Nothing untoward, no. The worst-case is, he somehow knows the Kansatai chase was your fault, he's sold you out, and you'll be nabbed at the meet - but that would mean he's confident enough in his abilities to find a crate of undetectable weapons hidden God knows where. The starport bar where you're supposed to meet is definitely public and surveilled, so any violence would alert the Gateport Turai.
With his payoff hidden away until the deal's done, your best guess is he's worrying about how to prevent YOU guys screwing him over, not vice versa.
Nothing untoward, no. The worst-case is, he somehow knows the Kansatai chase was your fault, he's sold you out, and you'll be nabbed at the meet - but that would mean he's confident enough in his abilities to find a crate of undetectable weapons hidden God knows where. The starport bar where you're supposed to meet is definitely public and surveilled, so any violence would alert the Gateport Turai.
With his payoff hidden away until the deal's done, your best guess is he's worrying about how to prevent YOU guys screwing him over, not vice versa.
I suggest we all go native and hide our faces to best of our abilities.
The meet's a risk, but then you'll have cash on hand and can simply buy indigenous clothing. Right now, if you want a disguise you can go hobo chic (which most of Hugh's team is in currently) or you can attempt some theft or barter. Closest chance for clothes would be the bazaar. Or head back out, use the gatecrasher, and pray the home you're breaking into is unoccupied.
The meet's a risk, but then you'll have cash on hand and can simply buy indigenous clothing. Right now, if you want a disguise you can go hobo chic (which most of Hugh's team is in currently) or you can attempt some theft or barter. Closest chance for clothes would be the bazaar. Or head back out, use the gatecrasher, and pray the home you're breaking into is unoccupied.
Or we could simply have our Spook do some petty theft at the local Old Navy.
Actually, the homeless act is the best idea in my opinion. Position two combat team members outside of each exit to the bar, or more if there's only one or two, in full homeless garb, the baggier the better. Hides the guns better. They file in individually at one to two minute intervals and sit around the entrances, not obviously next to them. Davis will go in with someone else before anyone else to draw attention away from the rest of the team entering and to scope the outside and inside of the bar for any hidden entrances/exits.
Also, that's not the worst case. The worst case is that the entire Kansatai chase was a setup by a Khiraba hit squad that's been on us since we walked through the gate. They now know what we can do and who we all are, and are going to ambush us at the bar, or just blow the damn thing up with us in it.
Yes, but remember that there's only one (Bullethead) over there at the bar. The other two were Spiral and Dreadlocks, and they carried the crate of guns up to a docking trellis, presumably to meet Panipon.
Going to visit friends this weekend. Gordon's post works fine, but if someone could suggest a destination once you leave the bar level, I'll get things moving again once I'm back.
I would recommend getting away from those areas most heavily patrolled by the Kansatai. Additionally, we might want to start getting familiar with the less-savory elements, as I believe our plan included some assistance from that quarter.