Brian vs. any sort of helicopter = dead helicopter. He's their kryptonite.
OOC: XV - Big Bada-Boom
Okay. Puttin' all my effort into making the car a hard target, but I bet that was assumed.
I am become flak gun, destroyer of helicopters.
Going to continue to complicate the pilots life.
Going to continue to complicate the pilots life.
You're fortunate that I've been playing lots of Mercenaries and have a full-blown hatred for attack helicopters...although my usual method involves spraying the chopper with a 100-round box of LMG ammo.

Must kill faster...
Novosibirsk to Omsk = ~200km
That's about 2hrs if you're taking it easy. 90 minutes if Artis is driving like a fucking idiot.
That's about 2hrs if you're taking it easy. 90 minutes if Artis is driving like a fucking idiot.

I'll going to fast-forward both teams so they're on the same timeline.
Update coming soon.
Update coming soon.
So the camera has surveillance over the apartment? Is the fire escape within the camera's view? Furthermore, did we happen to drive past the camera?
My plan: disable the camera, go in the fire escape. Do NOT touch the front door.
My plan: disable the camera, go in the fire escape. Do NOT touch the front door.
The camera only covers the parking lot and fire escape, so your car would not have been caught on tape.
It's mounted on the building's wall about 10ft off the ground.
It's mounted on the building's wall about 10ft off the ground.
Ah. Well I've got a laser watch to cut the camera wires with, and barring that, a silenced .40.

I vote laser watch.
So, the plan is to zap the camera then proceed inside via the fire escape?
I think that's the plan, yes.
I just couldn't help it.
You know what we should procure? Cell phone scramblers. (See MAG Chapter 9 PDF.) Sure, it'll set us back some, but it'll be a hot fix to the comm problem, atleast for team-internal stuff.
Who's going first through the window? 
(Edited by Dieter at 4:23 pm on Mar. 3, 2005)

(Edited by Dieter at 4:23 pm on Mar. 3, 2005)
If Peter doesn't alert me to some magical security device inside he needs to shut off himself, I'll go through, weapon drawn, Move Silently mode activated. 
When the apartment blows up, it's better to have the guy with Evasion go in first.

When the apartment blows up, it's better to have the guy with Evasion go in first.
Any plan that leaves me safe in the rear is automatically approved. Go bravely forward, slightly-more-expandable-than-me fellow agent! 

He isn't really "expendable," (or expandable, even) so much as "less likely to get blow'd up."
Other than Jess, Artis is the only remaining original team member going back nearly three years worth of gaming.
Gah. Has it really been -that- long? :shocked:
Gah. Has it really been -that- long? :shocked: