"Shotguns kill everything" is either a cliche or a trope of the action genre, depending on one's relative cynicism.
"Shotguns kill everything" is the greatest philosophical truth of our times.
"So, is there a God?"
"What is the sense of life?"
"Are ethics universal or relative?"
"Shotguns kill everything."
*stunned silence, then chorus* "Yeah, we can get behind that."
"So, is there a God?"
"What is the sense of life?"
"Are ethics universal or relative?"
"Shotguns kill everything."
*stunned silence, then chorus* "Yeah, we can get behind that."
For empirical evidence concerning naked chicken dancing see Lethal Weapon 4.
I'll be putting some detonite in the soles of my shoes.

So, is it just Wayde and Lent doing the killing, or are Arnae and Mak coming along for extra support? I submit that Mak is a legendary pistoleer.
And I submit that both would be of much greater use to us than in some hokey religious ceremony. 
(Edited by Dieter at 11:03 pm on Jan. 6, 2005)

(Edited by Dieter at 11:03 pm on Jan. 6, 2005)
I agree.
I figured Arnae would want to get in on it, but I didn't want to include you without your input first. CuteMotherFucker's been gone for a long time, unfortunately, but the good news is Lent picks up the slack of "guy what kills things real good".
We hope...that has yet to be tested. BTW, Lent is in the second suit of armor.
Okay, yeah, Arnae's in.
Quote:Quote: from Dieter on 9:19 pm on Jan. 6, 2005
And I submit that both would be of much greater use to us than in some hokey religious ceremony.
(Edited by Dieter at 11:03 pm on Jan. 6, 2005)
Btw., I was serious about Aurelia rerouting the Hot and Cold water lines in his shower.

Did we remember to weld a ram-plat on to the front of the HoverVan?
Those were some good rolls to rig that van.

Heh heh.
Wayde will be waiting for major debris to stop falling before moving to help Lent.
Let's use the cover of dust/smoke/confusion to work our way inside.
Wayde will be waiting for major debris to stop falling before moving to help Lent.
Let's use the cover of dust/smoke/confusion to work our way inside.
Arnae will cleave to Wayde and pretty much do whatever he says.
Just for the record, Lent was trying to stay out of what he judged to be the blast radius --- we must have done a really good job on the bomb.
Yes. Yes you did.
Y'know how frontal assaults generally don't work? There's kind of a reason for that. Gulgo's got that whole, "defense in depth" kinda thing.
That's why we brought our portable arsenal.

How big is the hole? Are there any corners just inside the doors for me to hide behind?