OOC: XVII - The nitrogenous waste surely has hit the rotary

Dieter 2005-05-30 16:01:29
SnS is on a break until tomorrow. I think we need a few days for everything to settle down and there's the fact that it's a 3-day weekend.

Things will resume tomorrow.
Dieter 2005-05-31 16:28:19
Team A, are you going to be using the spiral staircase or the emergency elevator to get to the roof?

(Edited by Dieter at 10:55 am on May 31, 2005)
CrazyIvan 2005-05-31 19:45:54
I agree, time to go.

Brian's going to try and nab something more substantial than his sidearm if there's a handy AK about, and will be providing the ever so handy "Lay Down Fire" ability while we go.

For bonus points, if Illyana's legs are in a convenient place to be shot so the rest of her can be carried off, doing that.

(Edited by CrazyIvan at 12:46 pm on May 31, 2005)
Dieter 2005-05-31 19:49:30
We'll say Brian picked up an AK during the evacuation...they were all over the place, some still with the previous owners' hand/arms still attached.

Ilyanna is nowhere to be seen right now, but an educated guess would tell you that she bugged out as soon as the choppers crashed.
Gatac 2005-05-31 20:26:53
I vote we each grab an AK - never a bad idea to have a tossable gun that uses easily-obtained ammo.

Dieter 2005-06-01 17:14:30

Quote: from Gatac on 11:09 am on June 1, 2005
Can we hotwire it?


Sure. Who's got the l33t skillz?

There's always the News van.
Gatac 2005-06-01 17:20:16
The newsvan is a bit too obvious for me, though I'm at a bit of a loss on how to play this. What's everyone's opinion on this?

Dieter 2005-06-01 18:38:34
ADS/IP: Sneakily or subtley taking out the guard in the living room?

Team B, it appears none of you have the skillz to hotwire a car, but you could just jury-rig it with -4 untrained penalty.
Gatac 2005-06-01 18:46:12
Yeah, we'll go with the untrained try. It's just a bunch of wires, let's slam a few into each other and it'll run. :)

Gatac 2005-06-01 19:03:57
I don't think we'll be able to take him down silently due to his armor. IP might have an idea, but the only thing I can think of is to let fly with two sneak-attacking narrow bursts while he's flat-footed.
Dieter 2005-06-01 20:02:35

Quote: from admiralducksauce on 1:03 pm on June 1, 2005
I don't think we'll be able to take him down silently due to his armor. IP might have an idea, but the only thing I can think of is to let fly with two sneak-attacking narrow bursts while he's flat-footed.

Your sneak attack 3d6+2d8 (x2) should kill the guard. Ayumi would undoubtedly finish him off if you failed.
Dieter 2005-06-01 20:28:51
The way I see it, it's one free guard and we're going to have to kill them all anyway. Might as well ambush this sap. :)
Dieter 2005-06-01 20:47:02
Gatty, any sort of escape plan in mind or was it all based on a "JUST DRIVE!" mentality?

The guard in the living room is down and otherwise incapacitated at this time. He's still alive and able to talk and such, but he's in no condition to really put up a fight.
Gatac 2005-06-01 20:51:26
I guess we link up with our helpful sniper first and go from there.

Dieter 2005-06-01 21:40:31
Artis found two smokes and a frag grenade on the guard he just capped.

The G36 has a full clip along with an extra.
Dieter 2005-06-01 22:15:00
That's initiative for Team A, however the way we'll work it is that it's all simultaneous. The opposition is hunkered down behind various bits of furniture and such, giving them partial cover.

Artis and Moten will have the first round to either move up and behind cover on this floor or retreat down the steps. You'll be behind full cover if you retreat below and will have a running bonus/penalty if you choose to advance.