Update forthcoming!
OOC: Something Completely Different/Red Dawn
Dear EoP,
Murdoch is Bender from Futurama crossed with a Centurion Cylon from BSG. He's a drunken, belligerent, killing machine. He does not care for Hutts, the Alliance, or anything else. The wookiee must die...although the prospect of droid hookers and blackjack may disuade him from using more deadly force.
Murdoch is Bender from Futurama crossed with a Centurion Cylon from BSG. He's a drunken, belligerent, killing machine. He does not care for Hutts, the Alliance, or anything else. The wookiee must die...although the prospect of droid hookers and blackjack may disuade him from using more deadly force.

I'm not saying he won't try, I'm just trying to calm him down enough to stop him from doing it without thinking, and having the Hutt throw us in some cell for the rest of our natural lives. Ganet can actually stop the fight, Ty's just trying to de-escalate it.
While I'm sure it'd be badass for Mandall to do the whole thing in the busted Snowtrooper armor, space is a bit too cold and oxygen-deprived to try to fly a TIE without a pilot suit.
As for the demolitions, I'm leaving this to Mandall's judgement: Can he place enough explosives to get rid of most of the hangar's ships without incurring a huge risk of getting spotted?
As for the demolitions, I'm leaving this to Mandall's judgement: Can he place enough explosives to get rid of most of the hangar's ships without incurring a huge risk of getting spotted?
Step 1: get flightsuit. You pretty much are reduced to bushwhacking a dude because of access keys and surveillance on the pilots' area. It's a pretty good chance you can sneak up on a lone pilot, the trick here is taking him down silently. A blaster bolt'll do the job but draw attention, so after that speed is essential. Alternatively, you could do some sort of sleeper hold, which is quieter and less reliant on dealing massive damage quickly but is a little harder to "hit" with.
Step 2: plant demo charges. You can take out their launch capability without too much trouble, but the juicy targets you want are the comm dish and the power for the AA turbolasers. Granted, you can trust your piloting skills for the latter, but if they suspect anything they'll call the Star Destroyer again.
Step 3: Escape! The good news is, this time you're just getting the hell out of there, not staying to fight. No matter how many TIEs they launch, you won't be looking at the swarm of doom like last time. You'll have to avoid AA fire as you launch and maybe AA fire from the ISD as you get into orbit, depending on your luck with disabling comms and guns.
Step 2: plant demo charges. You can take out their launch capability without too much trouble, but the juicy targets you want are the comm dish and the power for the AA turbolasers. Granted, you can trust your piloting skills for the latter, but if they suspect anything they'll call the Star Destroyer again.
Step 3: Escape! The good news is, this time you're just getting the hell out of there, not staying to fight. No matter how many TIEs they launch, you won't be looking at the swarm of doom like last time. You'll have to avoid AA fire as you launch and maybe AA fire from the ISD as you get into orbit, depending on your luck with disabling comms and guns.
Gah...next advancement, I'm taking a Commando Tactics specialisation for Combat. 
I'll go with the sleeper hold. d10 Combat, do your thing!
As for the demo charges, taking out the comms and power would seem to be a good idea - if they're not heavily defended, which I suspect they are. Oh well, I guess I'll be getting the grand tour of the base then, yes?
(To think, I used to be quite good at Commandos and Commandos 2...)
I was pondering taking an Interceptor with me, slaved to an Advanced, and stashing it for later, but at this point I'd be satisfied if there's a big boom and I make it outta there in one piece. I guess it'll be an Advanced again...well, at least I can pay back the deck chief for the one I wrecked.

I'll go with the sleeper hold. d10 Combat, do your thing!
As for the demo charges, taking out the comms and power would seem to be a good idea - if they're not heavily defended, which I suspect they are. Oh well, I guess I'll be getting the grand tour of the base then, yes?
(To think, I used to be quite good at Commandos and Commandos 2...)
I was pondering taking an Interceptor with me, slaved to an Advanced, and stashing it for later, but at this point I'd be satisfied if there's a big boom and I make it outta there in one piece. I guess it'll be an Advanced again...well, at least I can pay back the deck chief for the one I wrecked.
Both MDK and the Wookiee took some major Shock damage - it'll be a round or two before they can do much more than mumble.
We need to solve this through talking. If this goes sour, we are fraked, mission-wise. I don't supposed we could just pay for the Wookie's injuries or something?
I should clarify - in the interests of writing a more evocative narrative and crunched for time, I may have not spelled things out super-great.
Roga has two Wookiee minders. One of those Wookiees played holochess with Murdoch and got his arms ripped off. He is dead as Dooku. The second Wookiee is stunned by a combination of fisticuffs, blaster fire, and superstructural-scale power conduits.
Roga is also spiced out of his mind. Good luck.
Roga has two Wookiee minders. One of those Wookiees played holochess with Murdoch and got his arms ripped off. He is dead as Dooku. The second Wookiee is stunned by a combination of fisticuffs, blaster fire, and superstructural-scale power conduits.
Roga is also spiced out of his mind. Good luck.

