Did we get any intel on the escorts we're expecting? I asked IC earlier, but the other question I asked got all the focus.
OOC: Babes in the Woods
Since we've kind of missed the IC opportunity to go over it (whoops), you're probably looking at 1-3 medium or bulk transports (juicy lumbering targets) and from 6-12 hyperdrive capable fighters.
Jorm will be taking the System's officer role on the Echo. Between having a d10 knowledge with a specialization in repair and ship's systems, he also has his Maestro and Multi-Tasking Aspects. The ship was built with him in mind.
Playing Star Wars Galaxies, I have a couple of tricks in mind. One is called an IFF scramble. You know how sensors color targets in the X-Wing games? Well, what would happen if you mixed things up? Hilarity...that's what. We can also use MDK as a gunner. He has d12 combat with a specialization in tactics.
Sorry for the lack of posting. Work has been insano. And home has been insano, with the preparation for selling.
Playing Star Wars Galaxies, I have a couple of tricks in mind. One is called an IFF scramble. You know how sensors color targets in the X-Wing games? Well, what would happen if you mixed things up? Hilarity...that's what. We can also use MDK as a gunner. He has d12 combat with a specialization in tactics.
Sorry for the lack of posting. Work has been insano. And home has been insano, with the preparation for selling.
Here's my layout:
You've pretty much already assigned yourselves ships.
Cat and Mandall are going to be our fighter escort. The two of you can duke it out for who gets the new Advanced.
Ty, Eritram, with Jorm on the Echo.
Ganet and MDK will fly the Sith Eater.
If Arnae isn't going to bring the Dagger, then he and Aurelia should be on theSith Eater.
ADS, you mentioned something about an Assault Shuttle?
Also, can you modify Jorm's character. Long Ago I changed "Fly Casual" to multitask.
You've pretty much already assigned yourselves ships.
Cat and Mandall are going to be our fighter escort. The two of you can duke it out for who gets the new Advanced.
Ty, Eritram, with Jorm on the Echo.
Ganet and MDK will fly the Sith Eater.
If Arnae isn't going to bring the Dagger, then he and Aurelia should be on theSith Eater.
ADS, you mentioned something about an Assault Shuttle?
Also, can you modify Jorm's character. Long Ago I changed "Fly Casual" to multitask.
Personally, I think that Aurelia should, if not bringing the Dagger, be on the Echo. As the junk heap that we just built literally yesterday, I want the mechanic in charge there to fix anything.
Also, the shuttle idea was a no-go, but we got the TIE instead.
Also, the shuttle idea was a no-go, but we got the TIE instead.
The way I read this, we have two options:
1. Attack during their trip through the field
2. Attack after they leave the feild and get ready to jump.
I'm going to recommend sowing panic and mayem in the field by trying at their fighters, then hasseling the ships. The rocks will slow 'em down, so we'll have more time. The only variable is the density of the field. So, ADS, how good do you have to be to fly through the field in combat manuevers?
1. Attack during their trip through the field
2. Attack after they leave the feild and get ready to jump.
I'm going to recommend sowing panic and mayem in the field by trying at their fighters, then hasseling the ships. The rocks will slow 'em down, so we'll have more time. The only variable is the density of the field. So, ADS, how good do you have to be to fly through the field in combat manuevers?
The way I normally work it is that the asteroid field is primarily a barrier to prevent ships from jumping right to hyperspace (also called "pulling a Second Chance"), and secondarily, if you roll a 1 on your per-round Pilot check, you've hit something, which is bad. 
Denser or more dangerous obstacles require a higher number. I normally don't push the minimum roll past 3, and that'd be like dogfighting through the Death Star's superstructure.
If you wait till they leave the field, there's no telling how long it'll take them to jump but it will be a hell of a lot shorter than if you were to engage them in the asteroids.

