Threadbare brings up a good point - what will you tell Captain Kolit? What would have simply been a prime example of taking the initiative and obtaining resources in a creative manner has been tempered a bit by the fact that you lost Dutch. That'll probably hit pretty hard, especially after 12th Wing's decimation. Everyone'll be asked about what happened (mostly because I don't really want to figure out exact ranks for everyone) - is there anything you would leave out of your accounts?
OOC: Junkyard Wars
"Mickey" isn't bad, though I kinda like "Modok", after the Marvel villain. Probably not really appropriate, but it amuses my weird sense of humor.
You're right, Calsera probably should know a fair bit about Dutch's background. I just couldn't pull the information out of my sieve-like memory.
You're right, Calsera probably should know a fair bit about Dutch's background. I just couldn't pull the information out of my sieve-like memory.
I like the Modok reference too.
Of course, he's the only droid in your group, so "Rustbucket" works as well as anything else.

How about Murdock? You can't beat an A-Team reference.

Touché, salesman.

Oooooh, "Murdock"... Gotta love that one. A-Team all the way!
You know, you could add HM to his name and make him HM-MDK 911 (full Designation, call him "MDK" or "Murdock" for short). This would relate the droid to the HK series of droid from KOTOR and it could stand for Howling Mad.
I've PMed e of pi all about the Vandals. We'll see if you guys will get reinforcements for the next storyline.

Do I have clearence to post? If not, then this post never existed, you hear me? Never.
Nah, you're fine.
We'll get Ty finished up via PM and I'll post an intro for him once you're ready.

Jorm is not mentioning the weapons he appropriated to make this transaction happen to Kolit.
I assume Ty will not know about Dutch's death? Or will he have been briefed? Or maybe I'll just wait and see? I think I'll stick to the latter.
Go Benn with the field promotion! Lt. Asshole reporting for duty, sir!

Dieter wrote:Go Benn with the field promotion! Lt. Asshole reporting for duty, sir!
Indeed. I actually didn't see that one coming, though I probably should have.
Well, as Kolit mentions, it's for your own protection. He doesn't know how you other guys (or the other ACAGs) are going to take the news, but they can't just beat the shit out of you without some immediate reprisals of a military justice sort. Plus, you did kind of plan the whole thing and it was successful, so I might as well reward your leadership with an in-game recognition of it.

Just read the Character Sheet for Tynam "Ty" Ridemis. We're going to end up being called "Nerd Squad" before too long.
MDK will ensure you get called only what you want to get called.

Ty doesn't have his name stenciled on his uniform anywhere, does he?
Oh - just as an aside, and I should have mentioned this in my post - 303A13 is empty. Everyone else is on leave. And there's no bartender, because "Four-Star" Orlans got wasted. And there's no still, because the brawl smashed it to bits and there hasn't been enough time to fix it (although that might be an interesting initiation for Ty). There's just 3 footlockers full of beer. The place is in sorry shape.