OOC 1: Vandal Squadron
2. You could shoot a torpedo at the system's star in the hopes that the unusual solar activity will distract the Imperials from the crash.
3. You could try hiding again and hope that completing the mission takes less time than it does for an Imperial investigation of the crash.
4. You could start your attack run now, even though we aren't ready. As they say "in for a penny in for a pound".
Just for the Record, I don't support option #4.

Quote:Quote: from Dieter on 8:43 am on Aug. 25, 2005
I guess the ground team will run with Benn's (Aihal) idea.
Which was?
Quote:Quote: from Aihal the Silent on 4:56 pm on Aug. 23, 2005
"Apparently the Imperials are obtaining the parts for their shuttle from a Droid named Birdie Six, a local merchant droid specializing in mechanical parts. I fed the local who provided this information a story about looking for high-grade power converters. We might be able to get to the Imperial Dockmaster through Birdie Six."
Quote:Adam, I never saw an answer to my question regarding tow cables.Quote: from admiralducksauce on 6:32 am on Aug. 25, 2005
All right, I'd like to know what A) Eritram & Cal plan to do andwhat the ground crew wants to do.
Also, from what Cat knows about flying and such, does she think that the B-wing's engines would be sufficient to pull/push the freighter out of the moon's light gravity (gravity being relative to size), based on how far it is currently from the moon's surface?
Chances are... I'd say around 60/40 in your favor. I'd assume you'd release the cable if it looks bad?
Quote:Yup, that's the plan, unless vetoed by Daton. And yes, we'll release if we can't overcome the moon's gravity. In that case, I'd recommend we carve up the ship with the lasers in an effort to get a series of smaller explosions, rather than 1 big one.Quote: from admiralducksauce on 12:22 pm on Aug. 25, 2005
Hrm, you're right. Sorry bout that. Yeah, we'll say the B-Wing has a tow cable. So I guess the plan is to pull the wreck out of the gravity well then?
Chances are... I'd say around 60/40 in your favor. I'd assume you'd release the cable if it looks bad?
In case we have to cut up the ship I recommend we try to cut the non cockpit area the most.