Holding any future actions until the Hutt makes his move. If the Wookiee is still looking for a fight, Murdock's going to do his damndest to pull off an impressive FATALITY.
I know a) we've still got undercover stuff to do and b) we did one of those "Pimp my ride" things already, but can we start planning for getting us something better in the starfighter department than "whatever we manage to hotwire or swindle off the deck chief"? I mean, I like our ECM ship as much as the next guy, but let's not forget that we need some space superiority to make use of it.
Other than the occasional scream or blinking light, I'm assuming that Calsera doesn't really know what's going on in the main room. She's a little... occupied right now.
Hopefully, she'll get some useful intel out of all this hard work ( :wink: ) she's doing...
Hopefully, she'll get some useful intel out of all this hard work ( :wink: ) she's doing...
I debated claiming Murdock a couple times, but I figured it wouldn't be any benefit. Better to let them confer, psycho-to-psycho.
And it appears to have worked out. We now have a man, well, droid on the inside of the Hutt's circle. Hopefully, he'll get a view into the meeting, or be able to do some target practice at an opertune molment. I say we still don't claim him, though. Also, to avoid any..unpleasantness, let's be prepared to return Mandall's pilot-kicked-the-bucket bonus to Naga with minimal groaning, but not too little.
We could use some more information on the current Imperial/ scum&villany relasions, preferably by finding out what's happening in the meeting that's been mentioned. I think Calsera's mark is good for that, and we may or may not wind up invited anyway. Also, is this Nubian ship something we could steal when this is over? They're excellent engineering, up with Mon Cal, and I'm not saying that exclusively because my character comes from Naboo. We could sell it and buy a permanent set of fighters, like Gatac sugested.
We could use some more information on the current Imperial/ scum&villany relasions, preferably by finding out what's happening in the meeting that's been mentioned. I think Calsera's mark is good for that, and we may or may not wind up invited anyway. Also, is this Nubian ship something we could steal when this is over? They're excellent engineering, up with Mon Cal, and I'm not saying that exclusively because my character comes from Naboo. We could sell it and buy a permanent set of fighters, like Gatac sugested.
I'd be lying if I were to say curb-stomping the wookiees was all part of my brilliant plan to get inside the Hutt crime organization. 
Here's to not being disintegrated!

Here's to not being disintegrated!

The following occurred to me: Mandall is now the ideal guy to be caught as Rebel operative.
Everyone was clearly surprised to see him come back - this could imply that the band of Hapian pirates he'd "infiltrated" were on to him and had deliberately sabotaged his ride. Now that he's back, it's not clear if he's on to *them*.
Ergo, it would be best if anything suspicious that happens down there be traced to him instead of the whole team, because he can then jump one of the team members and take them "hostage" to cover his escape. When that happens, Ganet reveals that he's fed the "Rebel Spy" false info from day one and was just keeping him around as possible bargaining chip, you never know, and now *your* guys spooked him and he's out of our reach - bummer.
Yay for double-think!
Everyone was clearly surprised to see him come back - this could imply that the band of Hapian pirates he'd "infiltrated" were on to him and had deliberately sabotaged his ride. Now that he's back, it's not clear if he's on to *them*.
Ergo, it would be best if anything suspicious that happens down there be traced to him instead of the whole team, because he can then jump one of the team members and take them "hostage" to cover his escape. When that happens, Ganet reveals that he's fed the "Rebel Spy" false info from day one and was just keeping him around as possible bargaining chip, you never know, and now *your* guys spooked him and he's out of our reach - bummer.
Yay for double-think!
In training Roga's *heh* NEW security detail, Murdoch will be taking note of all important things like the Hutt's daily schedule, security measures throughout the compound, the failsafes and control center for said security. Basically, I'll be wanting to know how safe Roga keeps himself and his information...and how to gain access/exit at a moments notice should the need arise. 
Sneaky, not subtle.

Sneaky, not subtle.
Ty's going to try to hack Naga's computers via Roga's hookups, if there are any. If we can get them, they'll be a goldmine. Order of priority: undetectibility & stealth, followed by data. If they find Ty, he's dead, so he's going to be keeping a closer eye on not being seen in the hacking than on what he can access.
Well, with the "bring the ion guns," it sounds like Roga may be making your stay a little shorter than was expected.
Indeed. Let's see if we can find the time/place for said ambush and kill them before they get to us.