With those Toughness rolls, it may be easier than expected.
And with this round, the Kansatai's rolling (3) is easily beaten with a Wild Die from Angel. You'll have won the chase and evaded pursuit if you can take out the skimmer.
What's the plan? You're separated but have lost the Kansatai. Your own radio transmissions in English should be secure, at least until someone figures that this gibberish relates to those guys who blew up our skimmers.
We need to look for a landmark building to orient ourselves by, then coordinate a meeting point. I'd like to move Max's team as little as possible, as they're more conspicious.
And I think it's time we considered nicking some clothes. Honestly, I'm not even sure why we didn't wear robes over our gear in the first place.
I think that we should actually move Max's team as far away from there as possible. Get them out of the search area, now. Forget giving them a direction, they just need to move. We can orient and find a meeting point once both teams aren't in the search grid.
On that point, I think something with a view of the main area on the port without actually being in it would be best. An abandoned or closed business or unoccupied apartment would be ideal.
I think that we should actually move Max's team as far away from there as possible. Get them out of the search area, now. Forget giving them a direction, they just need to move. We can orient and find a meeting point once both teams aren't in the search grid.
On that point, I think something with a view of the main area on the port without actually being in it would be best. An abandoned or closed business or unoccupied apartment would be ideal.
Max and Co. should just get to a shady spot then figure out how they are going to regroup with Hugh's Team.
Um, this probably is way too late in the game, but did we have some pre-arranged method of communication in the event the Team was seperated?
Max would be inclined to think that some low, low tech form on communication (Morse code?) on a pre-arranged open radio channel might be the easiest route for this oversight....at least that's what I think.
I don't see why Morse Code couldn't be used over their normal comm channel. The clicks are just going to sound like interference to someone who's not familiar with it.
Well, it's not like we have to use a given frequency. Radio transmission is radio transmission. If our radios can be set to any frequency and aren't locked into a set group of frequencies, we could have some contingency frequencies that are just somewhere in the range that our transmitters can send, and then we can talk all we want.
Let's not forget that the Imperium 1) doesn't speak English, 2) doesn't know Morse code, and 3) even if they were scanning radio frequencies, they wouldn't necessarily match "weird dialect" with "cop-killers from 4 hours ago".
I'd assume we'd have some radio frequency we're monitoring as a contingency, something both teams would know. And Morse is probably good in terms of coding. As long as we keep our conversation short and sweet, nobody should notice if we use Morse. Let's put it this way: a language is easir to decode if you know the letters. The Imperium hasn't really had a chance to do that. Even so, the local boys in blue might not necesarily have had enough training to understand English. The guys we ran into didn't or they wouldn't have been caught off gaurd by the "say one thing, sound like another" routine. Toss in a few deliberate spelling mistakes (Basially, like this: Due u here me? instead of Do you hear me? Read phonetically, it sounds the same, but it'd confuse somebody not skilled in the language), and we ought to be secure enough.
Well, the main concern isn't finding each other, it's easy enough to hang one of our fatigue shirts out of a window or something to indicate where the other half of the team is. The real concern would be how to make it across the city to the common meeting point. Assuming that we're following standard military protocol and some of us have compasses on them, we'd just orient them towards whatever direction north is on this planet, and take a bearing off of whatever we're trying to go towards, and walk towards it on that bearing. It's easier than having to take a bearing off of something that's not directly at where you're going, and best of all, we don't need a map for this to work. We just need line-of-sight of the target, which I assume is the spaceport. Since the spaceport's so damn tall, we should have LOS to it all over the city. Once we get close, we start looking for the other team's sign that they're inside. We shouldn't meet up on the street, though. Even if we see each other out there, we should stay away from each other until we find a place to lay low and watch the port entrance from.
Assuming you guys didn't drop all your ammo on the ground some hours back, Max is down a mag for his sidearm and Angel has spent 7-8 rounds in his SCAR-H. Arketta fired a single 3-round burst.