We'll have an update tomorrow.
POST-MORTEM/OOC: IX - Aftermath and Afterwords
Oh shit. I don't want to die in a fireball - what's this stupid helicopter got that floats?
heh, fuck you all, I've got +5 to swim.
(Edited by Threadbare at 1:49 am on April 19, 2003)
(Edited by Threadbare at 1:49 am on April 19, 2003)
Um, I did send Dieter a revision of my skill points that did have some Swim ranks.
ah. I didn't see it on the dossiers (and I checked beforehand).
IP did send me the revision weeks ago, I just forgot to update his dossier.
Cue Jeff Goldblum (Jurassic Park, ID4) "Must go faster ... must go faster."
Like I said.
"Hang on, we're in for some chop"
My question is, in the event of a water landing, does my rifle case double as a floatation device?
"Hang on, we're in for some chop"
My question is, in the event of a water landing, does my rifle case double as a floatation device?

Everyone has exactly one round to act before the Blackhawk crashes into the sea. And due to the possibly traumatic nature of what is to come, I'm giving everyone one full day to declare their actions.
If you don't post, I'll assume you just braced for impact and go from there.
Everyone has exactly one round to act before the Blackhawk crashes into the sea. And due to the possibly traumatic nature of what is to come, I'm giving everyone one full day to declare their actions.
If you don't post, I'll assume you just braced for impact and go from there.
Brace. I don't think Jess has the guts to jump ship, er, Blackhawk.
Your survival chances are good...pending ADS' crash check.
If anyone would like to throw in action dice, this would be the time to tell me. Everyone still had 3d6 to use.
If anyone would like to throw in action dice, this would be the time to tell me. Everyone still had 3d6 to use.
I'll put one in, it gets a +1 dept. bonus.
Here's what's available (i.e. able to be grabbed within one round) inside the Blackhawk.
-One self-inflating liferaft
-100 ft of rope
-One PFD (personal floatation device)
One survival vest containing the following (but not available for usage right now):
Strobe Light, IR Filter, Magnesium Fire Starter, Chapstick, Matches, Whistle, Pocket Knife, Insect Repellant, Rocket Flares/Gun, Day/Night Flare, Hand Saw, Mirror, Compass, Pen Light, Camouflage Stick,
Tourniquet, 9mm Pistol,GPS Receiver.
That's about it. You can grasp for straws by asking me for other things, but the Blackhawk was pretty much stripped down to bare metal to get you out this far.
-One self-inflating liferaft
-100 ft of rope
-One PFD (personal floatation device)
One survival vest containing the following (but not available for usage right now):
Strobe Light, IR Filter, Magnesium Fire Starter, Chapstick, Matches, Whistle, Pocket Knife, Insect Repellant, Rocket Flares/Gun, Day/Night Flare, Hand Saw, Mirror, Compass, Pen Light, Camouflage Stick,
Tourniquet, 9mm Pistol,GPS Receiver.
That's about it. You can grasp for straws by asking me for other things, but the Blackhawk was pretty much stripped down to bare metal to get you out this far.
Quote:Quote: from admiralducksauce on 10:22 am on April 21, 2003
I'll put one in, it gets a +1 dept. bonus.
You also get double dice since it's a DEX based action.

Brian will brace for impact, and make sure his knife his handy should he have to cut himself out of the harness.
Also, he'll do his darndest to catch anyone who goes tumbling on his side.
Spending dice as necessary.
Also, he'll do his darndest to catch anyone who goes tumbling on his side.
Spending dice as necessary.
Harkening back to his elementry school days, Kyun will 'Duck and Cover'.
I hope my computer makes it, I have that save game near the end of ADOM.
I hope my computer makes it, I have that save game near the end of ADOM.
I'll spend an action die (doubled by class bonus) for my evasion roll. That skill is damn useful. Between now and then, just grab the life vest and hang onto my stuff.
Quote:Quote: from Threadbare on 9:22 pm on April 21, 2003
I'll spend an action die (doubled by class bonus) for my evasion roll. That skill is damn useful. Between now and then, just grab the life vest and hang onto my stuff.
I'll tell ya right now. Unless ADS seriously bombs his check, you'll be perfectly fine.
Evasion is everyone's friend during crashes.

Hmmn, maybe I should save the action dice for swimming, then...