You're the lucky guy with access to the ion cannons. Ganet has fire control for the torpedoes and laser cannon.
OOC 2: Vandal Squadron - same as the first
Of course, the Lambda has to get clear of the asteroid field to make the jump. Hopefully, they can disable it as it's powering up its hyperdrive. Also, if they can cut it off, they can make it hard for it to accelerate to the necessary speed.
I say lob a torpedo at Tau 3, more to keep them off my back than to actually attack. I'm chasing after the lambda, engaging as the possibilities open up.
Im for playing into my strenghts and lob a torp at one of the escorts as soon as possible.
Jorm will be shooting at whatever he can preferably the primary target.
(Edited by Aihal the Silent at 3:29 pm on Nov. 18, 2005)
(Edited by Aihal the Silent at 3:29 pm on Nov. 18, 2005)
The Lambda and Tau 3 have lost deflector shields; Tau 3 has structural damage to boot. Tau 2 has some shield damage.
Next round:
Tau 3
Ganet & Jorm
Tau 2
Cal & Eritram go at the end of the round.
Mandall, you get your pick of who you wish to attack at no penalty. Ganet, you may engage the Lambda or Tau 2 at no penalty, or Tau 3 at a penalty.
Tau 3 is engaging Ganet & Jorm - since Jorm is turret gunner, he can fire back at no penalty (compared to Ganet, who would have a penalty to try to get him off his tail first).
It doesn't matter who Tau 2 is engaging, they're at a penalty against anyone, and the B-Wing isn't in range until after their turn. As a reminder, both shuttles have rear turrets so you may be fired upon if you engage them even if they are already lined up on someone else.
I've got Eritram's action as popping one of the escorts with a torp (probably will fire at the most damaged ship, get them down for good).
Next round:
Tau 3
Ganet & Jorm
Tau 2
Cal & Eritram go at the end of the round.
Mandall, you get your pick of who you wish to attack at no penalty. Ganet, you may engage the Lambda or Tau 2 at no penalty, or Tau 3 at a penalty.
Tau 3 is engaging Ganet & Jorm - since Jorm is turret gunner, he can fire back at no penalty (compared to Ganet, who would have a penalty to try to get him off his tail first).
It doesn't matter who Tau 2 is engaging, they're at a penalty against anyone, and the B-Wing isn't in range until after their turn. As a reminder, both shuttles have rear turrets so you may be fired upon if you engage them even if they are already lined up on someone else.
I've got Eritram's action as popping one of the escorts with a torp (probably will fire at the most damaged ship, get them down for good).
I'm doing Tau 2 - they're my kill, dammit! 

I'd like to rake Tau 2 with laser fire as I set up Jorm for a better Ion shot on the Lambda. We want it disabled, not destroyed.
Next round:
Tau 2 is choosing to attack Ganet (a Y-Wing should be easier to hit than that accursed X-Wing) and it's attacking the escort's charge as well. The Lambda is running.
The Dagger is in range now, but due to the distance between the escort and the Lambda it can engage one OR the other. It has no ion weapons, though, but does have the tractor beam if you can get the shuttle disabled.
Tau 2 is choosing to attack Ganet (a Y-Wing should be easier to hit than that accursed X-Wing) and it's attacking the escort's charge as well. The Lambda is running.

I've told Threadbare on AIM: Mandall is a really great rodeo clown.
Sometimes I just wish his d8 Combat would be worth something.
Sometimes I just wish his d8 Combat would be worth something.

In this particular case, hitting isn't the problem - it's just your damage rolls have been less than spectacular.
Oh well. If I can keep the escorts busy (and all signs point to "Yes" on that), my job is done.
Now somebody ion the shuttle, please.
Now somebody ion the shuttle, please.
I'm putting all my effort into getting right on the lambda's ass, not hitting any asteroids or missles in the process.
Jorm will be zapping those bastardos with ion-ey goodness.
Calsera will coax any extra speed she can out of the B-wing in an effort to interrupt its ability to run away.
As an aside; Ganet's Y-Wing was hit. Mandall never got scratched. The damage isn't bad out-of-combat, but if Calsera hadn't zapped the shuttle it would have outdistanced you.
Quote:D'oh! Edited!Quote: from admiralducksauce on 2:02 pm on Nov. 23, 2005
As an aside; Ganet's Y-Wing was hit. Mandall never got scratched. The damage isn't bad out-of-combat, but if Calsera hadn't zapped the shuttle it would have outdistanced you.
Back on schedule. All right, the Dagger has the shuttle tractored away from any impending rocks. Who is going aboard? It's kind of tricky, since most of you are in fighters - they don't really "dock", the cockpits just open up. Jorm and Ganet could leave, they specified that they were wearing EVA suits (although it's not a sticking point and if Mandall, Cal, or Eritram wanted to board we can just say you brought one too), but otherwise it is probably going to be Dutch and Aurelia (because IP's gone AWOL Arnae's gonna stick with the Dagger). Dutch to round up the crew, Aurelia to bring their systems back so you can take it home.
I'm staying in the X-Wing. Never know when reinforcements might show up.