My plan is for Mandall and Calsera to exfil with our undercover agent, but not before publicly "betraying" the rest of our little Hapian warband, revealing themselves as Imperial plants.
This way, we:
A) Do the exfil Confirm the Hutt's suspicion of the Imps
C) Deflect suspicion from the rest of the team - we were looking a bit fishy there, but they, it was really because we had Imperial spies in our midst, they played us all...
E's plan is to play it casual, while Dieter's is to (as I see it at this point) either 1) take cover and start shooting when they breach the door or 2) open the door first and at least have one round of shots before they realize you're on to them. Those plans are mostly incompatible, unless you play the "The droid's gone berserk!" card or something like that.
What's with the guns? Ion guns take out droids like Jason takes out teenagers. Murdoch happens to be a 7' shiny metal monster with blasters for hands.
Gatac: the team that allowed Imperial spies to infiltrate the Hutts probably isn't going to get off lightly. On the other hand, Ty and Murdoch might make the "deflect suspicion from the rest of the team" part moot, depending on where they end up.
Well, yeah. Figured as much. Still, we get our mole and frame the Imps, so I'd say it's still a good plan, albeit one brought on because they forced us to act a bit - rash.
Is that supposed to be the "Die, Imperial Traitor scum! (But secretly escape.)" tactic?
Might improve your chances of keeping Roga's trust if you actively fight against the spies you schlepped in, but I wouldn't bet on it. Then again, if it's just Murdock and our tech geek, it could be the other "odd man out" way - on a whole, we place our clan as Imp spies, but the robot and tech doublecross us because they like Roga better. We keep somebody on the inside, but less conspicious.
I'm giving our erstwhile ally the "We're both pros, this isn't personal, hey we might just have a job for you when this shit is over" vibe. Once we're in orbit, he's heading to the Alliance - hello, inside dirt on the Hutt! I trust Mandall's reflexes to take care of any attempts at backstabbing from Mazof.
:shock: Well, that wasn't totally unexpected, but still unpleasant. Once I get Ty's side of the mass death written, do I get to create a new character? Or am I just out?
You're not dead yet. You can still duke it out, or surrender...but you do have MDK with you, so I think the firepower is frighteningly close to even here.
Me too. I got to the doors being blown open and six guys charging in at us with weapons drawn, but then there's nothing. Can anybody get in touch with ADS?
OK, Reader's Digest version of what happens at Roga's:
1. MDK kills Roga's favorite two Wookiees in the pleasure palace.
2. Roga is angry. MDK offers himself for employment. Roga agrees.
3. Ty "fixes" MDK. Everyone goes back to Roga's place.
4. Roga shuts himself in his room and MDK and TY snoop around.
5. They eavesdrop on a call Roga places to his personal security detail.
6. Six guys kick in the door with guns.
"Everyone goes simultaneously" means that in a freak dice occurrence, everyone rolled the exact same number for initiative, so everyone's actions will happen. Even if MDK blasts ALL six guys, their shots are already in the air as they get blasted.
Speaking of blasting all six guys - MDK is hella tough, and he's a great shot, but he's not built for mass amounts of shooting. 2-3 guys is all he could conceivably hit in a round without just hoping for blind luck. In melee, his Droid Construction comes into play, and he could tackle perhaps 5-6 people. Problem there is that then Ty takes penalties so he doesn't hit MDK - unless you don't care, in which case fire away!
Couple possibilities here, if we want this over quick:
1. Both of us, Murdock & Ty, open fire on them. They take some losses, we get some injuries, depending on whether they target me or the more-threatening droid, then Ty either ducks for cover or continues looking for a prescision shot while Murdock closes to melay range and finishes them off in the second round.
2. Ty either takes a prescision shot or two while Murdock closes to melay and beats the crud out of them.
3. Ty opens fire on anything that moves, not bother to make sure Murdock isn't in the way, figuring he can fix the droid again later, Murdock goes in melay. We might get them all in a single turn, but Mudock might have the crud kicked out of him.
I'm cool with any of them, but the second might work best. Dieter, what do you think?
Just so I'm clear: Calsera is supposed to go with Vorik and the Besalisk to his yacht. They depart the planet and... go where? Back to the Sword of Alderan (or whatever our original base was called)? As far as I know, the Dragon's Roost (or whatever we're calling it these days) is docked here on the planet.
I vote for plan #3. They've basically got one chance to stun MDK, so I'd rather go down with a fight. The unexpected bum-rush should (at the very least) hinder the raiding party's efforts. I'm guessing these guys are going into the fray ready for a gunfight not hand-to-hand combat.
Short of them wielding vibro-weapons, I doubt any of them would have an appreciable effect on hardened droid metal.