A follow-up to my previous question: Would the B-wing's sensors be able to locate and identify the various systems of the freighter? That seems to be a staple of a lot of space opera, but i don't know if that's true of Star Wars.
OOC 1: Vandal Squadron
We were thnking of only getting one shuttle at this go-round, right? I like the idea of the Captain Corrupto plan. Helps to dissuade investigation if it looks like he was just hoist on his own petard.
Quote:Quote: from Threadbare on 7:33 pm on Aug. 3, 2005
We were thnking of only getting one shuttle at this go-round, right? I like the idea of the Captain Corrupto plan. Helps to dissuade investigation if it looks like he was just hoist on his own petard.
I figure that's the way to get a shuttle. I'd not mind getting a second chassis.
ADS, Do ships in Star Wars have life-signs sensors like in Star Trek? In other words, can the people on the freighter tell that the B-wing has crew, and can they tell things like whether we're conscious or not?
They had them in the X-Wing books. So I suppose yes.
I dunno about conscious, but generally I'd say an easy roll can determine if there are life signs aboard, and a more difficult roll can determine the number of said living beings.
Of course there's not really anywhere to hide on a B-Wing, and in the right light you can just look in the cockpit and see if anyone's moving.
Bioscanner Mark I - look in the window.
Of course there's not really anywhere to hide on a B-Wing, and in the right light you can just look in the cockpit and see if anyone's moving.
Bioscanner Mark I - look in the window.

I'm not really an expert with the capabilities/uses of the different weapons. My only exposure on the subject is playing one of the old PC X-wing games many years ago.
Ion cannons "stun" spaceships, knocking out their systems without hull damage. Lasers, etc. blow holes in the ships, and torpedoes/missiles blow really big holes in the ships. Torpedoes are rather indiscriminate when they hit, although Eritram is specialized in their use so he could probably pop off the comm array and only blow a 8-foot hull breach into the freighter instead of outright destroying it.
Sounds like lasers might be a better choice for removing their comm systems, if we don't want to kill the people aboard. If the ion cannons can be targeted to a specific system, then they might work on the comms as well.
If the ship has shields - and Calsera or Eritram will check to see if they do via their sensors - what is the best way to take them down? The game I used to play used ion cannons for that, but it may not have been accurate.
If the ship has shields - and Calsera or Eritram will check to see if they do via their sensors - what is the best way to take them down? The game I used to play used ion cannons for that, but it may not have been accurate.
A torpedo brings down all shields. 

A Note(TM) on how I treat shields in Star Wars:
Sometimes, I try when I can to refer to them as "deflectors", which connotates a less effective means of defense. Star Wars shields ain't Star Trek shields, and they're not hardly even the shields you get in the old Lucasarts games. In SW you avoid damage in space combat by not being hit in the first place, not by slugging it out until somebody's shields/deflectors drop. Usually 1-2 good hits will take down your deflectors without using any fancy quad lasers or torpedoes. "Angling" the deflectors means somebody's making a skill check to boost your defense vs. a single foe, removing coverage from other parts of the ship to protect against one possible attack vector.
You are right about ion cannons vs. shields 100% though - they are your best bet for both knocking out the freighter's deflectors and cutting off their communications in the process. If later, you want to flat-out kill them, have Eritram put a torpedo up their ass.
Sometimes, I try when I can to refer to them as "deflectors", which connotates a less effective means of defense. Star Wars shields ain't Star Trek shields, and they're not hardly even the shields you get in the old Lucasarts games. In SW you avoid damage in space combat by not being hit in the first place, not by slugging it out until somebody's shields/deflectors drop. Usually 1-2 good hits will take down your deflectors without using any fancy quad lasers or torpedoes. "Angling" the deflectors means somebody's making a skill check to boost your defense vs. a single foe, removing coverage from other parts of the ship to protect against one possible attack vector.
You are right about ion cannons vs. shields 100% though - they are your best bet for both knocking out the freighter's deflectors and cutting off their communications in the process. If later, you want to flat-out kill them, have Eritram put a torpedo up their ass.
Alright. I wasnt sure about how strong freighter shields are. I thought of them as more on the capital ship side of shields, which require a massed torpedo attack to even get through.
Question: I think Eritram would know a lot about torpedoes and other heavy stuff that goes *boom*. Would he know how likely it is for a torpedo impact to be detected? If so how likely is it?
Right now, I'm rolling at a double penalty to see if you're detected - ie, not likely at all.
Torpedoes would make it a single penalty - still not very likely, but you're taking more chances.
Torpedoes would make it a single penalty - still not very likely, but you're taking more chances.
In that case, I think its better to go for it. I trust in the ground crew to explain any "mysterious energy surges" to the shady Imperial officer.
No tractor beam on our B-Wing?
Unfortunately, no. There's no point putting a tractor beam on something without a cargo hold.
Any chance of tow cables on the B-wing?
Quote:I'd try and have both ships try and push 'em out of the gravity well.Quote: from fanchergw on 7:13 pm on Aug. 23, 2005
Any chance of tow cables on the B-wing?
Thats what came to my mind first thing, but then I considered the mass of B-Wing vs the mass of Freighter.