My two concessions will be to take a to-hit and initiative penalty for the next round.
Yeah, pretty much doing the get back to the ship thang.
Er, I'm just a touch confused about what's happening, and Arnae definitely is, too. His action will be to storm the ramp, shooting as neccessary.
OK, to try to sum up for everyone's benefit, with added information inserted based on what you've found out so far:
Upon arrival on Bespin, Lt. Briggs dismissed the standard protocol droid to handle a welcome speech himself. Putting two and two together, he was probably making himself known as the fence for anything you needed or needed to offload, he thought that your ship carried a large spice shipment meant for him or his "people" (the shipment which you sold to Pinky on Tatooine to get money to pay off Gulgo), and that you would work out the details with him later.
Aurelia and Ta went scavenging/shopping for parts and equipment to 1) finally fix the ship's security system, which had been hotwired by Reyes a while back 2) upgrade anything you might want to on the ship itself. Then they grab some lunch.
'Za went shopping and looking for anything interesting. Aside from a strange news bulletin about two missing Star Destroyers which never showed up in Sullust orbit, nothing much.
Erit buys plants and returns to the ship. Mak and Arnae I assumed would stay with the ship, and I haven't heard anything from Punkey so Reyes is around somewhere but is incognito or something.
Wayde went looking for leads as well, and got accosted by Alec Urbani of Imperial Customs. During their conversation, Urbani tells Wayde that he thinks Briggs is up to no good and that he suspects you guys of smuggling spice to Briggs, offering you leniency for information (which you have none to give, not being in on the smuggling plot). Wayde tells him "go ahead, scan the ship bitch" so Urbani sends down the stormtroopers. 5 troopers board the Chance and begin a scan. 4 troopers guard the doors onto the docking platform.
Wayde and 'Za reach the docking platform as Briggs and 4 of "his" troopers do, forcing their way onto the platform and locking the 4 guarding troopers out.
Aurelia and Ta have their "incident", Ta runs off.
There is a firefight, which leaves one "loyalist" trooper alive outside the ship, and 5 loyalists inside the ship. At least two of these loyalist troopers have fired at Erit from somewhere near the main gangplank into the ship. There are 3 others still inside, location unknown.
The one surviving trooper outside the ship might get a shot off this turn, but he will practically be guaranteed dead next round.
In addition, Urbani himself (which I'm about to post since Aurelia'll see this on her way back to the ship) and a large contingent of stormtroopers are trying to get in the blast doors to the docking platform. Their aim is to arrest Briggs and kill the rest of you for piracy.
Upon arrival on Bespin, Lt. Briggs dismissed the standard protocol droid to handle a welcome speech himself. Putting two and two together, he was probably making himself known as the fence for anything you needed or needed to offload, he thought that your ship carried a large spice shipment meant for him or his "people" (the shipment which you sold to Pinky on Tatooine to get money to pay off Gulgo), and that you would work out the details with him later.
Aurelia and Ta went scavenging/shopping for parts and equipment to 1) finally fix the ship's security system, which had been hotwired by Reyes a while back 2) upgrade anything you might want to on the ship itself. Then they grab some lunch.
'Za went shopping and looking for anything interesting. Aside from a strange news bulletin about two missing Star Destroyers which never showed up in Sullust orbit, nothing much.
Erit buys plants and returns to the ship. Mak and Arnae I assumed would stay with the ship, and I haven't heard anything from Punkey so Reyes is around somewhere but is incognito or something.
Wayde went looking for leads as well, and got accosted by Alec Urbani of Imperial Customs. During their conversation, Urbani tells Wayde that he thinks Briggs is up to no good and that he suspects you guys of smuggling spice to Briggs, offering you leniency for information (which you have none to give, not being in on the smuggling plot). Wayde tells him "go ahead, scan the ship bitch" so Urbani sends down the stormtroopers. 5 troopers board the Chance and begin a scan. 4 troopers guard the doors onto the docking platform.
Wayde and 'Za reach the docking platform as Briggs and 4 of "his" troopers do, forcing their way onto the platform and locking the 4 guarding troopers out.
Aurelia and Ta have their "incident", Ta runs off.
There is a firefight, which leaves one "loyalist" trooper alive outside the ship, and 5 loyalists inside the ship. At least two of these loyalist troopers have fired at Erit from somewhere near the main gangplank into the ship. There are 3 others still inside, location unknown.
The one surviving trooper outside the ship might get a shot off this turn, but he will practically be guaranteed dead next round.
In addition, Urbani himself (which I'm about to post since Aurelia'll see this on her way back to the ship) and a large contingent of stormtroopers are trying to get in the blast doors to the docking platform. Their aim is to arrest Briggs and kill the rest of you for piracy.
Oh - IP, if you're still confused, I understand. A lot of stuff happened really really quickly, but I hope this clears some of it up. If you've got any more questions, just let me know.
The mind blast rolls didn't work out last round, Gatty. You helped him miss Arnae, though.
There are now FOUR troopers left in the Chance, one of whom Arnae knows the location of. Erit can find them if he spends a turn sensing for them and rolls better than he did last turn.
'Za can get inside the ship this round using stealth as her action. Gordon, don't worry about the initiative order unless you wanted to change your intentions.
Mak took 6 Shock (out of 16 total) and 1 Wound (out of 8 total). You don't have to make any concessions (your roll beat the damage, but you take a wound for it being a deadly attack). A painful but not life-threatening graze.
New round!
1. Jileeza (sneakin' into the ship)
2. Briggs & Co.
3. Arnae (inside the ship)
3. Mak (outside but near the ship, holding two smoking blasters)
3. Stormtroopers aboard the Chance
4. Erit (on the ship's gangplank)
5. Wayde (taken cover behind a landing strut)
Aurelia isn't really in combat, and may post an action for this "round" as she feels necessary.
I will elaborate in the IC thread shortly.
There are now FOUR troopers left in the Chance, one of whom Arnae knows the location of. Erit can find them if he spends a turn sensing for them and rolls better than he did last turn.

