Um, not to burst that plan or anything but Peter needs to be there to make sure Anatoli's not telling the doctors like "these men have kidnapped me and are highly dangerous, please kill them at the first chance you get".
We can put two in his head and ditch the body (kind of mean), we can keep him with us (not good for his overall condition), but I don't think leaving him somewhere unsupervised is a good idea either.
Can we contact the Agency and get Anatoli a ride out of here?
OOC: XV - Big Bada-Boom
*grabs his bag of action dice*
Favor check!
Favor check!
Quote:Favor check for -what-? You have to be specific.Quote: from Gatac on 5:22 pm on Feb. 9, 2005
*grabs his bag of action dice*
Favor check!
I'm thinking we kick out a window/leave the traincar and jump off the train as it's slowing down. Maybe then we can switch trains, or blend into the crowd. We jump to the side that doesn't have all the cops on it.
Don't worry, I've got a plan and I'm approximately 75% sure that no one will need to get killed for it to work.
Well, uh, this was more of a joke (seeing how I don't recall us using the favor check mechanic, like, ever), but I'd guess we want a Transportation favor check, about DC 10 for a passenger plane or so.
Quote:Ok. I thought so.Quote: from Gatac on 2:52 am on Feb. 10, 2005
Well, uh, this was more of a joke (seeing how I don't recall us using the favor check mechanic, like, ever), but I'd guess we want a Transportation favor check, about DC 10 for a passenger plane or so.
A passenger plane to where? I could be a real dick and do something nasty, but I thought I'd ask before throwing Anatoli on a plane bound for Outer Mongolia.

Somewhere reasonably close with an Agency presence...I didn't have anything specific in mind, just somewhere where he'll be safe.
How's Afghanistan sound? There's friendly military present, and he could go on from there to somewhere in Western Europe or the US with a few more steps.
How's Afghanistan sound? There's friendly military present, and he could go on from there to somewhere in Western Europe or the US with a few more steps.
Anatoli's departure will be seen in a forthcoming post.
Now, back to the countdown.
Now, back to the countdown.
I forgot to mention that Jacque would have seen Carla and Ayumi exiting stage right, if not having also heard them kicking out the window.
The train stops in the next post.
The train stops in the next post.
You are officially b0rked. Have fun. 

Quote:heheheheheheheheheheheheheQuote: from Gatac on 9:01 am on Feb. 11, 2005
You are officially b0rked. Have fun.
Hey, Germans did invent Schadenfreude. 

Quote:Yep. And I am a very big fan of it.Quote: from Gatac on 9:31 am on Feb. 11, 2005
Hey, Germans did invent Schadenfreude.
As a great GM once said to my gaming group,
"I am not here to judge you, I'm only here to tell you what you did wrong."
Yes, Gatty. You read the last post correctly.
The b0rk keeps spreading...
It's your call as to whether the message from FBN was legit or not. It did come from a different feed than the "fake" Agency transmission.
I can tell you that FBN is more of an Agency contractor than an actual part of the organization.
I can tell you that FBN is more of an Agency contractor than an actual part of the organization.
Peter's waiting for the new orders. No experiments until then.
Did you miss my last post? Jacques left his room to move back through the train. He was trying to keep an eye on C & A.
Did you miss my last post? Jacques left his room to move back through the train. He was trying to keep an eye on C & A.
Is there any chance I can get this guy to keel over right now? Heart attack, seizure, anything?