Is Mandall headed for the shuttle or not? Anyways, if he's in visual sight, or if I'm otherwise made aware that he's in need of assistance, I'll try to cover him. Ganet's wired that way.
I don't know about a "smoking hole", but I think it would be best if we couldn't be identified by anyone on the base. So, total destruction isn't necessary, but making sure that few if any informative data fragments [like those so often found in the KOTOR games] survive. And I definitely think we should eliminate any offensive capabilities.
Any other thoughts on the extent of the destruction we should inflict upon the base before getting the hell out of dodge?
I'm just worried about what happens when someone mentions "Hey remember that shuttle we had sitting here? Well, they took it." Meanwhile, we are pulled over by an Imperial Hyperspace Trooper in a stupid hat who says "Son, I believe you are flying a stolen shuttle, please die quietly."
EDIT: We also don't want them realizing we came in on the Dagger.
(Edited by Aihal the Silent at 3:13 pm on Oct. 13, 2005)
Well, you've got another shuttle to make off with, and some grateful farmers to drop off/recruit/space/sell into slavery/eat. What are you doing with the shuttle you have now? Bring it back to the Sword of Alderaan? Use it in a ploy to get your second shuttle? Park it on a moon somewhere safe until you're ready?
Quote: from Aihal the Silent on 8:39 am on Oct. 21, 2005
We still have Brogan stowed in a cargo container. We should really get rid of him so he doesn't sabotage our plans.
Yeah, I was thinking: do we keep the shuttle as is or switch transponders and various other techno gobbily-gook to keep its origins a secret?
Brogan should get searched, interrogated, then possibly that order.
I seem to be fresh out of brilliant ideas of how to nab the second Lambda. I'm inclined to take the first one back to base so that nothing happens to it while we're trying to bag the second.