Gatac 2003-02-11 21:07:23
Oh, peachy.

I'd like to know by how much I failed the bluff check, but other than that, I'd say it's better if Art and co. do a quick entry and bust us out later. Mission first, ya know.

Dieter 2003-02-11 21:18:28
Ok, you initially rolled a "3" and I added an action die "4" plus another "1" when the die exploded on the previous "4". That gave you a 18 total.

The manager rolled a "13" having a +8 to her total (21). You didn't blow it completely, which explains why I gave you the time to react if necessary...which, incidentally you didn't. ;)

Had you rolled a critical fumble, the silent alarm would have been pushed and well...you now know what happens then.

You're still alive...you have that going for you.
threadbare 2003-02-12 02:42:01
I don't have a chance of getting away? I tried to step out, but I guess they're heading too quickly.
Dieter 2003-02-12 04:29:39
Since Harry was probably standing near the door when he was talking to Artis, we'll conclude that he was on his feet (but distracted by the phone call) when security rushed in.

Jess was still sitting when it happened.
CrazyIvan 2003-02-12 05:24:24
*just finished reading some old 1st Edition AD&D stuff*

Fuck diplomacy. Kill everyone. Guests, Terrorists, Hotel Security.

And take their stuff.
CrazyIvan 2003-02-12 05:46:22
I'm with Brian. OK, Raven, Artis, Brian, and Gavin hit the upstairs. Don't even worry about putting up a front. The elevator doors open, we shoot everyone in the face. Sound good, team? It may even give Jess and Harry a chance to escape. :)
threadbare 2003-02-12 07:51:19
Right now, I'm wondering I should have got political favors instead of sidestep a couple levels ago...
threadbare 2003-02-12 08:06:59
Yes. Shooty-shooty solves much. It provides much-needed distractions for people attempting to escape hotel security and eliminates troublesome Russian mobsters. It's like a wonder drug!
Gatac 2003-02-12 11:07:21
People, forget anything I've ever said about subtlety. Just kick some ass.

Dieter 2003-02-12 15:22:09
Heh...now that's the spirit. When I saw the righteous goody-good group turn into a band of bloodthirsty vigilantes it filled my gut with inspiration and tear came to my eye.

Huzzah, now we're working on a License to Kill type game. It's a good thing Jess has the Safehouse Feat.

Cool. :cool:
Dieter 2003-02-12 16:05:59

Jess: 21
Raven: 20
Brian: 17
Harry: 10
Artis: 8
NPCs: erm...let's just say they go last.

Post your actions, moves, soliloquies here.
Gatac 2003-02-12 16:43:44
If I can reach it, I'm going for my Colt, sprinting behind Davidson, and holding that bitch up with steel to her head.

Dieter 2003-02-12 16:52:59
You could go for your weapon, but that may be ill-advised. Although you're not quite sure what sort of object is being held to the back of your head, you can be certain that it probably doesn't fire rubber-tipped darts. ;)
Dieter 2003-02-12 16:57:06
OK, I'd just like to say that I was terribly confused about placement. I thought Brian was with me and Raven in the elevator, not outside at the Hummer. And now that I look back, I'm not even sure where Raven is. It suddenly seems like it's just me in the elevator. I hardly have confidence in my ability to take down one bad guy, let alone two, by myself. But I'm all for it as long as Gavin is gonna bust in the window all Tequila-style and rip up the upstairs.

So I suppose my action is to wait in the elevator, draw my silenced pistol and take the Regroup action on the next turn if it takes 2 rounds to get upstairs.
Dieter 2003-02-12 17:08:23
Hmm, ok...let's again put everyone somewhere. This is what I get for splitting up the party.

Harry and Jess: Currently being subdued in the manager's office.

Gavin: We'll say he made his way to the top of the tower.

Brian, Artis, Raven: In the elevator going up to whack the goons.

*I'm going to have to edit the storyline thread accordingly, so don't post your actions until I do so.*
Dieter 2003-02-12 17:12:53
I think the storyline is now fixed. Feel free to post your actions accordingly.
Gatac 2003-02-12 19:09:49
Somebody's got a gun to my head ? Alright, cancel my plan. Sit tight and smile when someone else kicks their asses.

threadbare 2003-02-13 04:30:19
Still don't say anything, but get ready to run like hell if there's a distraction. I'm talking full defense, sidestep, all that jazz.
threadbare 2003-02-13 08:59:22
Okay, I'm on the roof. I have, from the cache, the MP5 with the silencer, both clips, the rope and climbing harness, one pair of the NVG's, and one of the flashbangs. The elevator crew has the other flashbang, and the knife if they want it; I'm far deadlier unarmed than short-bladed. I'm going to load up, cross myself, and start rapelling down. I get in position next to their suite, to the side of a window so they don't see me, and then either radio or phone in with the elevator crew. We agree on a countdown, go word, or whatever. I plan to strafe the tightest group of targets, then toss the flashbang into the mess. Then, as soon as I get some breathing room, I'm touching down inside that suite, because while I'm not afraid of heights, I sure as hell am afraid of the ground rushing up for a too-tight hug.