1. Running is based on your Move trait. If you all move as a group, the lowest among you rolls. That'd be Hugh, Stanhill, or Davis. If you split up, you can go in groups or take your chances alone. Angel has the best chances, because his Aspect "Ghost" would apply in this particular chase situation. Semo moves fast, as does Max.
2. Like Spycraft, you work to build advantage over your opponents in a series of opposed checks. In addition to the basic roll, you can also opt to make an obstacle - choose a difficulty die that both you AND the enemy have to beat (or typically take damage).
3. There's also the option to take multiple actions, firing on the move.
We'll go to an advantage of 8 before the Kansatai get skimmers with actual people in them on top of you. There'll be less people than there would be otherwise thanks to Garrett and Max's distraction.
Assuming that plan doesn't work for you, there's the GTA-style "hole up somewhere and let 'em come." Was there a particular type of destination you're looking for, or is "away from the bad men" as good as any?