Next opportunity, I'm definitely going to pick up a specialization in pulling a ship through heavy fire. I've done it enough.
OOC: Something Completely Different/Red Dawn
How close am I to being completely fucked?
Pretty close, actually. Relatively speaking, it shouldn't be impossible to get your wreck leveled out and eject. The hard part is ejecting over Mygeeto, which is likely to be under some rather intense scrutiny by the Empire.
Welcome to your very own Behind Enemy Lines.
Welcome to your very own Behind Enemy Lines.

I smell a rescue mission...
That is, assuming we get away...
That is, assuming we get away...
Ty and Cat are clear to jump, as they won initiative.
Mandall's Pseudo-Telepathic Voice: Get the fuck out, NOW.
It pained me to post that, but a1776 hasn't posted hardly a lick since he made his character. Jorm at least was a fairly busy character for a while, but I haven't heard much from Aihal. I know he recently moved, so whenever he gets some free time again Jorm can come back all healed up - and for now, there won't be a weird "we have an absentee commanding officer" thing going on. Either way, this takes care of some loose ends and gets rid of Stumpy.
Paraphrasing one of the few good things to come out of Johnny Mnemonic.
What happened? I mean, I think Stumpy took some potshots at his guards for some reason, killing Shas, then Jorm squezed off enough shots to get Stumpy before getting hit by one of Stumpy's last shots. Still, why'd he do it? I don't suppose Ty's knowledge could include an Ouji board (sp?)? Or would Jorm know?
CSI-vision activate!
OK, well, in the fight the Dragon was damaged. A support beam or strut or otherwise lengthy, heavy bit of metal crashes through Stumpy's makeshift cell. Stumpy's free, or at least out of his cage. With a little bit of patience and observation, he knows that you guys are in deep trouble. You didn't let him go on Mygeeto - he figures he's in for a spacing now. He also knows stirring up trouble while you're in a fight will get HIM killed too. He waits, and luckily the Dragon jumps. Now's his chance. It so happens Shas is checking out the cargo bay, checking the damage or whatever. Stumpy barrels into him with a lead pipe or whatnot, manages to get his gun in the scuffle, and blasts Shas. Jorm comes running not two steps behind, trades shots with Stumpy and kills him but takes some grevious wounds of his own.
Loose ends tied up, AWOL players shuffled off for safekeeping.
OK, well, in the fight the Dragon was damaged. A support beam or strut or otherwise lengthy, heavy bit of metal crashes through Stumpy's makeshift cell. Stumpy's free, or at least out of his cage. With a little bit of patience and observation, he knows that you guys are in deep trouble. You didn't let him go on Mygeeto - he figures he's in for a spacing now. He also knows stirring up trouble while you're in a fight will get HIM killed too. He waits, and luckily the Dragon jumps. Now's his chance. It so happens Shas is checking out the cargo bay, checking the damage or whatever. Stumpy barrels into him with a lead pipe or whatnot, manages to get his gun in the scuffle, and blasts Shas. Jorm comes running not two steps behind, trades shots with Stumpy and kills him but takes some grevious wounds of his own.
Loose ends tied up, AWOL players shuffled off for safekeeping.
That's as much of a NOLF moment as I can get without having them kill themselves from their own stupidity, Gatty. 
You made your stealth check, so you can be at a standoff distance or right behind one of 'em if you like. Your pick. There's plenty of cover, visibility is about a hundred meters. One scout is sifting through the wreckage (~20 meters from the bikes), while the other has moved maybe 4-5 meters from the bikes. The bikes are sitting 2 meters apart.
With time to aim, you could probably reliably hit someone (standing still, no cover) at the outer edge of your visibility with your blaster pistol.
As for everyone else, I am going on vacation to Kitty Hawk next week. You've got some repairs to roleplay, some losses to attend to, and some decisions to make regarding what to do with Naga and what to report to Kolit, as Threadbare said.

