a. A costal invasion by N. Koreans
b. A covert U.S. op
c. A Seawolf-class "recovery" vessel (that is a Seawolf, isn't it? Either that, or the new Atlanta. Regardless, its a hunter-killer)
d. A Typhoon-class ex-Soviet ICBM sub.
This setup makes the baby jesus cry. As for what to do...umm...run?
Sorry for being AWOL. As for plans I like the 'hauling ass back to the Seawolf' part. Just what kind of 'surveillance' is Papa Bear inferring? Kyun is happy to burn through a roll (data chip) of film, as long as it's from outside of missle range.
Well in that case, two sets of eyes are better than one. Kyun will try to rig up Alpha 2's sniper rifle with a video bug so that the scope view can be output to Kyun's laptop, any good images can be frame grabbed. He'll also of course use his camera (or lend it to another team member while he's jury-rigging), cursing his decision not to take along an IR lens.
Edit: getting in the habit of using Alpha/Bravo callsigns.
It sounds like a plan to make a run at the sub, taking pictures all the way.
Scratch rigging my scope to a camera. The russian's had a bad habit of mounting scary AA toys on their conning towers, and there's no reason to think that the North Koreans, or the Russians for that matter - since I can't imagine them selling the pride of the fleet to the Koreans - took them off. I vote to keep Brian on "keep your goddamn head down or you'll get it blown off" detail.
Because we really, really need to not get shot down in the middle of the Sea of Japan. And we don't have nearly enough people with breaching armor and shotguns to take a sub.
In that case, Kyun will connect and upload the data from Bravo-1's recovered camera, instead of fiddling with the sniper rifle. Kyun will leave distance decisions to Alpha 1.
Kyun will after getting the data off the recovered camera. Unless anyone else brought one along that gives us two cameras, if I recall correctly it's the surveillance skill which determines if you know your way around a camera.