Peter took 16VP from that sniper attack, so's time to blow some action dice.
OOC: XV - Big Bada-Boom
Roll me a die, any die...

Quote:Agreed on the Anatoli count...we're a fixer/wheelman and a goddamn mercenary. If we can't organise a repaint ourselves, we'd be pitiful.
Sorry to keep flipflopping here, but you raise a point contrary to what you might have intended. We are ONLY a fixer/wheelman and a goddamn mercenary. They send any more than... I dunno, like more than four guys we're in trouble.
Why not compromise?

1. Lose Anatoli and the space rifle. Hell, give him the space rifle. I don't give a crap.
2. Use our fixer connections to organize a repaint, for the purpose of hiding the truck somewhere. During the repaint, Artis will be on overwatch, but we won't wait longer just because we want to ambush the bad guys.
3. Take the Bond car and continue on, hopefully unscathed.
Agreed, except for giving Anatoli the rifle. Let's either do the classic "throw it out of the window while driving, one piece at a time" or just straight blow it up. Anatoli can have a spare Makarov or something.
Done and done.
The Makarov magazine gets tossed a little further down the road, though.

Peter could easily disassemble it and scatter the device to the four winds. I'm pretty sure you don't want that weapon coming back to haunt you anyway.
Just recap for purposes of my storyline summary.
1) Ditch, -not- kill Anatoli. Leave him some cash and a sidearm for his troubles.
2) Disassemble the space rifle and get rid of the pieces.
3) Repaint the truck and ditch it, -not- frag it.
4) Leave Novosibirsk in the Bond Car.
Gatty, you get 7VP back...two action dice spent.
Just recap for purposes of my storyline summary.
1) Ditch, -not- kill Anatoli. Leave him some cash and a sidearm for his troubles.
2) Disassemble the space rifle and get rid of the pieces.
3) Repaint the truck and ditch it, -not- frag it.
4) Leave Novosibirsk in the Bond Car.
Gatty, you get 7VP back...two action dice spent.
That is correct as I understand it as well.
Alright, let's do it.
You rolled pretty well on your rig concealment check, so unless you tell someone where it is, it'll most likely be there when you get back.
Did you happen to set up some sort of anti-tamper device on it?
Did you happen to set up some sort of anti-tamper device on it?
My vote's yes, and my vote as to what = self-destruct.
However, it's not my truck and I have my sports car finally.
However, it's not my truck and I have my sports car finally.

I'm setting up a shaped charge that kills the transmission, triggered by opening the doors or tripping a seismic sensor. (No towing away while I'm on the job.)
Peter's committing the GPS coordinates to memory so he can tell the Agency where to collect the rig.
Peter's committing the GPS coordinates to memory so he can tell the Agency where to collect the rig.
Quote:Quote: from Dieter on 11:19 am on Feb. 18, 2005
Are Ayumi and Carla making a run for the limo?
And Moten's flooring the accelerator to get the hell out of there, but he'll stop and pick up our two wayward friends when he sees them.
As soon as we find out what's going on, we should grab us a few guns and let them know what we think of their harassment campaign.
In the words of (shudder) Andy Dick: "Elimination time, bitches!"
In the words of (shudder) Andy Dick: "Elimination time, bitches!"
Um...beefstew...uh, erm....update probably tomorrow.
How far away are the guards?
Ayumi should drive. Just saying.
Far enough not to be shooting you with their pistols...we'll say about 100ft.
The road in front of you heads north. Southbound traffic stretches a good 1/4 mile ahead, but the northbound lane is empty.
The road in front of you heads north. Southbound traffic stretches a good 1/4 mile ahead, but the northbound lane is empty.
I'm considering running their asses over to shut them up. Any takers?