15 19:10:26
What about the oppisite: They're small, not very well lit. Hide 'em in the shadows, and get the Cloakshapes or N-1 to fly through into them. Mandall or Calsera leads the Cloakshapes in, and they hit. They'll take some damage.Without sensors, they can't see them. Artificial asteriods.