'Za can get inside the ship this round using stealth as her action. Gordon, don't worry about the initiative order unless you wanted to change your intentions.
Mak took 6 Shock (out of 16 total) and 1 Wound (out of 8 total). You don't have to make any concessions (your roll beat the damage, but you take a wound for it being a deadly attack). A painful but not life-threatening graze.
New round!
1. Jileeza (sneakin' into the ship)
2. Briggs & Co.
3. Arnae (inside the ship)
3. Mak (outside but near the ship, holding two smoking blasters)
3. Stormtroopers aboard the Chance
4. Erit (on the ship's gangplank)
5. Wayde (taken cover behind a landing strut)
Aurelia isn't really in combat, and may post an action for this "round" as she feels necessary.

Yeah, time to go Daredevil on 'em.
I don't think we can handle two more squads. We need to take over the ship and its cannons, and we need to do it fast.
The funny thing is, it's not all that much of a long shot. You could maybe even take 'em without the ship's guns...
Just playin' devil's advocate again.
Just playin' devil's advocate again.

Maybe if we had a firing line, but everyone's too scattered right now.
If they don't all rush at the same time, Mak might be able to keep them at bay for a few more minutes. I'm hoping Aurelia can come up with some way to buy us more time.
If they don't all rush at the same time, Mak might be able to keep them at bay for a few more minutes. I'm hoping Aurelia can come up with some way to buy us more time.
Or you could leave her behind and fly away and she could become like a villainess and track you down later like Pat Garrett or that one guy in the Wild Bunch...

If we must, we must, but I'd prefer our crack mechanic to aboard the ship when we jumped to hyperspace.
As Spock said in Wrath of Khan,
The needs of the many...
As Spock said in Wrath of Khan,
The needs of the many...
Arnae's going to try and make it to the cockpit and clear it of hostiles, then power the ship up.
My plan is to have the repulsors give the ship a little clockwise nudge and have the lower gun turret light up the doorway, Quake-style.
My plan is to have the repulsors give the ship a little clockwise nudge and have the lower gun turret light up the doorway, Quake-style.
If 'Za can take out these 2 clowns in the cargo bay, she's heading for the autocannons. And you know how she likes to play with them. :cheesy:
I'm gonna hold off here to see if Ivan wants Aurelia to do anything. From Aurelia's perspective, where you are is brightly lit and a very round, organic space. The lift is encapsulated in a long vertical tube/pillar, with a wide spiral stair leading up to the next level. You're in a cubby of sorts next to the lift, with the Imperials arrayed mostly to both sides of the docking platform blast doors. I'll try to do a picture:

Is Erit OK with giving in to the Dark Side like that? Trying to mind trick a guy into committing suicide? That's how I read it, at least.
As a matter of fact, yes. Something I intend to connect with the way he blew up at Ta...though we know now that she's a rotten egg.
This Ithorian is due for some meditation.
This Ithorian is due for some meditation.
That's a rather heavy blockade for a holdout pistol and a mechanic.
If I see something that looks like a reasonable opportunity to get back onto the ship, so be it. If not, a quick comm informing the ship to get the hell out. The needs of many, as Dieter said.
If that be the case, then its time to ditch the parts and go to ground somewhere until I can rig up a way to get back in contact with them. Or become a villainess. Someday, a Hapian crusier will be on your tail, and there'll be Aurelia...
If I see something that looks like a reasonable opportunity to get back onto the ship, so be it. If not, a quick comm informing the ship to get the hell out. The needs of many, as Dieter said.
If that be the case, then its time to ditch the parts and go to ground somewhere until I can rig up a way to get back in contact with them. Or become a villainess. Someday, a Hapian crusier will be on your tail, and there'll be Aurelia...
Ivan, I think you should McGuyver your way out of it!
Honestly, there are a couple ways I forsee this turning out over the next couple of turns:
1. Aurelia does indeed get left behind -> either becomes a villainess (I'm not sure why at this point, it's not like they're maliciously leaving her.. well, maybe Wayde is *grin* ) or -> the group does a sneaky flyby to get her once the heat has died down or -> finds her own way off Cloud City.
2. Wayde's grenades and the probable imminent fusillade of heavy cannon fire make the heavy blockade something a little more manageable. Aurelia gets aboard, everything's OK.
3. Something else NOT covered by the above couple of things happens.
1. Aurelia does indeed get left behind -> either becomes a villainess (I'm not sure why at this point, it's not like they're maliciously leaving her.. well, maybe Wayde is *grin* ) or -> the group does a sneaky flyby to get her once the heat has died down or -> finds her own way off Cloud City.
2. Wayde's grenades and the probable imminent fusillade of heavy cannon fire make the heavy blockade something a little more manageable. Aurelia gets aboard, everything's OK.
3. Something else NOT covered by the above couple of things happens.