Thanks for the head-up.
OOC: Junkyard Wars
And also...
Since E of Pi hasn't been with us since the beginning, ya'll should perhaps add in a little description to your characters at least when they first show up. Even if it's just "human male" or "meat popsicle".

And E, don't worry about the posting speed. It varies quite a bit. Gatac, Fancher, Dieter, and Aihal can get posting pretty frequently, and I can too (especially days like today when I am waiting to hear back from clients). Don't feel pressured, just post at your own pace.

I'm assuming that Mandall would have some sort of reaction to hearing Lt. Taban

I would be posting faster, but I'm in the middle of Digital music and this is second priority to the classwork.
I have decided that Jorm looks like Martin Freeman (Arthur Dent from Hitchhiker's).
Okay, I'm on break between classes now, so this shouldn't take as long. I'm considering this person, whoever they are, for Ty.
Out of curiousity, are Ty's brain implants obvious, or is it all internal bits?
It's moslty internal, but if you were to shave all his hair there's some pretty nasty scaring on the top of the skull, as well as an input dataport and one maintence panel. A piece of the cockpit window, which stattered without structural integrity fields, lodged through from the parietal lobe to the cerebellum. Due to the replacement of these with implants that work slightly faster than the original tissue, in addition to natural ADHD, he speaks slightly faster than normal, and he has a tendancy to drift off topic.
Out of curiossity, what model of ship is the Rusty Dagger?
We don't actually know.
Aurelia built it between the last campaign (Scum and Villainy) and the current one. It's a light freighter and it's smaller than a YT-1300. It's meant to be a custom, top-of-the-line model, and so far it's been that. Having her creator onboard hasn't hurt either.

I took a stab that it was pretty close to bed time in game (since noone else was there).
Jorm will be sending out the notice about the meeting and preparing a report about his ECM ship plans before going to sleep.
Jorm will be sending out the notice about the meeting and preparing a report about his ECM ship plans before going to sleep.
Don't tell me. Bay 13? Anywho, I just wanted to say that if someone could give me an idea of a few details about the Dagger, I could work up some plans.
What I want (If possible):
1. Original purpose, which will dictate the spaceframe size and shape
2. Current purpose, which will dictate the modifications of the original spaceframe.
3. Weapons
4. Crew accomidations
5. Cargo space
6. Other onboard facilities
What I want (If possible):
1. Original purpose, which will dictate the spaceframe size and shape
2. Current purpose, which will dictate the modifications of the original spaceframe.
3. Weapons
4. Crew accomidations
5. Cargo space
6. Other onboard facilities
I dont think we were planning to modify the Dagger - thats what we got the chassis of the other ship for.
I meant past, such as if it was originally designed to carry light cargo then turned into a fighter support ship, for example. That would require hull changes, but the original shape would be relatively similar.
It was designed to be a Super Cool Awesome ship... um... we are purposefully vague on the Dagger.
I can verify that it has at least one quad turret and some sort of ordnance launcher, as well as a serviceable cargo bay. It's designed from the ground up to do the crazy smuggling things that the Millenium Falcon does, rather than being modified to do so from some tub of a freighter. I personally imagined a more symmetrical, oval look than the round lopsided YT-1300 silhouette.

Is the long axis parallel or perpendicular to the line of flight?
Parallel, if I've figured it right. Like an airplane, not a YT-2400.
So, what's the approximate ratio of width to length?
The Dagger has a dorsal and ventral turret as well as an ordnance launcher that can fire concussion missiles and/or proton torpedoes. It is designed for a single pilot and a navigator/systems tech, although just the pilot can do when needed (the turrets can be fixed to fire forward and placed under the pilot's control).
Cargo space is kept fairly vague, and can carry as much as needed for the plot.
Anyhoo, I found a possible look for it.
Cargo space is kept fairly vague, and can carry as much as needed for the plot.

Anyhoo, I found a possible look for it.