Quote: from Gatac on 4:09 pm on Mar. 31, 2004
I plan on getting rid of some of those gray clouds again 
And I was going to relate to Erit during Mak's higher understanding of the force. Nevermind, then.
Mak is the sort of person who will feed on his emotions when using the Force, not being able to comprehend the whole no-passion-no-anger thing. But he still has a conscience. So on the moral scale, he's blueish-gray, while dark-pink on the Force'o'meter.
Anyway, I always felt the gray area is wider than just a middleway point between Light and Dark. Not locking your emotions in the basement, but keeping them with you - on a leash.
Also, I don't think it matters only if you're a Force "user". The whatever-nites (forgot how they're called) are in everything and everyone, right? So even for normal people, a nasty fella will "give you the creeps", and you get a sense of tranquility at a temple. I guess that's why they call it Force Awareness/Sensitivity, it means you're more finely tuned to it (not to mention having more... [er, as the Force is actually both Energy and Matter. I think I'm getting a headache]).