Agents would die before revealing that they're working for the Agency, or even confirming that it exists. That's not an option, folks...
just checking. Let's just put jess and raven on the roof, gavin scaling the wall, and Harry, artis and bryan on the other side of the door.
Maybe we could secure the hotel's cooperation simply by bullshitting them. Harry and Jess might be able to pull that off, by flashing around interpol reports and acting with impunity. ID would probably be important. On the other hand, we can just slip some money to the bellboys and janitors to avoid this floor for a while while we start breaking stuff.
Maybe we could secure the hotel's cooperation simply by bullshitting them. Harry and Jess might be able to pull that off, by flashing around interpol reports and acting with impunity. ID would probably be important. On the other hand, we can just slip some money to the bellboys and janitors to avoid this floor for a while while we start breaking stuff.
Let's go with a combination bullshit/bribe, then go with TB's plan.
Quote:Quote: from admiralducksauce on 2:09 am on Feb. 7, 2003
Let's go with a combination bullshit/bribe, then go with TB's plan.
Sounds like a plan.
How about this...Jess says that Harry and she are from a special police unit working undercover, and that they're there to arrest the russians. The two don't carry ID because it's a black-ops thing, adding plausible deniability if they get captured. The code to confirm their identity is to call up the local police, demand Detective Schwartz, and ask him if he knows Kimberly Westlake...of course, he doesn't know about us, he's been told to answer that question with a positive without being aware of the background. We'll go on to tell her that our strike team is already moving into position to arrest the guys, and that, in order to minimize damage and casualties, it would be good if they could cut power to the penthouse and tell their staff to evacuate the floor as inconspicious as possible. Add that we're incredibly sorry that we could not persue a more "normal" arrest, but it's a special case, and that we believe that this is the prime opportunity, since they're to leave the country soon, since we have already arrested their leader in secret. If required, tell a few horror stories about them. Reaffirm her that we'll pay for the damage, and that with her full coorporation, nobody will probably notice anything odd.
Comments ?
Comments ?

Well armed men in black kevlar, helmets and serious firepower would also add a certain air of credability to the "we're here to make an arrest." Brian could do his best impression of a SWAT officer if so required.
I think that the extra firepower afforded by Jess and Harry will be required up there, and Brian has to change into his commando gear, doesn't he?
Well, we don't have to assault the suite now ? You folks can still go "Sorry, wrong floor !", come down again, and wait for us to give you the all-clear. Attacking now would be stupid.
So what is the reply to the hotel manager?
"Excuse me...could we talk somewhere less crowded ? My partner and I need to talk to you as soon as possible."
Wait, I'm not quite clear on where Gavin is. He's taking a maintenance route to the roof? Also, what's the ruling on the laser sight?
Erm...excuse my ignorance, it being Friday and all...what did you need to know about the laser sight?
As for where Gavin is at. He's standing in front of a door at the base of the Stratosphere Tower.
As for where Gavin is at. He's standing in front of a door at the base of the Stratosphere Tower.
I wanted to know if I could mount my pistol's laser sight on the MP5.
Well, I'll raid the poor maintenance workers for their keys and place them out of sight.
Well, I'll raid the poor maintenance workers for their keys and place them out of sight.
If you had any sort of time or proper conditions (which you didn't) to mount and calibrate the laser sight, I'd say yeah. But since this whole thing has transpired in less than a few hours, sorry no.

After seeing this site, I take it back. You could mount the sight on the MP5.

Whose MP5 are we talking about here? Mine already HAS a laser sight on it. I presumed it was a military style hard mount.
I think IP was asking about the one you guys found in the Hummer.
Excellent. That extra +2 in close quarters will come in handy, I'm sure.
Short question, why did Gavin knock the techs out ? Shouldn't we save that for when we fail to convince the lady ?
Gavin didn't do it - the techs were fooled by the rocks!