OOC: Babes in the Woods

e of pi 2006-03-09 18:51:06
You know, I had a thought. The Dagger's interior bay is pretty big, so why not beg/borrow/steal a few TIEs, preferably Interceptors, then mount 'em in the cargo bay? Dagger drops out of hyperspace outside the system, ships go into combat, acting like they're all deploying from a larger craft, like an escort carrier, the Dagger makes sure nobody sees her, and nobody's the wiser.
DatonKallandor 2006-03-09 19:37:53
Ive actually thought about that. Mount non-hyperdriven TIE's in the racks for the escape pods. Wraith Squadron style. But then, the chassis is too small for that I suppose.

Admiral Duck Sauce 2006-03-09 19:51:34
Given time constraints, it'd probably work better to rig up some "crybaby"-style sensor decoys, use the Echo to continue that ruse with her ECM, and go from there. When you've got more time we'll see about getting you some tricksier methods of getting real TIEs into combat.
e of pi 2006-03-10 03:15:28
It's not more targets for the enemy I want, it's more ships for us. Attacking a convoy with essentially two ships which average out to the size of a YT-1300 is sort of rediculous. I want fighter support, and the mayem of armed ships can't be replaced by drones.

EDIT: I found something that might be worth it. It's a custom LEGO model somebody built, but check it out: Imp Fighter Carrier.
CrazyIvan 2006-03-10 03:38:46
e of pi wrote:

It's not more targets for the enemy I want, it's more ships for us. Attacking a convoy with essentially two ships which average out to the size of a YT-1300 is sort of rediculous. I want fighter support, and the mayem of armed ships can't be replaced by drones.

EDIT: I found something that might be worth it. It's a custom LEGO model somebody built, but check it out: Imp Fighter Carrier.

A mayhem of targets giving the two actual ships time to line up well-placed killing shot, while being fairly safe in a malestrom of signal noise, which happens to also prevent the enemy from formulating a coherent responce?

Aurelia is going to look for Blue Sun barrels and duct tape.
Admiral Duck Sauce 2006-03-10 04:05:13
Part of the challenge is that you guys are Special Forces. You're expected to go into things like this and pull it off without a lot of expensive resources tied up in your operations. Also, remember that it's not an Imperial convoy; it's privately owned ships.

If there wasn't a time constraint for this strike, it'd be perfectly fine to run a quick "stealing stuff for the job" scene or two, but as it is you're going to have to rush to get the decoys done.

S'all right. I'll try to fit in more "gearing up" time for the next mission.
fanchergw 2006-03-10 07:02:59
Don't sweat it, Adam. We can work just fine with what we got.

At some point in the future, I think we need to get our hands on another TIE Advanced somewhere, though. This probably falls in the category of wishful thinking...
fanchergw 2006-03-10 17:23:33
Gatac wrote:

Screw that, I want a TIE Defender :)


Never knew there was such a thing. Guess I need to do some research...
Admiral Duck Sauce 2006-03-10 20:40:18
Places, everyone! :)

Calsera: Suspiciously pristine TIE Advanced
Mandall: Quickly-repaired-after-being-shot-to-hell TIE Advanced
Ganet: Echo gunner

Other than that, we've got Aurelia, MDK, Jorm, Ty, and Eritram.
Admiral Duck Sauce 2006-03-10 20:58:26
I would assume you're taking the two TIEs, Echo, and Sith Eater. The decoys can be divided between the two larger ships, or you can bring the Dagger for the decoys and backup firepower if needed.
DatonKallandor 2006-03-10 22:07:31
Eritram goes for the Echo's nasty-launcher.

Also, I dont think TIE Defenders were even BUILT around that time. Its a bit like asking for a Republican Stardestroyer.

e of pi 2006-03-10 22:18:02
If Ty's piloting Echo, I'd want Jorm and Murdock on the Sith Eater, with Eritram in Echo's other turret. Aurelia is in a combination ECm/Dang-I-could-have-sworn-I-welded-that-down on Echo.

With these assignments, Echo's allowed her full tactical abilities, and I think that the Eater is also pretty much fully staffed. Then there's only the question of if the forward firing weapons on the Echo (ions, ect) are controllable from the pilot's stick. In any case, does Ganet want the upper or lower turret?

If somebody else (Jorm? Aurelia?) takes the helm, then the posts would be assigned based on the difference in pilot.

However, all these positions are based on the assumption that we'll be facing enemy fighter support that will need to be taken out rather than other modified freighters or small capital ships, hence the emphesis on turrets, which will be able to make up for the limited fire ranges of the Echo and Eater's main guns and thus their slower abilities to fire in other directions. If not, then tell me so I can lay out other crew placements.

EDIT: Revising assignments. Eritram is the copilot/main gunner on Echo, thus we need one more turret gunner. What penalties will we suffer if Jorm is the only one in the Eater?
DatonKallandor 2006-03-11 00:00:07
Speaking of combat, did anyone with locked topic access uplevel Eritram yet?

Id like to add a specialization in Handheld weaponry to Eritram's charsheet. If its not possible to have 2 specs on 1 trait (combat), I'd got for a raise in wits. Dont want annyone sneaking up on him.

Unfortunately I cannot edit it
