Wait, I wasn't necesarily trying to pull the cords out, thought that's a secondary objective. I was trying to pull the guy holding the stungun over to me so that I would be harder to shoot safely.
It was just a case of you rolling not-so-good and your opponent rolling equally crappy. It was essentially a non-event, but since you didn't completely fail, I gave you some leeway as to what happened.
20 - Number of Red Army soldiers disembarking their transports at the RR crossing. Add another twenty SMP policemen to that number for a total strength of area enforcement.
4 - Number of injured, maimed, dying people currently residing in Ayumi/Carla's cabin. Georgi is bleeding like a stuck pig and his partner, Pavlov, is currently doing his best impression of Steve Buscemi from Fargo.
24/7 - Approximate amount of time the Chief Inspector of the SMP spends drinking. His breath is flammable, bordering on hazardous.
On that note, there may be a decrease in my posting frequency (in case you haven't noticed it in They Are Many yet). I've got a major research paper coming due, and it's draining my creative juices. Towards the end of the week hopefully I'll pick up again.
Quote: from Punkey on 12:57 am on Feb. 9, 2005
If we stall long enough for the inevitable Hell breaking loose, we can slip away without our new FSB covers being blown.