Jade Imperium OOC 4

Dieter 2007-10-17 02:45:18
Last post until Monday. Don't get us captured or thrown to the Sarlaac.
punkey 2007-10-17 20:43:29
Does Davis hear this potentially disasterous but still really fuckin' badass ass-kicking? If so, he runs inside the bathroom to see what went down.
e of pi 2007-10-17 21:58:55
Why did we bother? We were pretty sure he was working for Papinon, why rough him up if we could have just made our move and ditched him while he was in the bathroom? Also, the fact that he did that indicates a possible second tracking method, since his boss wouldn't let him loose visual contact if there was no way to get it back.
fanchergw 2007-10-17 22:58:14
I presume Semo didn't understand the language of Bullethead's last comment?
punkey 2007-10-18 13:29:37
Davis is, of course, laying it on so think he needs a trowel.
punkey 2007-10-19 19:50:26
Keeping an eye out for security checkpoints, though. We're too close to blow it by running blindly into a bunch of Kansatai now.
e of pi 2007-10-24 14:39:09
I should mention that this ship, to me, might as well be yelling, "Rebellion!" It's possible these guys may be assosiated with somebody working against the Imperium. Then again, they did let a group of unknown stragers on for...well, actually, we never got an idea of how fair the price was. Does Arketta know?

In any cas, it might be good to have somebody play nosy, though not, I should mention, Davis or Max. Max has a tendency to act...odd even when he's trying to act normal, and Davis just reads like a spook no matter how he tries. Just poke around a little, try and strike up conversations, peek under the carpets and look for the dust, as it were.If they get suspicious, we have Hugh rebuke the one doing it, and we knock it off. I'd say either Angel or Luis for the job. If these gus are, in fact, members of an organized resistance, well...wasn't making contact with some of those groups a secondary objective?

I'd also like to note one good thing about how this is going: even though the Kanastai now know we're here, they don't know that we have Arketta with us. They may know about the other guy, but they think he's back home (which he is, of course). However, Arketta's precence means we have a source of "local knowledge" in our field team as well, something they (The Kanastai) may not be able to anticipate.
Admiral Duck Sauce 2007-10-24 17:22:04
Re: fair price - Arketta mentioned that 20,000 could keep you in ships' passage and bribes for quite a while. 1500 didn't cause me to post her reacting adversely to the price, so you can figure it's OK. It might be jacked up a little for the last-minute inconvenience and the oddity of meeting on the landing pad instead of in the bar level like normal businesspeople, but you can make some of it back through back-breaking labor! What's not to love? :)
Dieter 2007-10-24 17:45:11
admiralducksauce wrote:

Re: fair price - Arketta mentioned that 20,000 could keep you in ships' passage and bribes for quite a while. 1500 didn't cause me to post her reacting adversely to the price, so you can figure it's OK. It might be jacked up a little for the last-minute inconvenience and the oddity of meeting on the landing pad instead of in the bar level like normal businesspeople, but you can make some of it back through back-breaking labor! What's not to love? :)

We could just commandeer the ship...if need be. ;)
Gatac 2007-10-24 18:37:22
Tempting, but let's focus our shit-up-fucking (and Wild Dice!) on the Imperium.

punkey 2007-10-25 11:38:12
Agreed about the heavy rebel vibe coming off of this ship, I'm waiting for ADS to just drop the pretense and go all out with Firefly references. :)

Also, I like that Davis' smile is becoming something of a character trademark. I can just imagine him practicing it and refining it over years, that perfectly friendly, warm, and disarming smile. It's all a front, of course, which plays even more perfectly into the character. Ah, it's so good when a character really comes together.
Gatac 2007-10-25 14:44:03
Wait: big freighter...our target is a big spire...and now a rebellion...

...nah. :D
