OOC: XVII - The nitrogenous waste surely has hit the rotary

Dieter 2005-05-26 17:35:59
For my next trick, Artis is going to bring his pistol to bear at the guy who hit him last, but dive/slide to the side and put another wide burst into the TaserGuard. (1st 1/2 action is a Bluff check to possibly feint a Sneak Attack on the guy for the second 1/2 action.)
Dieter 2005-05-26 17:37:54
Wound updates

Jess: down 7VP, Full WP
Brian: 46/64VP, Full WP

The truck is taking a pounding (minus two tires). It's far from bullet-proof and probably won't be able to take more than a few rounds of persistant fire.

I'm not bothering with initiative for Team B as the scene is far too chaotic right. Just post your actions for the time being.
CrazyIvan 2005-05-26 18:00:33
Getting in and suppressive fire.

Then I vote for getting the hell out of here.
CrazyIvan 2005-05-26 18:40:53
*adds Illyana to the list of people getting a....visit...when this is all over*

Brian's going to try to regain control of the truck...it's the only way I see out of this. The choppers are a non-option, running isn't going to work if we've not got a badly wounded/dead Jess.

So yeah, taking back the truck. I figure if it's just blown by me, getting on, followed by a heroic charge through the cargo area and dispatching the dirty little traitor.

As always, burning anything I have to make it happen.
fanchergw 2005-05-26 18:46:41
and the fun begins... ;)

(She's not a traitor; she just works for someone else...)
Dieter 2005-05-26 18:47:45

Quote: from CrazyIvan on 12:40 pm on May 26, 2005
*adds Illyana to the list of people getting a....visit...when this is all over*

Brian's going to try to regain control of the truck...it's the only way I see out of this. The choppers are a non-option, running isn't going to work if we've not got a badly wounded/dead Jess.

So yeah, taking back the truck. I figure if it's just blown by me, getting on, followed by a heroic charge through the cargo area and dispatching the dirty little traitor.

As always, burning anything I have to make it happen.

Anything's possible. That truck has no acceleration whatsover, couple that with blown tires and your request is perfectly reasonable.

Wow, a fight scene on a moving truck...just like Raiders of the Lost Ark. :)
Gatac 2005-05-26 18:58:57
Okay, I officially have no idea what the hell is going on. Proceed.

CrazyIvan 2005-05-26 19:02:01

Quote: from fanchergw on 11:46 am on May 26, 2005
and the fun begins... ;)

(She's not a traitor; she just works for someone else...)

Rules lawyering morality will not help you now.

Yep, time for an Indy-style truck fight. Incidentally, I'm more interested in body-recovery...the truck will probably be too banged up to escape in, but we get Jess and get out we can...improvise. Also, looking to disable, not kill, Illyana.

(Edited by CrazyIvan at 12:02 pm on May 26, 2005)
fanchergw 2005-05-26 19:08:12
I had the funny feeling trying to run Brian down was going to get me/Ilyanna in trouble. Once again, I should have gone with my gut.

Oops. Did we forget to mention that Ilyanna ditched Jess's body...?

Oh, and Ilyanna will *definitely* be shooting at anybody climbing through her truck.

(Edited by fanchergw at 10:09 am on May 26, 2005)
CrazyIvan 2005-05-26 19:12:28

Quote: from fanchergw on 12:08 pm on May 26, 2005
I had the funny feeling trying to run Brian down was going to get me/Ilyanna in trouble.
(Edited by fanchergw at 10:09 am on May 26, 2005)

One of many decisions, my dear Gordon, one of many.

Anyway, yes, I presume Ilyanna will be somewhat upset by our little truck boarding manuver. Which is why she will be being fired at, enough to keep her distracted. Specifically, Driving/Living/Dumping Jess...she can only manage 2 of 3.
Dieter 2005-05-26 19:19:44

Quote: from fanchergw on 1:16 pm on May 26, 2005
Shooting back IS more important than dumping the body, of course.

Ok. So you -didn't- dump Jess' body. I didn't see anything saying you did.
fanchergw 2005-05-26 19:23:37
It was in one of the PMs. Not a problem right now. I later saw your post about Jess bleeding all over the cab, so it didn't happen. I have other ideas which make it a moot point.
Dieter 2005-05-26 19:25:44

Quote: from fanchergw on 1:23 pm on May 26, 2005
It was in one of the PMs. Not a problem right now. I later saw your post about Jess bleeding all over the cab, so it didn't happen. I have other ideas which make it a moot point.

Oh. I see it now. It was more advantageous at the time for you to just floor the truck rather then spend an action booting Jess out.
fanchergw 2005-05-26 19:51:40

Quote: from CrazyIvan on 10:12 am on May 26, 2005
Anyway, yes, I presume Ilyanna will be somewhat upset by our little truck boarding manuver. Which is why she will be being fired at, enough to keep her distracted. Specifically, Driving/Living/Dumping Jess...she can only manage 2 of 3.

From Dieter's last post in the IC thread:

Sprinting at top speed, the truck gets within in reach just as Carla slips off. And in a feat of sheer luck, Brian grapples on to the tailgate, grabbing Carla's hand at the last second.

Sounds like Brian's hands are kind of full at the moment. Hard for him to shoot at Ilyanna at the same time, I would think.
CrazyIvan 2005-05-26 19:57:50

Quote: from fanchergw on 12:51 pm on May 26, 2005


Quote: from CrazyIvan on 10:12 am on May 26, 2005
Anyway, yes, I presume Ilyanna will be somewhat upset by our little truck boarding manuver. Which is why she will be being fired at, enough to keep her distracted. Specifically, Driving/Living/Dumping Jess...she can only manage 2 of 3.

From Dieter's last post in the IC thread:

Sprinting at top speed, the truck gets within in reach just as Carla slips off. And in a feat of sheer luck, Brian grapples on to the tailgate, grabbing Carla's hand at the last second.

Sounds like Brian's hands are kind of full at the moment. Hard for him to shoot at Ilyanna at the same time, I would think.

I tend to post multi-round "Plans of Action". Makes things go faster, and helps me think.

The statement "Indy style truck fight" covers all contingencies, and gives Dieter leeway in exactly *how* this all happens. Again for the goal of moving things quickly.
Dieter 2005-05-26 20:02:28

Quote: from CrazyIvan on 1:57 pm on May 26, 2005
The statement "Indy style truck fight" covers all contingencies, and gives Dieter leeway in exactly *how* this all happens. Again for the goal of moving things quickly.

Gah. Attack of the Quotes!

Ditto on Ivan's rationale. Everything is factored in when assuming people are going crazy all over the place.
fanchergw 2005-05-26 20:05:48
Hey, this is as close as I ever get to a chance to talk smack. Just having a little fun. :biggrin:
Dieter 2005-05-26 20:28:31
Once again, the Death Fairy has struck down the storyline.

I'm putting the brakes on everything until we get this resolved.
Dieter 2005-05-26 22:04:15
We're back!

To remedy the situation, I'm going to rule that Jess' first attack on Ilyanna is a suprise action since coming back from the dead would be quite unexpected. ;)

I'll roll initiative after Jess' attack.

Game on.