Now that we have the opportunity to do a few repairs and upgrades, I've been thinking - what parts could we get on an Ithorian worldship? Weapons are probably right out except for jury-rigging some spares, but two areas I think are likely:
Repulsors and Sensors.
Ithorians have highly advanced Repulsor tech, that's for sure. Upgrades in this area would give us a huge advantage in atmospheric missions. And better sensors are always worthwhile to get - especially if it means avoiding those pesky Imperials.
We'll take anything they can offer. How about a team of techs and mechanics to help us out with the re-fits?
Will likely require stripping all of my plants bare for fruit gifts, but I say give it a try.
Can Erit have a twig lightsaber ? Not necessarily a complete one, just the parts to assemble one.
This is like the millionth big pause in the game - I'm sorry again.
A few notes:
1. Those of you who are traipsing about in the temple. It's not a Jedi temple and it's not a Force temple, although the place is strong in the Force. It is the Ithorian's place they go to meditate nature and do hippie stuff. Some priests may be Force-sensitive - not all. And of those "some", only a fraction would have any inkling that they ARE Force-sensitive.
2. Gotta say no to the twiggy lightsaber, Gatac. There's nothing in Erit's background that has anything about sabers or Jedi training. He's never expressed any desire to make or use a lightsaber, you know?
3. That said, Erit is now the teacher to Mak. You can tell him anything Erit might remember about the Jedi, what his own experience with the Force is, you can even tell him that you think it's caused by midichlorians.
I'll hop in if you or Mak are trying to do something needing a trait check, but the floor is yours regarding training.
4. The rest of you guys - I'll be figuring out how Wayde gets along with the "Go Anywhere" button soon and try to come up with something for you all to do. If you want to "make your own fun", that's cool. The group could probably use some more credits, what with after the repairs and the upgrades and general upkeeping costs, the extra creds you -didn't- give to Gulgo are running thin.

1. Those of you who are traipsing about in the temple. It's not a Jedi temple and it's not a Force temple, although the place is strong in the Force. It is the Ithorian's place they go to meditate nature and do hippie stuff. Some priests may be Force-sensitive - not all. And of those "some", only a fraction would have any inkling that they ARE Force-sensitive.
2. Gotta say no to the twiggy lightsaber, Gatac. There's nothing in Erit's background that has anything about sabers or Jedi training. He's never expressed any desire to make or use a lightsaber, you know?
3. That said, Erit is now the teacher to Mak. You can tell him anything Erit might remember about the Jedi, what his own experience with the Force is, you can even tell him that you think it's caused by midichlorians.

4. The rest of you guys - I'll be figuring out how Wayde gets along with the "Go Anywhere" button soon and try to come up with something for you all to do. If you want to "make your own fun", that's cool. The group could probably use some more credits, what with after the repairs and the upgrades and general upkeeping costs, the extra creds you -didn't- give to Gulgo are running thin.
That's OK. Just need to keep you on your toes every once in a while, might never know what you can smuggle by. 

Once 'Za has gathered whatever news she can get out of the saloon patrons, she's going to go talk with Wayde about what she heard on their previous stop.
No real big plans at this point, though if she runs across someone with significant funds, she may investigate ways to share in his wealth.
No real big plans at this point, though if she runs across someone with significant funds, she may investigate ways to share in his wealth.
Quote:Quote: from admiralducksauce on 9:47 am on April 17, 2004
3. That said, Erit is now the teacher to Mak. You can tell him anything Erit might remember about the Jedi, what his own experience with the Force is, you can even tell him that you think it's caused by midichlorians.I'll hop in if you or Mak are trying to do something needing a trait check, but the floor is yours regarding training.
Chapter 4: The Cruel Tutelage of Radow Erit.
lol. Just watch out for the fish heads!
Sorry for the slow posting, I'm having a busy time with school. On the bright side, in a couple of months, I'll be free!
...until joining the army.
...until joining the army.
I have been "beef stew" all over this game lately.
So when all else fails, as Raymond Chandler says, "have two men with guns burst in the door."