Denser or more dangerous obstacles require a higher number. I normally don't push the minimum roll past 3, and that'd be like dogfighting through the Death Star's superstructure.
If you wait till they leave the field, there's no telling how long it'll take them to jump but it will be a hell of a lot shorter than if you were to engage them in the asteroids.
I definitely recommend hitting them in the asteroid field.
I agree about hitting them in the asteroid fields. Also, since we're in Imperial craft and they re running goods for an Imperial officer, we could try bluffing them. The person with the highest spirit and/or wits could pull the whole "This is Imperial inspection team Alpha, here to verify the contents of your ships on behalf of Moff-fill-in-the-blank." Even if they don't buy it and come to a dead stop, it could buy us a few extra seconds.
Okay then. I say into the field! The deck chief on the Alderaan would say to forget the thing and leave the TIEs out, but I'd say we need to take out the fighter screen. Second, we should begin jamming all comm signals except whatever band we're using for intership. Don't let the enemy have the benefit of planning or coordinating their attacks, which will add confusion and disorganizasion into our favor. (Also, if any ships figure out the decoy thing, they won't be able to spread the word.) We already have suprise, so let's slink in as close as possible without tipping them of, then jump 'em before they leave the field. Fighters are top priority, then open up with ions on the freighters.
Also, ADS, how does Ty's Aspect ('Roid Runner) factor into that?
EDIT: As to the bluff, I say don't bother. The ships are enough. Leaving comms open is a dangerous thing.
Also, ADS, how does Ty's Aspect ('Roid Runner) factor into that?
EDIT: As to the bluff, I say don't bother. The ships are enough. Leaving comms open is a dangerous thing.
As I read it we have:
2 Transports to bushwack
about 12 fighters or so to take out
Are we to take out the station and any additional transports located there, or just the two Gallofrees?
Either way, we need to multitask. The Sith Eater and Echo have Ion cannons as well as blasters, correct? They will go for the transports, 1 apiece, while the fighters run interference and destroy the fighter escort. Since we have TURRETS, the Sith Eater and Echo can also take out fighters.
And yes, the Echo will be jamming the hell out of communications and the IFF sensors of the other side.
2 Transports to bushwack
about 12 fighters or so to take out
Are we to take out the station and any additional transports located there, or just the two Gallofrees?
Either way, we need to multitask. The Sith Eater and Echo have Ion cannons as well as blasters, correct? They will go for the transports, 1 apiece, while the fighters run interference and destroy the fighter escort. Since we have TURRETS, the Sith Eater and Echo can also take out fighters.
And yes, the Echo will be jamming the hell out of communications and the IFF sensors of the other side.
Let's do this!
Quote:Also, ADS, how does Ty's Aspect ('Roid Runner) factor into that?
If you're flying (I think you were piloting the Echo, yes?), it adds to all your flying checks while in the asteroid field. Handy, that.

All right - is everyone cool with the following assignment:
Ganet: Sith Eater pilot
Eritram: Sith Eater gunner
Ty: Echo pilot (can also fire weapons)
Jorm: Echo systems (can also fire weapons)
MDK: Echo turret gunner
Aurelia: Echo damage control
Cat & Mandall are obviously both flying escort.
I've adjusted MDK & Eritram: place Eritram in the Sith Eater, because he'd have access to the launchers there (his specialty). MDK is just as good in the Echo's turret as he would be behind the primary Skipray guns.
I know Ganet was involved in IC conversation to be a gunner, but he'd be better as a pilot, wouldn't you know.

The only reason I wanted Aurelia on the Sith Eater is because we would then have the pilot/gunner/tech combination. Jorm can fill in for Aurelia if something goes Kablooie. I just didn't want to leave the Sith Eater high and dry if something goes wrong. Whatever Crazy Ivan decides is cool though and I certainly won't complain if there are extra hands on Echo.
We'll probably start the ambush tuesday, 'cause I'm off to my weekly client meetings tomorrow. Should be plenty of time for Ivan to decide which ship Aurelia wants and for everyone to see the setup and say if they disagree with anything.
admiralducksauce wrote:We'll probably start the ambush tuesday, 'cause I'm off to my weekly client meetings tomorrow. Should be plenty of time for Ivan to decide which ship Aurelia wants and for everyone to see the setup and say if they disagree with anything.
Cool. I'll be up to my ass in work at the office probably for the next couple weeks (with breaks here and there). I'll try and check in at night.
Aurelia will go in the Sith Eater. Combination of a lack of mechanic and well...Aurelia for this mission wants to be near firepower, for mostly personal reasons.
What position would that be in the Sith Eater for Aurelia?
There's four seats in a Skipray: pilot, copilot/sensors, and 2 gunners. I'm not going to be a stickler for seat assignments; Eritram will handle the big shootys and Aurelia will handle the lil' turret if she wants as well as any auxiliary/support tasks that might arise.
Im fine with that.