You made your stealth check, so you can be at a standoff distance or right behind one of 'em if you like. Your pick. There's plenty of cover, visibility is about a hundred meters. One scout is sifting through the wreckage (~20 meters from the bikes), while the other has moved maybe 4-5 meters from the bikes. The bikes are sitting 2 meters apart.
With time to aim, you could probably reliably hit someone (standing still, no cover) at the outer edge of your visibility with your blaster pistol.
As for everyone else, I am going on vacation to Kitty Hawk next week. You've got some repairs to roleplay, some losses to attend to, and some decisions to make regarding what to do with Naga and what to report to Kolit, as Threadbare said.
Light 'em up, starting with the guy who has the rifle out. Can't risk taking them along, leaving them out here is just a nastier death, and if they do get a rescue party the whole city will be looking for me.
Sorry guys, but you're blaster food. Thanks for playing, don't pick the Empire next time.
Sorry guys, but you're blaster food. Thanks for playing, don't pick the Empire next time.
Might I sugest a yell of something like, "I'd like to see a stormtrooper do this!"?
Also, I'd like to sugest that we start to compile a full report of the entire incident, every major event, for Kolit. Set the whole thing to be broadcast out if we loose the ship, then all files wiped as a safety measure, however we do send him a quick summary of the general events by piggybacking it through as many different routings as we can. Next, we fix the blaster damage in the cargo bay, at least any from the firefight, and for Naga's sake pretend it never happened. Find a legitimate excuse for the injuries of Jorm and the death of Shas, then space/disintegrate Stumpy, or vice-versa (space/disintegrate Stumpy, then find excuses for Shas and Jorm). Next, we limp back to Naga's place, make as many repairs as we can with no Alliance interfereance, and tell him something along the lines of "Failed delivery due to massive Imperial crackdown of unknown extent." then we demand an increase in our fee for the loss of our pilots and misleading us about to nature of the run and that we weren't warned about this much of an Imperial interest in preventing Naga's activities or something.
One worry, though: Does an attack on the sight of our first run really help our credibility? Especielly given Naga's fears that we were Imps in the first place? Also, how was our spy outed? A traitor in the Alliance or dumb luck on our part?
Also, I'd like to sugest that we start to compile a full report of the entire incident, every major event, for Kolit. Set the whole thing to be broadcast out if we loose the ship, then all files wiped as a safety measure, however we do send him a quick summary of the general events by piggybacking it through as many different routings as we can. Next, we fix the blaster damage in the cargo bay, at least any from the firefight, and for Naga's sake pretend it never happened. Find a legitimate excuse for the injuries of Jorm and the death of Shas, then space/disintegrate Stumpy, or vice-versa (space/disintegrate Stumpy, then find excuses for Shas and Jorm). Next, we limp back to Naga's place, make as many repairs as we can with no Alliance interfereance, and tell him something along the lines of "Failed delivery due to massive Imperial crackdown of unknown extent." then we demand an increase in our fee for the loss of our pilots and misleading us about to nature of the run and that we weren't warned about this much of an Imperial interest in preventing Naga's activities or something.
One worry, though: Does an attack on the sight of our first run really help our credibility? Especielly given Naga's fears that we were Imps in the first place? Also, how was our spy outed? A traitor in the Alliance or dumb luck on our part?
Board's updated to newest version, vacation crazy has worn off, back to posting. 
To address E's points:
1. The delivery actually did happen. It was a brainfart on my part not to be more specific, but you offloaded the cargo and received payment.
2. I would think that losing two and a half men would lay Naga's fears to rest about you possibly being spies. If anything, it's more incentive for you to blame someone in Naga's organization.
3. As for your Besalisk spy, Stumpy didn't have a chance to tell you how they knew, even if he DID know how they knew. It's likely Kolit and Maso don't know their man is compromised either. If he's still alive, getting him out of Naga's clutches would be a kindness.

To address E's points:
1. The delivery actually did happen. It was a brainfart on my part not to be more specific, but you offloaded the cargo and received payment.
2. I would think that losing two and a half men would lay Naga's fears to rest about you possibly being spies. If anything, it's more incentive for you to blame someone in Naga's organization.
3. As for your Besalisk spy, Stumpy didn't have a chance to tell you how they knew, even if he DID know how they knew. It's likely Kolit and Maso don't know their man is compromised either. If he's still alive, getting him out of Naga's clutches would be a kindness.
So, one snowtrooper down, the other disabled?
Mostly - if you need to do anything to him/with him, now's the time, else he could recover from the pain enough to pop off a few shots. If you don't need to talk to him or anything, you can cap him and be on your way without trouble.
I recommend grabbing some cold weather gear from them if you can. Just a thought.
That's why I ambushed them. 
I'm also interested in getting whatever names and codes the guy has, it might make my escape easier if I can pretend to be Imperial even if its just for the approach to the city.

I'm also interested in getting whatever names and codes the guy has, it might make my escape easier if I can pretend to be Imperial even if its just for the approach to the city.
I guess I could have improvised some method of torture (parking the intact hoverbike over him and switching off the repulsorlifts, repeatedly, comes to mind), but he was right - his friends will come looking, and people under duress have a notoriously poor record for telling the truth in lieu of whatever will make the hurtin' stop. Interrogation = waste of time.
Besides, damn NPCs oughta know better than to give a Vandal attitude.
Besides, damn NPCs oughta know better than to give a Vandal attitude.

Just so you know, I'm not ignoring the game. I'm mostly waiting on a response from Aurelia. That said, Cat will continue to assist her with ship repairs until something more interesting groundside comes along.