OOC: XV - Big Bada-Boom

CrazyIvan 2005-02-22 20:46:31
Or, we could just get going down the road, and while the girls get settled Brian give them a burst of SomethingElseToTalkAbout.
Dieter 2005-02-22 21:57:41

Quote: from CrazyIvan on 2:46 pm on Feb. 22, 2005
Or, we could just get going down the road, and while the girls get settled Brian give them a burst of SomethingElseToTalkAbout.

What's the verdict?
threadbare 2005-02-22 23:29:59
I vote for running like hell. I'm not in favor of starting a fight with an army. We can get payback later. Any more time we spend here increases the odds of clusterfuck.
threadbare 2005-02-23 03:08:00
Ayumi's both small and dexterous, so getting into the driver's seat should be an easy matter of seconds if Moten's compliant, and only a moderately difficult matter of seconds if he's not.
Dieter 2005-02-23 14:13:51
So are you guys running over Andropov's henchmen or just getting the hell out of Dodge?
Dieter 2005-02-23 14:15:02

Quote: from Dieter on 8:13 am on Feb. 23, 2005
So are you guys running over Andropov's henchmen or just getting the hell out of Dodge?

Oh. Nevermind.
Dieter 2005-02-23 15:19:07
At least it's only one and who do you think Andropov's henchmen were calling on their radios? ;)

The Mi8 Hip is a crappy-ass substitute for the Mi17 Hind. It's a good thing the weather is terrible and the fact that you're currently in Eastern Bumfuckistan and not near a military base.
Gatac 2005-02-23 15:59:46
Nitpick Alert: The 17 is an updated Hip; the Hind's 24.

That said, here's vehicle stats for the 17, as of World Militaries:

Ground Attack Mi-17

17 GP, Size Huge, Handling +6, Speed 1000ft, MPH 100/155, Defense 14, 95 Wound Points, Hardness 7, Qualities: Camouflage (any one terrain), VTOL

Weapons: 2x 7.62mm MGs, 70mm rocket launcher with HE missiles, 75 extra missiles

Have fun, people.

Dieter 2005-02-23 16:13:08
Please note that the chopper is -not- an Mi17. It's a Mi8, which is to say that the technology in Siberia is not exactly up to Red Army standards.
Gatac 2005-02-23 16:17:52
Yes, so these stats are kinda best case scenario. In all probability, it has weaker stats, but I wanted to throw that in to give you guys and idea of the threat's rough strength. (Besides, World Militaries doesn't have an explicit Mi-8. Bastards.)

Dieter 2005-02-23 16:42:42
Just to give another perspective on the Mi8, it's Vietnam-era technology. That means slow, heavy, reliable...but they don't make replacement parts for them.

Yep. Those are 30+ year-old bolts holding that thing together with a ground crew that gets paid less than the dude working the drive-thru at McDonalds. ;)
CrazyIvan 2005-02-23 22:05:55
Well then...unless anyone has a better idea, I say we start putting holes in it.

Brian has a fondness for bullets in engine cowlings.
Gatac 2005-02-23 23:28:48
But with an MP5?

Not that I have a better idea, but it does sound like a long shot. (No pun intended.)

Dieter 2005-02-24 03:07:30

Quote: from Gatac on 5:28 pm on Feb. 23, 2005
But with an MP5?

Not that I have a better idea, but it does sound like a long shot. (No pun intended.)


You forget that Brian has precision shots down to a science,

I'd recommend he aim for the pilot. It's a digustingly long range shot, but if anyone in the party can do, it's Brian.
punkey 2005-02-24 05:32:27
That's why I wanted to kill them.

If we're going to do anything, we should probably get the fuck out of the car. Nothing attracts missiles like a big, heavy, slow-moving limo.
Dieter 2005-02-24 14:24:22

Quote: from Punkey on 11:32 pm on Feb. 23, 2005
That's why I wanted to kill them.

If we're going to do anything, we should probably get the fuck out of the car. Nothing attracts missiles like a big, heavy, slow-moving limo.

I guess we're waiting for Ivan's call on the matter.
CrazyIvan 2005-02-24 22:44:13
My thoughts:

What are we gonna do if we ditch the limo?

Best case, we get to play partisan with a helocopter.

Worst case, we get to play partisan with a helocopter and the Red Army.

That's my thought. Brian's currently 1 for 1 with Helocopter vs. MP5s, and I don't fancy the idea of bailing out of a limo at full speed in the middle of a highway.

So, taking a shot. Braced against the window frame (if out window) or the roof (if on the skylight). Loading up any positive modifiers I can, and cashing in any and all remaining action dice.
punkey 2005-02-25 17:41:06
You gotta be fuckin' kidding me. :)

That's one hell of a shot.
Dieter 2005-02-25 17:57:49
I swear, it's like Ivan saves up all his karma for this kind of shit. Please note he didn't even need to spend any APs for it.

-The chopper's still in the game, but it will have definite issues with its stability.

-The limo took damage, but it's still driveable. It's in the "wounded" category.