OOC: Junkyard Wars

DatonKallandor 2006-02-14 12:34:43
Id like to add a specialization in Handheld weaponry to Eritram's charsheet. If its not possible to have 2 specs on 1 trait (combat), I'd got for a raise in wits. Dont want annyone sneaking up on him.

Unfortunately I cannot edit it, so ADS, would you?

Dieter 2006-02-14 14:31:34
admiralducksauce wrote:

Initiative for Round 2:

Dutch (wow!)
Jileeza & Mandall
Jorm & Aurelia
MDK-911 (doh!)

Calsera'll make a Wits roll vs. the closest thug or 'Za herself - with a success she'll be getting a good bushwhacking on 'em.

Dutch will be bullrushing the closest opponent and getting stabby!
fanchergw 2006-02-14 23:41:50
How bad does 'Za's wound appear to be? I.e., is there still fight left in her or is she going down?
Admiral Duck Sauce 2006-02-14 23:42:35
I was actually kind of planning on Dutch retiring or moving on once ya'll got back to the Sword, with the off-chance that he might buy it in the ambush. As luck would have it, the poor guy took 9 Wounds, 4 from Jileeza and 5 from that Twi'lek henchwoman. He only had 8.

Aurelia took 2 Wounds (of 6), and 5 Shock (of 12). She's prone and will have an initiative penalty next round.

Jileeza took as nasty a hit from Cat as she gave Dutch. You got your sneak attack in, Gordon. :)

Eritram rolls initiative this next round, but honestly the fight might be over next round.

Dutch gets a last defiant Boromir-style action before he goes, and will get some dying words if you wish.

Next round looks like:

Dutch (you take your action whenever you like)
Mandall & Calsera
Eritram (you have a straight shot down the tunnel and have good cover)
MDK-911, The Skiff of Doom, Jileeza & Jorm
Aurelia, Twi'lek, & Thugs
Admiral Duck Sauce 2006-02-14 23:44:52
To further answer your question (as you posted as I was posting), Jileeza is gravely wounded, but she can't exit melee without taking too many parting shots. I think it's going to be a fight to the death, or she'll try for a hostage or something. Escape is definitely on her mind - whether it's possible or not... well, we'll see. I didn't expect the melee to be so effective, but then that's what I get for expecting things. :lol:
Dieter 2006-02-15 00:14:30
Well, that was a bit unexpected but truthfully, I was growing a bit weary of Dutch's limited abilities as a pile of grizzled anger.
fanchergw 2006-02-15 00:36:11
Cat will climb down Jileeza's gullet and filet her from the inside, if possible. She'll just have to hope that someone takes care of the Twi'lek before the henchwoman perforates her too badly.

Sorry about Dutch, Dieter. :shock: :(
Aihal the Silent 2006-02-15 01:04:24
Is the skiff going to keep spinning? or will I have a chance to run someone over with it? I figured Jorm was on the skiff working on it...which makes for a much more hilarious situation.
Admiral Duck Sauce 2006-02-15 01:30:18
I... um... yes. I may have misunderstood. I assumed you were pulling a "Death Blossom" thing with the skiff and running for cover. Instead, you are doing a Whirlwind Attack, riding the skiff like a pony, yes?
Aihal the Silent 2006-02-15 02:47:46
Well, Jorm doesn't know what Aurelia had planned, but he was going to use the skiff as god intended...to run people over.
Admiral Duck Sauce 2006-02-15 20:47:40
Jorm took 3 Wounds, 4 Shock. MDK took another 3 Shock. Good going taking "Armor Plating" for an Aspect. :)

'Za, Ta, and Dutch are nuked. One thug is running for it down the tunnel away from you guys.
Gatac 2006-02-15 20:50:43
Parting shot! Parting shot!

"And here's one for the road!"

fanchergw 2006-02-15 21:09:40
You know, if feels kind of cool to have had a significant part in the killing of one of my own previous PCs... 8-)

For me, that's what roleplaying is about: new experiences.

Great scene, BTW, ADS! :D
Admiral Duck Sauce 2006-02-15 21:49:56
It's not often one's multiple characters get in a knife-fight. :)

I will point out that 'Za tagged Mandall for 1 wound and a handful of shock at the start of the fight. I think the only person unscathed is Calsera, for some reason (more luck than anything else, I mean even Jorm and Aurelia got hit).
Gatac 2006-02-15 21:57:37
Okay, but I'm running with it as it's written. He'll notice the wound later.

fanchergw 2006-02-16 06:17:44
Cool idea of making the droid your new PC, Dieter! I heartily approve.

Should we come up with a name for it, rather than just MDK? (I know they just use model numbers in the movies, but that always seemed bizarre to me, as there would be many of any particular model.)
Admiral Duck Sauce 2006-02-16 06:21:44
Re: Dutch's family/home planet - It'd be ironic (a little sad) if Calsera doesn't honestly know - she doesn't do a whole lot between missions besides catnap, which I suppose is why she's always such a well-rested killing machine. :) But when you consider the massive amounts of waiting you'd probably do on a routine basis, yeah, someone knows just about everything about Dutch that he could possibly tell, because honestly there's 90 seconds of ohshitI'mgonnadie and 23 hours and change of waiting around (witness the scavenging for ship frames and how quickly you all turn to tales of your previous lives to pass the boredom) :)

Dieter's idea was that he didn't feel Dutch contributed much - he wasn't a fighter pilot, he wasn't exactly a go-to guy on the ground... his Command specialty was useful, but it's really a behind-the-scenes kind of stat and I think he wanted someone with a more defined role and a bit more personality than "gruff army dude". Dutch was basically a Rebel version of Wayde... a little nicer (maybe), but basically the same guy. Also, now you guys have a droid! :) Wayde called him "Mickey" at one point, which was the closest mangling of his model number I could come up with on short notice.