All I have is Beef Stew™.
He's got to have a garage or personal hover pad somewhere. And if a paranoid crimelord doesn't have a private elevator or passageway to said hover pad or garage then they might kick him out of the club.
The other idea is to see exactly how thick the doors are. Afterall...who would expect us to come knocking on the front door.
The other idea is to see exactly how thick the doors are. Afterall...who would expect us to come knocking on the front door.
I say we go for the sneaky/disguise route. We don't stand too much of a chance against a frontal assault and we're fresh out of wired hovervans.

Stealth isn't a bad idea, but I might lay off the disguise idea in your current situation. 
If you see some goons, would you interested in taking one alive and asking them where another entrance might be?

If you see some goons, would you interested in taking one alive and asking them where another entrance might be?
We didn't kill the gunner, we just knocked him out.
Tee Hee.
Tee Hee.
You did 4 Wounds when you did, though. He's fucked up good.
This is why being a Force user rules. 

Next chance we get, we're mounting a couple of pop-down manually controlled slugthrowers to the bottom of the Chance's hull. Maybe a ball-turret with twin .50 cals too.
Plus, we ought to get some flechette launcher action, plus a small locker of personal flechette rifles for repelling boarders.
Flechettes™: For when you need to kill something up close, but nobody uses the word "shotgun" anymore.
Flechettes™: For when you need to kill something up close, but nobody uses the word "shotgun" anymore.
I think setting up the E-Web at the entrance ramp would have been quite fun
...well, not for any potential boarders.

I got into Heroes? again and then ran into some work, plus I had to figure out some other challenges besides "you run down a corridor and find some goons." 
Jileeza - are you in any way resisting or not following the other women?

Jileeza - are you in any way resisting or not following the other women?
So who, if anyone, is currently between 'Za and Gulgo?
Within arms-reach are one of the droids and a porcine Gamorrean, the green pig-alien being the closer of the two.
Cool. Now she just needs sufficient distraction from The Boys In The Hall (does that make Wayde and company the new boy-band?)...

Okay, it's been awhile and I'm shaky. Do we think Pinky sold us out?
Hrm. From your perspective, it is a possibility.. 'Za knows Ash isn't here of his own accord, the Nikto was caught and the info was gotten from him by Joss.
You know the trouble you're in with Gulgo stems back to the theft of the Chance, because the Gran you stole it from was transporting spice to Bespin. You guys sold the spice and tore through the fence on Bespin; thus, Gulgo is after you. Pinky may have given Ash Pomba up, but Ash isn't in on it.
You know the trouble you're in with Gulgo stems back to the theft of the Chance, because the Gran you stole it from was transporting spice to Bespin. You guys sold the spice and tore through the fence on Bespin; thus, Gulgo is after you. Pinky may have given Ash Pomba up, but Ash isn't in on it.
So, basically...the enemy of our enemy is our friend?
Yeah, kinda. The idea was to send him tied up with an unpowered blaster down the hall. You guys shoot him, and then the other guys shoot you while you're distracted. Because Arnae made his awareness check, he noticed the binders so that plan was kaput.
Not... quite... dead.. yet...
I'm going to hunt for Aihal and see if he's interested in at least hanging around while Gulgo's thing gets wrapped up. If not, I'll conveniently forget about Lent and we'll wrap things up after the upcoming showdown.
I'm going to hunt for Aihal and see if he's interested in at least hanging around while Gulgo's thing gets wrapped up. If not, I'll conveniently forget about Lent and we'll wrap things up after the upcoming showdown.
'Za just needs one good opportunity to turn that stinking pile of bantha-poodo into and inanimate stinking pile of bantha-poodo.