It's probably all right - it'd have a somewhat sketchy past but a non-Rebel one, which is likely better than using a fake name which wouldn't hold up under scrutiny.
And in other happy news, I got to see Firefly this weekend. Jayne Cobb is my personal hero, second only to Brock Samson.
OOC 1: Vandal Squadron
I figure cargo speculation seems like a seemly enough goal, plus asking around to see if anyone has anything to offload gives us an excuse to wander and take a closer look at things.
I am assuming from the last OOC post that the plan is still to do this sneaky. If you wanted to start bombing the facility, just let me know.

Ok Vandals--
I think the first order of business needs to be scouting securtiy around the Imperial Outpost and the Lambda Shuttle in particular. Ideally, we would take out the base as well.
1. Straight forward Grand Theft Starship with the B-Wing coming in as a distraction. I am assuming we have some pre-arranged signal to summon our pals.
2. Infiltrate the base posing as techs -- probably using fake maintenance orders. Possibly detonate power core on way out.
3. Play the Bureaucracy game -- fake transfer orders for the shuttle or some such nonsense. Hoping that we can be two steps ahead.
Remember, we're not fighter heavy so we should do our best to *think* our way out of this rather than *shoot* although I'm sure some shooting will be involved.
I think the first order of business needs to be scouting securtiy around the Imperial Outpost and the Lambda Shuttle in particular. Ideally, we would take out the base as well.
1. Straight forward Grand Theft Starship with the B-Wing coming in as a distraction. I am assuming we have some pre-arranged signal to summon our pals.
2. Infiltrate the base posing as techs -- probably using fake maintenance orders. Possibly detonate power core on way out.
3. Play the Bureaucracy game -- fake transfer orders for the shuttle or some such nonsense. Hoping that we can be two steps ahead.
Remember, we're not fighter heavy so we should do our best to *think* our way out of this rather than *shoot* although I'm sure some shooting will be involved.
I'm back, baby!
I will take control of Eritram again - just in the right moment it seems.
I will take control of Eritram again - just in the right moment it seems.
This is becoming a two man show. I hope the others return soon.
I am waiting for an agreement on what to do dirtside, and also there's holiday stuff keeping me from checking/posting frequently.
I'm just riding along and worrying. Nothing much to write there.
I figured things would be quiet until at least Tuesday. I'm just posting to amuse myself more than anything.
I was figuring we'd offer to assist them with some repairs and modifications on their shuttle, and then jack it.
We need to recon the area around the shuttle then formulate a plan for stealing it. I suggest the greasemonkeys do a bit of surveilllance while everyone else conduct normal trader business.
Quote:Quote: from Dieter on 8:13 pm on July 4, 2005
We need to recon the area around the shuttle then formulate a plan for stealing it. I suggest the greasemonkeys do a bit of surveilllance while everyone else conduct normal trader business.
That's my plan. See the in game posts

Not that I'm trying to instigate an A-Team moment, but I figured it would illustrate the Imperial-farmer relationship fairly well.

Must resist urge to shoot harmlessly at villains and then weld things to the cart.
Does anyone else smell a farmer/peasant's revolt in the making?
What is our blaster-carrying situation?
(Edited by Aihal the Silent at 10:14 am on July 11, 2005)
Does anyone else smell a farmer/peasant's revolt in the making?
What is our blaster-carrying situation?
(Edited by Aihal the Silent at 10:14 am on July 11, 2005)
Quote:Insighting a riot is a good diversion. At least we don't have Colonel Decker looking for us.Quote: from Aihal the Silent on 11:12 am on July 11, 2005
Must resist urge to shoot harmlessly at villains and then weld things to the cart.
Does anyone else smell a farmer/peasant's revolt in the making?
What is our blaster-carrying situation?
(Edited by Aihal the Silent at 10:14 am on July 11, 2005)

Everyone who wants a blaster has one (or two or three as befits your character). If you're carrying a rifle, it'll take a full round to free it from your concealment, whether it be a bedroll or case of machine parts or field-stripped under your jacket or what have you.
Ooh, sidequest!
Sorry, our beloved GM might as well have cast "Summon Aurelia IV"
Although Im not planetside and cant interfere with anything you do, I fully in support of Aurelias plan.
And dont forget, if you want something blown up, there is a B-Wing waiting for orders.
And dont forget, if you want something blown up, there is a B-Wing waiting for orders.
How many garrison installations or other Imperial outposts on the planet? If it's just the one, I think the shitload of torpedoes the B-Wing's carrying, delivered in a surprise attack, might solve a few immediate problems, then we can take some steps to forestall the new ones that could crop up. Wipe out the Imps on the planet, help the locals split or reorganize, then leave some ostenatiously Rebel calling cards to keep the heat off the innocents.
Aurelia's plan is awesome.
Aurelia's plan is awesome.