Gatac 2003-02-02 11:01:54
Short sanity check: I know it's not very stylish, but why don't we just call the Agency's strike team and ask them if they found a key with the russkies, and if yes, if they can determine which room it is for ? The hotel's probably got those fancy keycard locks with no reference to the room on the card, but heck, I think it's worth a call.

Gatac 2003-02-02 18:33:21
Ah, but one of the snoops can make the call, thereby saving my posterity.
Gatac 2003-02-02 20:14:58
In other news, I'm dying to see the debriefing. Either they'll burn our asses for being as unsubtle as it gets, or they congratulate us on beating such a large number of villains within the space of such few days.

threadbare 2003-02-02 20:57:24
Yeah. We'll either be reassigned as a fast action strike team, or as janitors.

Oh, just because I like Kompressor and it reminds me of artis' driving, you guys should look up the song "stronger than" by kompressor on the internet or something.
Gatac 2003-02-02 23:16:40
Ya know, my boredom (and ability to post inane drivel without pause or good taste) has led me to ponder the following question. No, actually, I was thinking about it when I popped an old tape into my VCR tonight and watched Thunderball.

If James Bond was a Spycraft character, what levels would he have ?

(My guess would be that he's mostly a mix of Wheelman and Faceman, with some Pointman thrown in for good measure. Overall level probably 16 or so.)

Gatac 2003-02-03 08:15:49
Well, AEG is putting out new core classes with every book, it seems. Eventually, they'll come out with an "überspy" core class, and that's what I'd peg Bond as. More seriously, high-level Wheelman/Faceman sounds about right.

Dieter, is there a way I can mount my pistol's laser sight on the MP5? They're universal, right? *crosses fingers*
CrazyIvan 2003-02-03 09:00:00
Dude, what am I thinking? I looked at the character sheet...the MP5 has a silencer and laser sight.
Dieter 2003-02-03 15:23:23
And Dieter brings this tangential episode to a stop. This thread can be anything OOC related, but let's stay on topic.

Dieter 2003-02-03 16:38:04

Quote: from Infested Paladin on 3:20 pm on Feb. 1, 2003
I've got a +11 in Climb. That makes rappelling down from the roof or a suite directly above nice and viable for me. I propose that the team sans me and one other person (probably less combat-savvy, say Raven, Jess, or Harry) line up outside the bad guys' door. I rappel down outside their window, with my partner upstairs making sure no one cuts my rope, and fire a burst through their window, toss in a flashbang. It goes off, the team rushes in through the door, and we set up a nice crossfire.

I believe this is the accepted gameplan. Expect a storyline post by this afternoon.
Dieter 2003-02-05 19:08:03
Who is recon-ing the hotel suite? More importantly, how are you going about doing this?
Gatac 2003-02-05 19:46:09
Hm. Give Jess a business suit and have her knock at the door to do a customer feedback interview. ("How do you like the suite ? Are you satisfied with the service ?") That should give her a decent excuse to scrutinize atleast the main room of the suite, as if looking for flaws in the cleaning/tidying department.

I'm open to suggestions.

CrazyIvan 2003-02-05 23:35:11
By the way, the diesel backup is what 4 banks I know of use. That's how I got on that little thread of hope. I really would like the lights to be out.
CrazyIvan 2003-02-05 23:51:27
Why not pretend to be FBI or something? We might even get the hotel's cooperation, and then be able to selectively disable the power on just their suite. And if that goes tits up, we can just kill 'em all.
Gatac 2003-02-06 00:03:59
Then we'd need fake ID. Anybody have a good forgery skill ? Or should we request a favor ?

Dieter 2003-02-06 21:35:10

Quote: from Threadbare on 7:56 pm on Feb. 5, 2003
I vote for hard fast entry asap.

TB does have a point here. Not to rush things, but I'm setting a deadline of this tomorrow morning for your plan. Otherwise, I'll have a random encounter waiting for you. ;)
threadbare 2003-02-07 05:13:21
We could inform the hotel people of our russian friends' dangerous natures. Do we have any official status, i.e. is the agency well-known like the cia, or is it really secretive-stylez?