OOC 2: Vandal Squadron - same as the first

Dieter 2005-11-14 19:31:14
We should have the faster ships up front for a potential intercept if the Imperials decide to bug out.
Aihal the Silent 2005-11-14 20:02:19

Quote: from Dieter on 1:31 pm on Nov. 14, 2005
We should have the faster ships up front for a potential intercept if the Imperials decide to bug out.

Agreed. Better a damaged but repairable shuttle in our landing bays than a perfectly undamaged one actually completing its mission.

The asteroid tractor sounds like a good idea.
Gatac 2005-11-16 16:33:54
I'm not sure if I already asked or if I was just planning to, so here goes: Are we using WW2 dogfighting physics or can we do Babylon 5 Starfury stunts?

fanchergw 2005-11-16 16:56:26
ADS, Are there two escorts or three? The post says two, then describes positioning for three ("in front of the Lambda and to either side"). Or are we talking sort of a V formation with the top of the V leading?
Aihal the Silent 2005-11-16 17:12:07
Do the Escort Shuttles have rear-firing guns [generally and specifically in this case if we know]?
Aihal the Silent 2005-11-16 17:18:49
What do you think:

Let them pass by, hope we go undetected and nail them from behind?

Jump out now and act as a decoy?

Jump out at the last minute and take them head on [duh!]?
Admiral Duck Sauce 2005-11-16 17:32:06
Sorry, I meant for the formation to be a V, with the Lambda acting as the center point and the TWO escorts as the upper points.

esc esc
| |
| |
| |

Go ASCII art! :)

Assault shuttles have forward-firing laser cannon on each wingtip, a small nose launcher (front fire arc), and a rear-firing ball turret (like a B-52). They are bigger (but slower) than a B-Wing; less firepower than a Skipray blastboat but cheaper.
Gatac 2005-11-16 17:41:56
With awareness of the firing angles involved, I vote we dive in from above and slightly to the front of the escorts. Blitz them before they know what's coming.

Dieter 2005-11-16 17:43:27

Quote: from Gatac on 11:41 am on Nov. 16, 2005
With awareness of the firing angles involved, I vote we dive in from above and slightly to the front of the escorts. Blitz them before they know what's coming.


I'm with Gatty on the tactics.
fanchergw 2005-11-16 18:29:34
I agree with one exception: The B-wing should ignore the escorts and go straight for the Lambda. We want to disable it before it can skidaddle outta here.
Gatac 2005-11-16 18:31:52
I agree with you disagreeing with the original agreement.


(Edited by Gatac at 6:36 pm on Nov. 16, 2005)
Aihal the Silent 2005-11-16 19:27:06
Since Jorm and Ganet's Y-wing has the best chance of striking first, we can go for the primary objective. And have the other fighters follow us.

BTW, what was the final ship breakdown for our group?
Admiral Duck Sauce 2005-11-16 19:29:46
Jorm/Ganet: Y-Wing
Cal/Eritram: B-Wing
Mandall: X-Wing
Aurelia: Dagger

I haven't heard from IP in a loong time, and Dieter never decided where Dutch was riding, so assume they're in the Dagger as well.
Admiral Duck Sauce 2005-11-17 20:43:07
Initiative and dogfighting order are as follows:

Both Tau 2 and Tau 3 are lined up on Ganet and Jorm, although Tau 2 used their turn and missed.

Ganet may engage either escort at a penalty or engage the Lambda as normal. Jorm, as turret gunner you may engage either escort normally, but may only fire upon the Lambda if Ganet wants to engage it.

Mandall, you're a crazy pilot with the fastest ship. You may act at the end of the turn and may engage whoever you like at a penalty. The Dagger and B-Wing will act last next round and may roll initiative the following round.

The Lambda is attempting to bug out. If they roll well, it could be in the clear in 3-4 rounds. If they roll badly, well... you might not even have a shuttle left. Keep in mind that a disabled shuttle in an asteroid field might not last long.
Gatac 2005-11-17 20:54:11
I'll target Tau 2 and stick with my high-speed attack, maximum time to pepper them with turbolasers before pulling out to avoid a collision.

Deploy Stuka sound effects!

Aihal the Silent 2005-11-17 21:01:57
What guns does Jorm have access to as the Turret Gunner? I take it he can also act as an operations officer.

Waiting for Ganet.