Now what would Harry and Jess like to say to the manager?
It's okay, though, cuz I'm still Gavin from the block.
He used t' have a little, but now he's got alot.
Yeah, and I still remember where I gave some. *cracks knuckles*
ha ha ah.
Anyway, our gameplan is essentially what gatac outlined earlier. no smiles, patience, but with take-no-shit attitudes. You think we should say we're from a special Interpol detachment, or just remain vague?
Anyway, our gameplan is essentially what gatac outlined earlier. no smiles, patience, but with take-no-shit attitudes. You think we should say we're from a special Interpol detachment, or just remain vague?
First rule of lying: details add credibility. Maybe we could say that we're from the Global Anti-Terror Assault Command... 

Second rule of lying: Excessive details make the lying evident. Jess does have that +11 in BS, as Threadbare pointed out, though. Or just follow Gavin's route. Either way, let's speed things up. My trigger finger's getting itchy.
Ok, so either Gatty or Threadbare post your remark(s) on the storyline thread.
You're not quite sure how influential or convincing Jess' story came off.
For the time being, it would seem that the tower manager bought some of your bluff...the key word being some.
You have about 2 minutes before the hotel security arrive. Now what?
For the time being, it would seem that the tower manager bought some of your bluff...the key word being some.
You have about 2 minutes before the hotel security arrive. Now what?
Since everyone is scattered all over the place, please tell me where you'd like to be in the next scene.
Here is where I have everyone:
Jess & Harry- Inside the Tower Manager's office
Gavin- Standing in front of a service entrance to the Tower
Artis, Brian, Raven- Coming down the elevator.
Since everyone is scattered all over the place, please tell me where you'd like to be in the next scene.
Here is where I have everyone:
Jess & Harry- Inside the Tower Manager's office
Gavin- Standing in front of a service entrance to the Tower
Artis, Brian, Raven- Coming down the elevator.
I vote everyone but Gavin ride up in the elevator and just whack everyone upstairs. Gavin busts in the window like our original plan, creating a two-pronged surprise attack.
The question is whether we can get the hotel folks to help us. A power outage on that level *would* help, after all.
Hm, idea. Let's make sure where we stand with the crew before we start. I'll wait for the security guy to come there, then I'll play it tough. If they want to help us, fine; if they don't, they should let us do our job. (I really hope my 11 bonus in Bluff atleast made them believe me enough to not suspect us as criminals.)
Hm, idea. Let's make sure where we stand with the crew before we start. I'll wait for the security guy to come there, then I'll play it tough. If they want to help us, fine; if they don't, they should let us do our job. (I really hope my 11 bonus in Bluff atleast made them believe me enough to not suspect us as criminals.)
Quote:Ahem...Quote: from Gatac on 4:11 pm on Feb. 10, 2003
The question is whether we can get the hotel folks to help us. A power outage on that level *would* help, after all.
(I really hope my 11 bonus in Bluff atleast made them believe me enough to not suspect us as criminals.)
Had a slight weapons malfunction, but everything's perfectly alright now. We're fine, we're all fine, here now, thank you. How are you?
I re-emphasize that since Harry does have the "Cold Read" ability.
Grr, my non-mother tongue of English rears it's ugly head again as I fail to get the joke. Ah well, Threadbare can take that one 

(Dieter smacks Gatac for 10pts of virtual subdual dmg)
Hint #2
That quote was said by a certain space smuggler while attempting to rescue a certain "rebellious" princess from a spheroid-like space station....IN A GALAXY FAR FAR AWAY.
Hint #2
That quote was said by a certain space smuggler while attempting to rescue a certain "rebellious" princess from a spheroid-like space station....IN A GALAXY FAR FAR AWAY.
Now, on the one hand, I should've recognised this since I own the Special Edition on VHS. On the other hand, I never saw anything but the dub, so there was no way in hell I could've identified this as verbatim quote.
Question is, did her security chief pick that up ?
Now, on the one hand, I should've recognised this since I own the Special Edition on VHS. On the other hand, I never saw anything but the dub, so there was no way in hell I could've identified this as verbatim quote.
Question is, did her security chief pick that up ?
I never thought about SW being bad. Blame my American elitism that suggests that EVERYTHING be dubbed into English.
I suppose this explains why everyone also hates us so much. apologies for the vague American reference.
As for your question, you're not sure the security guard picked it up...but you're also not sure what the manager meant by, "Code **"
I suppose this explains why everyone also hates us so much. apologies for the vague American reference.
As for your question, you're not sure the security guard picked it up...but you're also not sure what the manager meant by, "Code **"
In the next scene, I want to be in position to do my ninja shit, and I want my standby with me.
Okay. I want to use one of my bullshit detecting abilities, whether it's mark or cold read or sense motive +11 or whatever. Figure out what she meant.
I suppose "Code 33" makes more sense now.
Harry and Jess failed their awareness checks as a squad of officers barges into the office, taking them down (but definitely not out) for the time being.
It's initiative time. I'll give everyone NOT in the office a chance to react.
Harry and Jess failed their awareness checks as a squad of officers barges into the office, taking them down (but definitely not out) for the time being.
It's initiative time. I'll give everyone NOT in the office a chance to react.