Is Davis hip to the Whirr's groove? Not only is he the intel officer, but also one curious son of a bitch. However, he did miss out on that part of the adventure.
Davis speaks jive, yes, but not anywhere close to Hugh's ability. It's enough to converse, but if you were to leverage your interaction traits with Whiirr in a game-mechanical manner, you would be penalized.
As someone who did the Boy Scouting thing for six years plus, I know a thing or two about kids that age. Most of them will listen to you and respect you if you respect them, treat them as an equal. Something tells me that this kid's seen some really cool shit, and it won't take much provocation to get him to start telling Davis what they've been up to if he proves to the kid that he's cool with fucking with the Imperials.
Specifically to E: I know there's not been too much for Stanhill to do, but when you check back here does Luis want in on Max's engineering/navigation seminar?
I'd be interested in how that Shipchef works, actually. I presume it's something replicator-ish, relatively widespread in the Imperium. We could prolong our missions quite a bit if we don't have to rely on our field rations all the time.
Specifically to E: I know there's not been too much for Stanhill to do, but when you check back here does Luis want in on Max's engineering/navigation seminar?
I had a post for Luis last night, but it got eaten when my web blocks kicked in at midnight. And yeah, I'd like to overhear this.
EDIT: On another note, we should get our story straight. We are going to be gawking at a lot, excluding Arketta, and we are still carrying some heavy ordinance, even if it's under cover. If we could presuppose that Arketta helped come up with some kind of reasn for this, it would be nice. Ferengi Rule of Aquisition #285: Keep your lies consistant. If Max says he's been off planet, but then Davis plays too dumb to the shipboy, and then Hugh says that we've been traveling together for a year or three, we're screwed. These guys aren't stupid, and Swims-the-Black give a distinctly savy vibe. We give them too many puzzle pieces, they'll put it together, and if they do that and our guess about them being rebels is wrong, we're screwed.
I'm playing it as "Wandering group of monks, armed for our protection, we've been hopping some on our travels but mostly used the gateways, when we were on a ship they didn't let us out of the cargo room".
Specifically to E: I know there's not been too much for Stanhill to do, but when you check back here does Luis want in on Max's engineering/navigation seminar?
I had a post for Luis last night, but it got eaten when my web blocks kicked in at midnight. And yeah, I'd like to overhear this.
EDIT: On another note, we should get our story straight. We are going to be gawking at a lot, excluding Arketta, and we are still carrying some heavy ordinance, even if it's under cover. If we could presuppose that Arketta helped come up with some kind of reasn for this, it would be nice. Ferengi Rule of Aquisition #285: Keep your lies consistant. If Max says he's been off planet, but then Davis plays too dumb to the shipboy, and then Hugh says that we've been traveling together for a year or three, we're screwed. These guys aren't stupid, and Swims-the-Black give a distinctly savy vibe. We give them too many puzzle pieces, they'll put it together, and if they do that and our guess about them being rebels is wrong, we're screwed.
It's alright to embellish personal stories, but when it comes to other in the group, we should be consistently ambiguous.
"Not sure, you'd have to ask (insert party member name)."
Oh, and by the way, just a head's up: the whole "nobody behind us but a courier, and she's catching up" thing? I'm taking bets on whether or not that thing's the Kanastai, having figured out which ship we left on, or at least calling for a boarding to make sure that we're not aboard.
As Angel and Davis were the only two without crew chaperones, I leave it up to you whether you want to be present for the dinner. If you had mischief on your mind, now's as good a time as any. If not, Angel could've just been there the entire time, and Davis could've followed the kid.
I figure, he already knows the answer to the questions he's asking, otherwise he wouldn't be asking them. We don't exactly look like a family on a vacation for cheap. He's just testing us to see if he can trust us.