All of the others except Ty's and the bomber's are fine, though I still sugest Dragon's Roost for the frieghter and changing them to singular nouns. Breath and Eyes also might be a little indistinct over the comms, and are kind of...wierd. I'm brainstorming other possibilities. I suppose Nukeherder is out of possibility for the bomber?

Still, I sugest staying with a numerical system (Roost, Lead, 1, 2, 3,4)
Suggestions so far:
Dragon's Roost (Freighter)
Dragon's Heart (Eritram & Jorm)
Dragon's Scale (Aurelia)
Dragon's Claw (Calsera)
Dragon's Wing (Mandall)
Dragon's Tooth (Ty)
Dragon's Roost (Freighter)
Dragon Lead (Eritram & Jorm)
Dragon 1 (Aurelia)
Dragon 2 (Calsera)
Dragon 3 (Mandall)
Dragon 4 (Ty)